Chapter 1 "My Sweet Cupcake..."

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Ok so it's been a while since I've written a story, but I'm gonna write this for y'all and just a warning.My writing skills are probably a little rusty but I'm gonna manage.Go ahead and enjoy!

Your POV

"Hey Y/N..."Said a sweet voice off to my right, I turned to look at my Girlfriend, Natsuki. We were currently laying out on the soft bed of grass, we would come outside every Friday and look up at the stars and just chat about random things or just enjoys each other's embrace and warmth."Yeah Natsuki...?" I said as I looked at her, she was beautiful. She was only 19 and I was 20, we were currently in our last year of Highschool. A lot had changed since the "incident", which was when I had to save Natsuki from the dirty and rotten hands of Natsuki's dad. She's recovered fully over the years though and with the years going by she gained even more beauty.

Natsuki had only grown about 2 inches over the past years, she was still the same beautiful women that I had fallen in love with. She had her normal short flowing bright pink hair along with the red ribbon in her hair and the eye patch of course because of the "incident". She still loved to watch anime and she was actually able to get me into loving anime which I didn't think was possible. She still had that fun and childish personality and every now and then she would resort back to her original personality before we had met. Natsuki was no longer as skinny as she was as she had gained some meat on her figure. She still had her slim figure but due to her father starving her she was always hungry, and as a result of all of those years of being starved she had developed a "Sickness". Apparently her body would constantly burn the food that she ate for trying to make up for all of those years of not being fed so she was somewhat always cold and hungry which was also another excuse to cuddle with her and to keep her close to you. At this point she was at her full height and fully "matured".

"Your so quiet this time around, is anything wrong?" Natsuki asked you as you gazed into her one beautiful pink eye that seemed to have a glow of its own.It amazed and frighten you a little."Yeah I'm fine, I'm just thinking of how you could be more beautiful than the stars...!" You said which resulted in Natsuki blushing and smiling as she scooted over more to you."Your always so sweet Y/N..." Natsuki said as she laid her head down on your arm.

I couldn't help but smile as you looked down at Natsuki lying on your arm, but then a awful though creeped into your head.A thought that you had hoped to be wrong, but you were far from wrong."What's wrong Y/N?" "I'm just thinking about what would've been if my arm hadn't been so broken and now I can barely use it like my other."I said as flashbacks began to happen, I blinked my eyes a few times and they went away."You did what you could and it worked, let's not dwell on the past Y/N...*Yawn*" I lightly chuckled and asked her."You tired?" To which she responded by snuggling up more and shaking her head.My hand began to wander her body and soon found its target, I had learned back when we first started dating that if I rubbed Natsuki's back, head, or stomach then she would sleep better and fall asleep faster.

"C'mon, let's go to bed...*yawn*..."I then picked up Natsuki and began to head inside. I entered the kitchen which was wasn't too bland, it had what every kitchen would have but it was pretty well organized and surprisingly had a cozy atmosphere to it. I breathed in the sweet smell of long faded memories as I continued to walk and soon entered the living room. I walked past the couch that me and Natsuki would watch anime on or if she made me sleep on whenever she got mad at me for something.I let out a light chuckle, the soft patter of my dogs paws echoed throughout the house and always seemed to cause the house to..."Glow" with life. My dog was a black lab as my other dog "Dutch" had pasted away about 2 years ago.

"Go to bed Boy."I said to "Chewie" as he looked at me with a confused look, he continued to watch me go up the stairs until I vanished behind the corner of the hallway.

I then pasted my old sisters room, she was at college right now and would be for the next few years.I couldn't help but smile as sweet memories of us playing and just being siblings flooded into my mind. The next room I passed was my moms room, she was asleep and had a better job now instead of the old one.After the "Incident" she had gone off in search of a better job and eventually she found it and we've been living good ever since.

I then came to my room where me and Natsuki had formed so many memories, some good and others bad. I then walked in and was welcomed with a mixed scent of me and Natsuki's scents which was quite welcoming to us personally.Natsuki lightly stirred in her sleep as I placed her down and went to go change. I took off my shirt and in the middle of me throwing it Natsuki caught it and put it on as she then wrapped her arms around me. After the "Incident", I had started working out and going to the gym which resulted in me gaining some muscle. I wasn't let anyone take Natsuki without a fight.

"I'll be in bed in a sec Natsuki." I said as I lightly unwrapped her arms from my waist as she said."A second is too long..." "Then I'll be there in a milli second."I said which resulted in her lightly hitting my stomach which caused me to chuckle."Don't be a smart ass.."She said which resulted in me laughing as I put on another shirt. I then turned around and scooped up Natsuki in my arms.

I then laid her down on the bed as I got in myself, me and Natsuki would always share a bed as she had built a habit where she couldn't sleep if I wasn't near her or with her.I got in the soft comforts of my bed and wrapped my arms around Natsuki. She felt so fragile due to her size and her slim figure especially since I was almost half a foot taller than her. I then began to lovingly rub her back as she lightly slept.

"I love you CupCake..."I said as the moonlight shined down on us, we had essentially had a blue aura surrounding us as we lightly cuddle."I love you too Y/N..."

Well its began, the beginning of book 2 and a rollercoaster of emotions.Sorry if my writing sucks as it's been quite a while since I've written a story but I'm positive that my writing will resort back to its original form and the chapters will go back to being 1500 words as usual.And I do not know how many chapters there will be or if there will be a book 3 as I've already sorta planned out this book and it's gonna fucking break ya'lls hearts.See ya in the next chapter!


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