...The End...

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So....this is the end of the DDLC series, let me say this first.I am so PROUD of this small series!!I am very thankful and I love all of y'all for supporting me on this DDLC journey and on our way from the beginning to the end of a great series.I honestly didn't expect this series to get as big as it is today, and that was only reached and done by YOU, yes YOU!I am very thankful you choosing to read and support my story and I hope you all loved it as it's finally come it's long awaited conclusion....Thank You Everyone for loving and supporting my books!!I love y'all!!

Now as for book 3, I'm deeply sorry but there will NOT be a book 3.....I'm sorry, I'm just burned out from writing DDLC and I want to expand my writing and stories.Now DDLC was a great series and all and it will always hold a special place in my heart and accomplishments but I'm done writing this series.Im just.....simply burnt out, I ran out of fuel for this series.When I was writing the layout for the story and chapters I didn't feel like it would a very progressive plot and there were like 2 main story arcs that would focus on Natsuki and Y/N and I didn't like that....so I cancelled it at the last second.....I'm just simply done and burned out from writing DDLC....but it will always be one of my favorite games and the beloved Natsuki.....I'm very sorry if your disappointed but I'm done.

As for the next book, it will be a Fantasy book, it will explore the dark twisted history and the hardships the main characters will have to face if they want to Stop the great evil that is lurking beneath the land that the kingdoms of the land reside on.I would love it if y'all went and checked out that book as it will be a new original series of my own that I intend to work on after a 1-2 week break!

Again, no book 3, would really appreciate it if y'all went over and checked out the next book that I'll be working on once my 1-2 week break is done, also just a small note,The Fantasy Book is up and published!Go and read my new book, "The Age of kingdoms Book 1"!.I love y'all and thank you all for y'alls support!!Goodbye Natsuki and DDLC.....you will forever hold a special place in my heart!


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