Chapter 23 ....Corruption....

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Hey guys, next chapter came out early and I noticed that a lot of y'all are worried about the ending.I won't spoil anything but don't worry about the ending, that's all I'm gonna say is don't worry about the ending.Go ahead and read!

Natsuki's POV

"D-dad......"I said i fear and shock as I looked at a ghost like version of my dad as I sat there with my arms and legs strapped in a somewhat sitting up position as the eyes of my father pierced into my only eye.He looked just like the awful man he was.....a beer gut, dead eyes and messy hair and no soul or emotion showing through his face or his eyes.....and that was as if he was thinking of something sick or had a mischievous plan along with his breath which reeked of alcohol.....

"W-why are you h-here....?!"I asked him as he stared at me and said."......Because your a broken girl with a broken mind and heart....which I can 'corrupt'....."He said in his deep rasped voice along with his alcoholic breath invading my nose as I sat there trying not to throw up my supper.His voice sent me back to the days when I would walk home and was greeted with a hand to the hair and pushed to the ground and was welcomed with a storm of punches and limped tomy room with blood on my arms and legs as he laughed and went back to drinking alcohol.

"I want you dead....and I will continue to try and try until I succeed....." He said with his rasped voice as I said."Is that r-really what you want....or is it t-to laugh at m-my suffering?!"I shouted at him as him smiled and said."Both....and then after I'm done with you and that little one.....I'll go after that idiot boy who stopped me...."He said as he pointed to my stomach as I gritted my teeth and said."You won't win.....and you won't lay a finger on my child.....I won't let you..."I said as I stared at him with my one eye as he seemed to be taken aback by my words."We'll See about that.....oh and that voice that you hear sometimes.....that's me.....I was always there with you......and I'll make sure that you won't leave this hospital one way or another!!"He said as the doctors walked in and he turned into a black mist and seemingly shot into my head resulting in me screaming and somewhat convulsing as the doctors immediately injected me with a heavy medicine as I felt myself become heavy and sleepy as I heard them say."Already screaming on the first day.....things won't go good for her if she keeps that up...."

"Natsuki!!" I heard my name being called as I turned and saw Y/N right next to me....he looked just as handsome as always....I stoped and immediately wrapped my arms around him tightly as he sort of froze and awkwardly wrapped his arms around me as well.I felt warm for the first time in the last few days as I inhaled his scent and melted into him as he chuckled nervously and said."U-ummm Natsuki are you ok?" He asked as he looked down at me while I unwrapped my arms from him as I looked up at him with a confused face.....then I noticed something.....I had two eyes again.....I had my other eye back!

"W-What...." I said as I reached up with my hand touched my other eye and felt it there in its socket....I had both eyes again.....I then looked up at Y/N as he called my name again and for a split second my vision was filled with him smiling as he had blood running down his face and mouth as he was being held by my dad.

I felt tears come to my eyes....not from the image.....but from the fact that this wasn't real and was more or less a dream or something else......

"Are you ok Natsuki?" Y/N said as he looked down at me with worry and confusion in his eyes."U-uh Yeah, baka!!" I said as I felt the heat rise to my cheeks as I turned away from him and heard him chuckle as i began to walk away."Hey wait up Natsuki!"He said as he ran up next to me as I looked straight ahead, staring at nothing as we walked together side by side."Hey Natsuki, now do you feel about hanging out sometime tomorrow since it's Saturday?"He said as the sun shined down on us as we walked along the paved sidewalk, I then looked up at him with as a blush caked my face as I said."S-sure.....Baka."I said as I looked away as I heard him chuckle again and say."You really are cute nat."He said resulting in my heart racing as flashes of Y/N treating me like he does now began to flash in my head as I missed the feeling of events like these."D-don't call me cute, You BAKA!!"

I said as I then punched him in his arm resulting him in screaming out as blood began to pour out of his upper arm as I opened my eyes in shock, he was holding his arm as metal bent out of it and blood poured out of it as tears fell from his eyes.I couldn't move.I was too shocked and frighten from what had just happened as he fell to the ground and blood began to pour out of his stomach as a stab wound appeared on his stomach."N-Natsuki....."He mumbled as he began to choke on his own blood as he reached out for me, but I couldn't see him.....not with my eyes blinded by the blood that dripped down along with the messy hair of my mine as my father stood behind me.....

"You can build yourself back up as many times as you want.....but I'll always Knock you down....."He said with a sick smile as he wrapped both of his arms around me and began to squeeze until It got so painful that I began to gasping for air as he continued to squeezed."No matter how many times you knock me down....I'll alway get back up.....I did it with your abuse.....I can do it with this too."I said as he squeezed me one final time and I heard the cracking and then a crunch of my spine as I let out my last breath....

I quickly opened my eyes as sweat dropped won my face and body as I tried to sit up properly but I was strapped down to the bed, I was breathing heavily as I looked around the dark room.The room was practically a void, there was only me and my bed and a chair along with table for food beside me as I frantically looked around and realized that I was alone.....I was alone."Hello.....?"I said as I continued to look around and saw that there was no light coming from the bottom of the door, the building was closed and it was night then.....

"Huh....I wonder what Y/N is doing right now....Huh....I think today is Friday....i wish I was with him right now, we would be laying out on the grass staring up at the stars talking about random things or cuddling...."I said as I longed of the feeling of him holding me and pulling me close to him as we looked up at the stars."Goodnight Y/N....."I said as I closed my eye and soon enough fell asleep...

2 Weeks later

"How you feeling today Natsuki?"My caretaker/doctor said as she injected some medicine into my arm as I looked at her and said."I'm fine......I want to go home...."I said with no emotion in my voice as I turned and looked out at nothing as she looked at me and said."You miss him, don't you....."She said as I looked at her again and said."Yes.....very much....we were supposed to be getting married at this point of our life's....and within a few more months we would be a family...."I said as I looked down at my now somewhat inflated-like stomach that held our child....

"I'm sure he's worried about you..."She said as she turned to get the food.My caretaker was a nice women, she had long brown hair that went just past her chin and had blue eyes with a caring and loving personality and a warm heart.Her name was Alice.Unlike all of the other caretakers who don't care about the patients at all, her and a few others actually care about the patients and their health.She comes in here regularly to give me my injections which just makes me numb and help me with my emotions and PTSD along with her bring me food.

"Have you thought of any names?" She asked with a smile as she looked at me.".....I'm trying not to think of anything....of 'he'll' corrupt it and make me feel much.....sometimes I wonder what if It was better to die at the hands of him and just end all of the suffering that I had endured...."I said as she looked at me with a sad expression on her face as she lightly chuckled and said."I've had thoughts like that.....I've had to go to therapy for quite a while after I tried to end my own life....but as I hung that noose around my neck, I realized......or felt something to be exact...."

She said with a smile as she opened her mouth and said."I felt all of my feelings swell up in my chest and realized that this was my life.....and I could do or change it for the better....but most importantly if all.....I discovered that I didn't want to go through with this and that I didn't want to be alone as I fought the darkness within me....and so i looked for help from others and I found it....if I could deal with depression all of my life....then I'm sure that you can get through these hard times of yours...."

"Joy comes to those who put on a smile.....even when it's hard to put it on...."

Hey guys!!Sorry that this took soooo long to get out, I had family over for Easter and more packing to do but I fine.Im gonna try and get his book done by end of this month and then announce something else too!!

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