Chapter 6 Hope and Despair

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Well....the end of the couple is coming...and I hate to say it but I feel like the event is gonna go too far.Even for me, but one thing is for sure....y'all are gonna hate me for what happens...btw, lemon in this chapter.

Your POV

I stood there, holding Natsuki as tears of joy flowed from her only eye.I had never felt an emotion as powerful as the one i was feeling right now.It was a mixture of happiness, hope, and regret.Happiness that I would be with the love of my life until death would take one of us, hope that we both build a happy and exciting fulfilled future and regret that I had not done this earlier."I love you Natsuki, I alway will...."I said as the nights wind gently howled around us as the stars light shined down on us and the glittering lake.

"I-I Love y-you too Y/N....!"Natsuki said as she clenched tighter onto me as i felt a blanket of warmth wrap around us as I smiled and said."Let's get out of here Natsuki..."I said as I picked her up bridely style and began to walk back the path that we came down.

Natsuki's POV

My heart and mind were both racing as Y/N carried me through the trees and back onto the original pathway.Me and Y/Ns future was decided by his action and I loved it.I could only feel joy at the moment and I didn't care about anything else other than me and Y/N and the words he told me.

I slowly calmed down and stopped the joyful tears that were streaming down my face.I then softly snuggled into Y/N and nuzzled his chest as we approached the exit of the park.

"So How was your day Natsuki?"He said as I looked up and smiled."No words can describe today...only feelings..."I said as I brought him into a kiss.His lips were soft and a little rough but pleasant, strangely they didn't have a taste but I didn't mind at all.Im pretty sure my lips intoxicated him whenever we kissed.Soon the kiss began to get a little heated as I pressed against him a little.I could only feel love and happiness at the moment and I wanted to show them.

"I love you Y/N..."I said as I parted for a short moment and took a breath only to be kissed by Y/N.I then gently moaned as we continued to make out.I then slipped my hand down his chest and stomach and near a more...private area.He then parted and said."What, Natsuki not here...let's wait until we get back home."He said to my disappointment, but I agreed and soon we were on the road.

We were on the road, there was no traffic or other cars or trucks but...there was this uneasy feeling that I couldn't shake for some reason.It felt...awful and haunting I suddenly had a vision.

I saw Y/N's was torn apart and one side was lying on the opposite side of the highway.The sound of doctors chatting and performing surgery."Shes in critical condition, she won't likely make it to see another day...I'm sorry" "Your Pregnant with twins...your lucky they weren't injured...but the chances of your boyfriend, "unknown"surviving are very slim..."There was the feel of heat and fire and the sound and damaged eighteen wheeler(The trucks with huge trailers/cargo) it had somewhat of damage."He hasn't woken up yet..".There was someone who layed on the ground....they had been impaled and were visible was..

"Natsuki you there?!"I snapped out of the vision.I regained my composure and turned to look at Y/N, he was worried...scarred.."Are you Alright?"He said as he pulled the car over and said."Natsuki what's wrong?"He said as I finally said."I-Its nothing...I'm f-fine..." "Are you sure, you don't have to hide anything from me..."He said as I wiped my eye of the tears that threatened to stream down my cheeks."Yeah, I'm was nothing..."I said as I dismissed the vision and leaned my head back on my seat."It was nothing...."

Your POV

I was really worried about Natsuki, I was just driving when I felt her hand suddenly squeeze my hand back painfully.It was almost as if she had seen something but I didn't know what.I asked her if she was ok but, she just said "It was nothing..."Like Hell im gonna believe that after what happened when I believed her lives when I first started dating her.But I wasn't gonna find out right now as i didn't want to anger her, this is her day and I didn't want to ruin that so I just left it at that.

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