Chapter 14 Going home

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As I said, the next chapter was gonna be out sometime today so....yeah go on ahead!

Natsuki's POV

It was the big day, the day that me and everyone else would be able to go home expect sayori as she's still healing from her ribs being broken but once her ribs are done.She'll be released and will go back to living with Alex...

Im a little excited about boning back home...mainly because of the fact that Im gonna be trying to reconnect with Y/N and try to get him to remember any detail about us.Im gonna try my best to get him to remember us at any cost!Im gonna try everything from us watching anime to baking together, but I'll give him some time to adjust to being back in his "Old" life.Overall he's ok and doing fine...but....the doctors said that there's little chance of me triggering his memories as the brain was pretty damaged on that area....but I'm still gonna try...

"You won't succeed'll fail and die just like your mother and Yuri...." "Not you again...what or who are you anyway?!And what do you want?" I said as this voice has been in my head for the last few days and with awful things and makes me sick...but I can't do nothing about it and it seems to get stronger every time I try to ignore it! "Just get out of my HEAD!!" I mentally shouted as it's voice suddenly sounded from every direction as it said. "I will always be apart of you Natsuki!You can't get rid of me...and I'll continue to infect you until you succumb to'll die...just like the others..."       It screamed as i covered up my ears trying to drown out the voice when I suddenly felt my hands rip away from my ears.

I then looked up and saw Y/Ns mom looking at me worriedly and holding my hands as she asked me."Are you Alright Natsuki?Whats wrong?" She asked me as I took deep breaths until I finally calmed down and told her."I-I'm ok...I'm o-ok...I shaken up a little uright there..." "Well alright then...Y/N is already in the lobby with a nurse..."Just then a nurse came into the room."Alright sweetie, today you are being released!We just need to make sure everything is alright with your systems!"She said as she began to take some last scans and began to ask questions.

"Are you feeling or have any type of pain?" "No...." "Hace you had any thoughts of suicide, hurting others, or anything like that?She asked me as I responded with."....No..."I said as I heard that awful voice in my head began to whisper awful things as I ignored it...or at least tried to..."Alright, your all set to go home!Go shed and get changed and then come with me."She said as I got up and went into the bathroom to get changed.

"You won't succeed in regaining Y/Ns hardly feel any pain at this point, emotionless and physical....cut yourself to see if you can still feel me...." It said as I thought about, I haven't been feeling any type of emotions recently expect a little joy since I'm gonna be able to go home....and my nails are kinda sharp....maybe....maybe just a little scratch...I thought as I raised my nails to my wrist and pressed down..."NO!!GET OUT OF MY HEAD!!" I mentally screamed as it responded with. "Fine'll come back eventually...."

After I got changed into my normal clothes I then went out and followed the nurse back to the lobby where I saw Y/N sitting down seemingly typing something on his phone.As Y/Ns mom talked to the nurse, Y/N noticed us and began to head towards us.He looked at me and was walking my way, I felt myself blush a little as I felt my face become hot...

He then stopped a foot away.And in that small moment I was hoping he would say my name or pull me into a hug or do something that would signify that he got his memories back but...he raised his hand and handed me my phone instead..."This is your right?" He said as I just stared into his now purplish eyes....he then started to blush a little as well which was cute."Uhh y-yeah...thanks..." I said as I took it back and looked away, I wanted him to say something else...anything...until I thought of an idea..." you want to watch some...anime when we get back to your house...?"

He laughed a little as he said."You watch anime?Are you a weeb or something?" He said as he laughed some more as I felt hurt...he had forgotten about the anime that we would watch..."Alright, let's go.."Y/Ns mom said as we left the hospital and began to head to the car, all the while I was a few feet behind with a crushed spirit...

Soon we were on the road and it didn't take long for us to get back home.We walked up the porch and entered the house, instantly that cozy house smell and feel hit me and I felt relaxed as I walked in and suddenly began to get flashbacks of me and Y/N cuddling or just spending time with each other.It felt nice to know that there was at least something that brought some goodness into me when I returned back home.

Your POV

"Alright Y/N follow me up here." Mom said as I followed her upstairs and into a hallway and soon turned to face my room.Mom opened it and I was hit with a warm feeling and the strange scent of girl...and a hot a little ache in my head as I walked into my room when I heard my mom say."Well, here's y'alls room..."She said."Wait, "y'all"?"I asked a little confused by what she meant."This is you and Natsuki's room...when y'all dated...y'all sleep together.." Mom said as I got a confused look and responded with.

"I'm sorry but I'm not sleeping with whoever she is and I never even dated her!"I said as I turned to look at the pink haired girl that looked at me heartbroken.I then went over and went around my room and looked around at all of the anime posters that I knew I did not like, but weirdly enough there was so things of mine that were present in this room.

"I can move out and move into the other room while that pink haired girl gets this room."I said as I turned to look at my mom.Her face held an expression with pain as her brown eyes stared hard at mine when she turned her head and fixed her brownish hair as she spoke to the girl."Natsuki, I guess you'll be moving into this room then...we just need to get your things out of here...I'm sorry...".She said as we beganto Natsuki as we began to move things into the other room.

It took quite an hour or two to move all of my stuff into the other room that I now called my own."Huh...that was exhausting...."I said as I sat down onto my bed and fell backwards and succumbed to the softness of the bed when a minute later I heard a weirdly familiar voice ring out."Hey Y/ you want to draw or do something together...if you don't mind...."The voice said as I pulled myself up and came face to face with that same girl."

She was probably half a foot shorter than me, had a eyepatch over one of her eyes for some reason, had short bright pink hair and a pink eye along.She had medium sized breast but I would consider her "Semi-falt", she wasn't think or anything but she had some meat on her figure and those thighs...."U-Uh...Sorry but no...who are you anyway?And why are you here?I quickly said as she looked a little hurt and said."Your g-girlf-stop saying that ok!Your not my girlfriend and I don't even know who you are!At least give me your..."I said which responded with her saying."N-Natsuki!"

She said before she bursted into tears and quickly ran into her room as she left me to think...

Natsuki's POV

"What's wrong with me....of course he wouldn't remember me....and he seemed to get angry at me...I just need to give him some space...that's all, right?"I said as I began to cry as I laid on my bed."I told you'll hardly even felt the emotion of when he yelled at should check if you can feel it..." The voice said as I stopped crying and thought about it....

I then dug through my art supplies and found some scissors...."This will do...."I said as I raised my wrist and put the scissors next to my wrist as I said."J-just a small make sure I-I can still fe-feel...."I said as I cut my wrist and watched as the blood from my wrist feel onto my thigh...

This is where the true darkness begins, and if you thought this was bad...oh just wait...until then, I'll see ya in the next chapter and oh!Im gonna be uploading every 3-4 days now since I have more time now so yeah, be on the lookout for the next chapter!


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