Chapter 3 A day at the Mall

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Alright guys I'm back with another chapter filled with secrets and foreshado-Wait, oh sorry I meant.A chapter filled with Sweet and cute scenes and love!Enjoy!

Your POV

We walked through the entrance of the mall and us guys was immediately hit by a feeling that all our wallets would be empty by the time we would walk out. Immediately Natsuki wanted to go to "Barns and Nobles" to look for the next volume in her series that she was currently reading."~How about we go to the clothes section first?" Monika said as Sayori shook her head agreeing with her while Alex had a look on his face that basically said, "My wallets gonna be gone..."

I lightly chuckled as he looked over at me."You haven't gotten a job yet have you?" I asked as he said. "I don't see you working at the moment either Y/N."He said with a smug face."True enough."

After about 10 minutes of the girls arguing on where we should go, they eventually agreed that we would we split up by gender and go into whatever stores we wanted.I kissed Natsuki on her forehead and said bye as me and the guys left and went where ever we wanted.

"Well this awkward."Alex said out of nowhere whichever's caused me and Jones to laugh."You can say that again!"Jones said in his rough voice as we looked around until we eventually decided to go to "game-stop". "Holy shit, they have Fallout 76!!" Alex said as he rushed over and grabbed it while me and Jones went over to look at some games."They got Red Dead Redemption 2, Halo Infinite, a hentai looking game....and nothing else..." "I would like to get Halo Infinite But I'm trying to save my money."

"Why?" Alex asked as he walked back to us."I just want to save, Ive been spending way too much money." "And that's why you need to get a job!" Alex said causing Jones to laugh as I lightly punched Alex."So do you!" "I've been looking!" "At porn!"I said as me and Jones began to laugh while Alex's face practically turned into a strawberry.After about 3 minutes of us laughing we finally stopped.

"But no joke though, we actually gotta get jobs." "Yeah."Jones said as Alex pulled out his phone as he read a text."Welp, looks like I'm not getting Fallout 76." "Why not?"I said as he put the game back in its original spot."Sayori sent me a picture of a dress that she wants and it looks pretty expensive to be honest."He said as I made a mental note of what to get Alex for his birthday that was in 2 months."Oh shit..."I said as I realized that Natsuki's birthday was next week and I still haven't gotten her a gift.

"What?" Alex said as I responded with."I just realized that Natsuki's birthday is next week and I still haven't gotten her a gift.." "That's sad." "Haven't you and Natsuki been together since...the beginning of Highschool?Right?" Jones asked as I thought about her gift."Yeah, pretty much." "Damn, and you're still dating!?" "What's wrong about that? I asked as he said. "You plan on asking her to marry you yet?" He said which put a image of me and Natsuki together but only as Man and Wife, it was a nice thought and was something I definitely wanted.

"No, i plan on marrying her after college." "That's too long buddy, a lot can happen in that time. If I was you I would ask her to marry me this year, get married in the summer and settle down...have would be nice."He said as a thought creeped its way into my head."Alex, are you planning on marrying Sayori soon?" I asked as he began to blush and looked away. "Alex, you can be honest with me..." "Yeah...I was planning on asking her by the end of this year and trying to get our Wedding done sometime in summer..."He said as I said.

"Look Alex, I like you.You've treated Sayori like a goddess, you've always stood up for her, cared for her, loved her, and protected her from herself and others.I would love to see her get married and I don't mind if it's with you.So you have my full trust and consent on that but.If you ever fucking harm her In anyway...then I'm gonna beat your ass.You understand?"I said in a serious tone as he said. "Yes, I understand." "Good, now let's get out of here.We've spent too much time in here and that cashier is starting to give us weird looks!"

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