Chapter 9 Celebration

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Last chapter before the "Event" happens and....I'm just gonna say it because y'all are gonna be pissed in the next chapter but....I'm sorry.Enjoy the's the last chapter for Y/N and Natsuki....

Natsuki POVS

We were walking over to school along with Y/Ns mom as we were supposed to meet up with the entire gang.I just can't believe that I had passed, all of those days and late nights of me staying up late studying worked out after all this time.Just for this moment of me going to walk across a stage and grabbing that piece of paper that would determine my future.

"I wonder if anyone in our gang failed."I heard Y/N's voice ring out as the entrance of our school came into view, I could see Monika and everyone else there as well."~HEY Y/N!"Sayori shouted towards us while waving her arms around, I couldn't help but chuckle at her childish attitude but then again I have one too and it's probably because she passed and is graduating too.

"Hey guys and gals!"I heard Y/N say jokingly as we all greeted and hugged each other.Then the dreadful question was asked by Monika."~So...who's graduating?"Everyone have each other looks as no one wanted to be shamed or they were just too nervous.I raised my hand as Y/N suddenly spoke up."Well me and Natsuki are graduating!"He said as Sayoris eyes lit up as the words flew out of his mouth.

"~Me and Alex are also graduating as well!!"She said cheerfully as she turned and placed a kiss on Alex's cheek, while that happened I felt a nudge so I looked at Y/N."Later Alex is gonna propose to Sayori!"He softly whispered in my ear as I got a huge smile on my face.I then looked over at Monika and she gave me a look as in "I know too".I then heard Yuri speak up."I-I will a-also be graduating an-and giving a inspirational sp-speech apparently..."She said in her usual shy attitude."~Me and Jones also will be graduating!"Monika said as Jones smiled and pulled her in for a hug."I guess with the news about graduation taken care of , let's go and actually graduate!!"Monika said as we all began to walk into the school.

We walked for a few minutes until we separated and were guided to a side of the school along with all of the other girls or women should I say.We were given our graduation clothes and caps as they hit us in line and gave us a boring inspirational speech that lasted about 2 minutes which honestly annoyed me as I just wanted to graduate already.We then began to move as a group, almost as if we were a school of fish which was ironic.

We then were guided to a courtyard where they had a shit ton of chairs all lined up and ready for us to sit down in.There were countless rows of chairs for the students in the front and then the chairs were surrounded by a huge wave of countless chairs that had already been claimed by parents that came to see there child graduate.It would've been nice to see my mom within one of those rows of parents.Too bad though....

I shook the thought from my head and sat down as Yuri and a few other girls were called over and quickly walked away towards the teachers.I then sat down and looked around the sea of parents trying to find Y/Ns mom until my eye set upon a unusually looking man.He was wearing a trench coat, a cat, and was looking quite anxious as he kept looking around at seemingly nothing.I got a awful feeling about this guy, he just seemed so out of place."Hey Monika, dose that guy look out of place....?"I asked as she too looked at him and responded with."Yeah...I should probably go report hi-Alright students and parents, please stand as we play our national anthem and then we will get to the juicy stuff!"

The booming voice of the principal of the school rang out as everyone stood as the national anthem began to play.It went on for a good 3 minutes until it was over and then we sat down and then began the boring speeches...

After the speeches went on for about an hour, they called up a few students who had a major impact on the school or were chosen to give a speech.Yuri of which was one of them, not surprising though as she is a straight A student who never failed a grade, test, assignment or really anything for that matter.Her speech really surprised everyone as it was very inspiring and seemed to give everyone a motivational boost as to not fear life or change and to accept who you are as well as a few other things.

After another dreadful and boring hour of speeches and introductions and talking about school, they finally began to call up students and I felt my heart as I realized that we were the 2nd row and they were starting off with females.I could feel my heart pounding and began to get anxious as I had stage fright.Even if all I did was go up on stage, shake a few hands, say thank you, and take a piece of paper in front of a huge sea of people, I would still be afraid and scared half to death.

I alway saw that weird and unusual guy began to look around more and he was about to get up but stopped mid way when a police officer came into view next to the stage.I began to get even more anxious as a thought came into mind, and not only that but after the row of students was done and out row was called up.The cop began to walk away towards the other side of the stage as we stood up and began to walk to the stage.I could feel my heart racing as I took an inch closer every second to the stage.

The names began to be called out, it was two names that were called out at once.So that means me and Monika will go up together.The line began to shorten as names were called out as a sea of clapping happened every other name as well as the cops distance from getting towards the other side of the stage."Natsuki Sakai, Monika Hijusuk..."I heard my name called and I tensed up and went stuff as a board.I would've stayed like that if it wasn't for Monika's gently push that meant "Don't be scared, enjoy this moment...".I swallowed my fear and walked up the stage as people began to clap, but there was 3 significant claps among the sea of people.I looked over and saw Y/N, his Mom mom...

She was smiling at me and was clapping, she was at the top of the crowd.She looked just like me, she was tall, pink hair, pink eyes, a gently face, a cheerful but stubborn personality to her as well as a ghostly appearance.She then lifted her transparent hand and waved at me as I crossed the stage.I felt all of the anxiety melt away as she slowly faded away and smiled as I shook the principles hand and went to the next person.

It was the KISD CEO who said."Congratulations Miss!"With a cheerful smile as I took my diploma and got the greatest feeling that I hadn't felt since I met Y/N.I had graduated, I had succeeded in life without the help of my parents....that's right, I succeeded, fuck you dad!!I then smiled and turned to go and shake the next persons hand when I heard screaming.I then turned and looked towards the source of the scream and saw the same man that I had told Monika about pull out a gun and aim it at me.

I then felt a surge of emotions go through me as he aimed.I then closed my eyes as I knew I wouldn't get out of the way in time, then I felt someone wrap there body around mine.I opened my eyes to see Monika, she had placed her body in front of mine, i then heard a gunshot.I felt Monika fall on me a little as I looked down in horror and saw her clothes beginning to turn red, I then heard another gunshot and Monika coughed up blood onto my shoulder, 6 more gunshots went off.I then saw 3 other students fall down or slump over as a gunshot went off that sounded off right next to me.

The officer had shot the man, the mans body fell as the officer quickly called for backup and Ambulances.Monika then slumped on me a little as teachers began to panic.I then placed Monika on the floor as parents and students screamed.I then looked down at Monika, I quickly took off her graduation gown and revealed blood.She then coughed up blood as tears streamed down my face from my only eye.

"M-Monika why...?"I asked as she coughed up blood, she then turned and weakly said."B-Because I k-knew Y/N losing yo-you would destroy h-him...he l-loves you more than a-anything....a-and the g-gang wou-would miss you...yo-your death would de-destroy everyone....and besides....I can't stand to see Y-Y/N in pain...especially S-Sayori....

She said as she violently coughed up blood as she started to have trouble breathing now, I didn't know what to do as she coughed up blood and the wound in her chest and stomach seemed to get worst.I then heard a huge explosion and a wave of heat as I looked over and was immediately met by a cloud of smoke.I wasn't able to see and I couldn't breath, I then began to cough violently until I fell to the ground.I then blacked out and succumbed to the darkness and smoke...

If y'all thought this was sad...oh...just you wait until the ACTUAL event happens, I feel so bad for Natsuki as it's gonna destroy her...oh and by the way...I'm trying to decide who will die in this book as I might change who will die in this book.And Yes, there WILL be a death in this book....words can hurt...
Be ready...


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