Chapter 12 Recovery

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Nothing to say here either...

Natsuki's POV

"Sorry, Who are you?" Those 4 words flew out of his mouth and I felt my heart crack."Haha....Y-Y/'s me N-Natsuki your g-girlfriend...."I said with a shaking voice as he looked confused, he then opened his mouth and said."I don't know you and you definitely aren't my girlfriend."He said with a straight face as my felt my heart shatter into a million pieces as he said those words."Y-Y/N it's m-me Nat-Natsuki!"I said as tears began to stream from my only eye as the doctors grabbed my shoulders as I tried to approach him, his mom turned her head and put a hand over her mouth as she began to cry too.

"Y/N,you've g-got to re-remember me!Did yo-you really forget me, J-jone, Alex, Moni-ka  And Sayori!?"I said as I felt all of my happiness turn into dust and my heart....well I didn't have one anymore."Sayori!?Shes here too!Is she ok!?" He said in a worried tone and I froze completely as I digested those words, even the doctors were stunned too." remember h-her...?"I said as he said."Please, is she ok?!"He remembered Sayori and his mom but no one else..."Shes o-ok..."I said as I couldn't help but cry even more as he said."Who are the others?"He said to which I looked up and choked out.

"The-their your friends!Im your future wife!!"I choked out as I felt the tears run down my cheeks as I felt my soul get crushed as I finally realized that all of those times of me and Y/N snuggling, cooking, teasing each other, cuddling, watching anime together....were gone...ripped away all because of me wanting to go out and was my fault...if I hadn't made that suggestion then we would be at home right now cuddling....making love...watching anime...but that was gone now...

"Like I said!I don't know who you are!!"He shouted this time which was like a knife going straight through my chest as I fell to the ground.The pain in my leg was nothing to the feeling of being forgotten by the one you can't forget and love.

"P-Please Y/N....please remember....for your friends sake....for your child's sake...."I choked out as I realized that I never told him that I was pregnant with his child....this destroyed me as I realized that he would never know that i was bearing his child....he would never accept the child in this state....the child would never have a real father...I cried out as this hit me in the stomach like a punch..."Ple-please rem-remember US!!PLEASE Y/N!!"I cried out in pain as the memories of me and Y/N played out in my head....but as they played out....they turned to dust as they were ripped away....just like how Y/Ns memories of me...everyone....were ripped away...

I then cried out one final time as I felt pain shoot through me...but this was a different type of pain...this was the pain of never seeing MY Y/N was so painful.....I then cried out one last time...and succumbed to the darkness...

Your POV

The doctors carefully carried the girl out of my room and into hers as this event or...encounter left me stunned, and with some questions that I needed to be she said those things I noticed how my head went from being..."empty"....becoming fuzzy or like a little weird."Mom, Who was that girl and why was she saying those things?"I asked rather intrigued at her actions.My mom had tears in her eyes as she opened her mouth and said.

"I think it's best if you gets some rest and then I'll tell you..."She said as she gripped my hand as the doctors approached me and said."Excuse me, but we need to run some test to make sure you're alright, Mentally."They said as I agreeded and they began the test."Can you tell me your name and date of birth?" They said as I responded with."Y/N, your date of birth." "Alright, can you tell me the date?" "June 4th,...2026."I said as it took some time to remember the year."Can you read what this says?"They asked me as they held up a sign that had some random letters on it, I then read them out loud and the doctor nodded his head as he then said."I would like to take a few ultrasounds and x-rays later, for now, rest."

They said as they left the room with the others, a nurse came in and began to mess with the bags.I felt a little lightheaded after everything that has happened, then I remembered that the girl had mentioned Sayori."Mom!Hows sayori?Is she ok?!"I asked in a worried tone as she said."Shes Alright, But she's suffering from a few broken ribs, an arm and some internal bleeding...but she's alive..."She said as I felt tears form into my eyes as I let them fall from my eyes and onto my cheeks...

Natsuki's POV

It's been about 6 hours since I've last seen Y/N and I'm just so heartbroken, he doesn't remember any of us expect his mom and Sayroi.It doesn't make any sense!!Why would he only remember those two and not anyone else, it's not fair!!"It's not fair, and it doesn't make any sense!!"I somewhat shouted as I slammed my fist down on my bed as I felt tears slide down my face as I still didn't want to accept the fact that Y/N had may never love me again or even know about his child.

Which I was beginning to feel my child's affects in my body a lot more, I've become more....sensitive...vulnerable and more...expressive as our baby was now about 3 weeks old and was now starting to make they're presence known whether I liked it or not.I knew it would only get harder but I loved Y/N and our child...i WILL overcome this obstacle.

"Actually it does make sense..."I heard a voice as I looked up and saw a doctor in the doorway, he then came over and sat down next to me as he opened his mouth and said."Your boyfriend, Y/N...has lost all memory of you and his friends expect the patient "Sayori" and his mother, the reason why he remembers sayoir is due to her being in his life ever since he was a child.That bind is so strong that it can't be broken, but the reason why he forgot about everyone else to due to them and you not being in his life that long is what I'm assuming...I'm so sorry."

"Why'd he lose his memories though..."I asked as I felt tears streaming down my face as I digested the news."He suffered brain damage to the front left side of his head and damaged a lobe that controls information and memories...the trauma was so great that the memories were...forgotten or erased...I'm sorry but there's no way to get them back, there is a chance that with time he'll slowly start reverting back to his normal way, before the crash...but that's a very small chance...the other possibility is that he lives on and doesn't remember you and the others at all...I'm Truly sorry..."

"Th-that's ok...I'm g-gonna get him t-to remember me a-and the matter what!!"I said with determination as I wasn't going to lose Y/N like this...

Sorry that I haven't been posting a lot lately, I've been very busy with school and life and other shit but I should be fine now.So yeah, see ya in the next chapter!!

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