Chapter 22 The passing of time

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Hey guys!I just wanted to say that I hope y'all are enjoying this story and don't worry, something else is on its way after this!Ya'll will like it!


I stared straight ahead as I thought about what the officers had told me as the memory flashed through my mind as I laid there on the hospital bed.

"Natsuki has commuted many crimes along with the crime of killing a women or friend, Monika, age 21.She was stabbed to death and was also reported to have bled out.She also assaulted you, Alexia and Sayori and some other paramedics as well.While she was being transported to the hospital she had hit 2 paramedics and had endured a PTSD attack and bit a paramedic resulting in a bite wound that needed stitching.She will be sentenced to prison after she has healed up."The officer said as my eyes widened at the words that flew out of the officers mouth as I sat up and said."No!She can't!I-I'll pay for all of her crimes and charges!!I will, just please don't lock her up.....she's just broken!"

I shouted as tears began to quickly fall down my cheeks as the officers looked at each other and thought about it for a few seconds before turning to look at me."You could pay for all of the charges and crimes but that doesn't change the fact that she's killed someone.That just can't go ignored." "I-I'll...-Don't charge her for that......please....that's not what Monika would want."Said a familiar voice that sounded out from the doorway, the officers allowed Jones to come in."That's not what Monika would want, Natsuki was just suffering from a PTSD attack!Wouldn't that be counted as mentally unstable instead of a charge of murder?!"He said as I sat there confused, I had expected him to agree with what the officers had claimed.

"Jones.....why?Aren't you mad at Natsuki?" I asked as Jones turned my way and said."No.....At first I was but after looking at it from a different angle and seeing what Natsuki had been through along with how much Monika cares about Natsuki.I had realized that Natsuki is just the victim of her past and her fathers doing which resulted in her developing PTSD......which Monika triggered and paid the price.....but she loved her and's not what Monika would want and after seeing it from that angle I'm at peace with it...."

He said as tears rushed down my cheeks as I smiled and said."Thank You Jones.....Thank You...."I said as he smiled and said."No's gonna be hard to move on, but Monika would've wanted me to find someone else and enjoy my life to the fullest." Jones finished and smiled as the officers said."Alright then, we'll put the charge as Mentally u stable and explosive.She'll be sentenced to 2 months in a mental Hospital and then will be required to a full year or more of therapy.And then she'll be off the hook, until then she'll have a officer will keep an eye on her as well as the therapist.Alright?"

The officer said as I smiled and said."Yes....yes, that will do just fine!Thank You!Thank You Jones!" I cried out as the officers nodded their heads and began to walk out as Jones said."No problem, give me a call sometime so we can all hang out again!" "Wait, will I be able to see her before she goes to the mental hospital?" I asked as the doctor who has been by my side and was quiet up'n till now said."Im sorry but no, we need to keep you two away until her time in the mental hospital is up.....until then, you need heal and forget about her for now....."The doctor said as I felt a heavy feeling as I felt the medicine that he just injected into me began to make me feel sleepy."N.....Natsuki.......I-I love you......"I said before succumbing to the heavy but comforting feeling of sleep as I closed my eyes.....

1 Week later

Natsuki's POV

It was now a week after the awful event of the rushing river, things were fairly.......good.....To say the least for the others.Alexia woke up about 4 days ago and apparently has a minor case of PTSD from the river,  she's gonna undergo surgery tonight and she's really worried as well as her family considering her arm is basically like Y/Ns arm because of that log, shell also have to somewhat learn to walk again after the surgery due to some of the dead nerves in her legs but other than that, she's fine....

As for Sayori.....she's still suffering from the punctured lung along with the internal bleeding which is has calmed down a little but is still a major threat to her health as she could 'drown' any time from the opening in her lung which is why she'll undergo surgery as well tomorrow night.....the chances of her dying are very high.Her arm is healing up just fine but her broken ribs are gonna be a problem as their in the way of the surgery and as for her legs.....her leg nerves are dead, she can't feel a thing down there.She can only feel near her thigh region and her entire upper region with some dead nerve regions here and there on her body.But she's doing fine.....

As for Y/N....well he's fine.....he's planned to be released today as his healing process was pretty quick and didn't have any problems...but he won't be able to say goodbye to me as that could trigger a PTSD attack or really anything....I'm not allowed to see Sayori, Alexia or Y/N.....or really anyone except Y/Ns mom.....

"Hey Natsuki, How you holding up?" My doctor said as he came into the room and sat down by my side."I'm fine.....but I want to see Y/N....please...I promise I won't lash out or anything....just let me see him once...."I pleaded with him as he let out a deep breath and said."Natsuki we talked about can't, and besides you can't with your mental date being moved up to tonight...."He said as my eyes widened as I responded with."What......" "Since your all healed up and back to perfect health your mental date was moved up to tonight so.....your going to start the 2 month mental time....."He said as the door opened and walked in was the same two officers from a week ago....."Hey Natsuki, your moving date was moved to tonight.Your leaving in a hour."

He said as I felt tears run down my cheek as I realized that I would be leaving Sayori and Alexia alone to their own suffering."But I don't want to leave my friends behind!They need me, at least let me say goodbye to them!Please!"I said as they responded."I'm sorry but we can't do that for multiple reasons.Get some rest before we transport you."They said as they turned to leave me behind with a broken mind and heart as I pleaded and shouted at them to let me see my friends and Y/N one last time.....that's right.....break free and kill them to see your friends......that awful voice said as I fought against the restraints as I gritted my teeth and felt them come loose."LET ME SEE THEM!!"I shouted in a pleading voice as the two officers turned around and held me down as I shouted and struggled to get free of the restraints.

"Calm down Natsuki!"I heard the doctor say as he injected me with a fluid that made me feel heavy and loose as I felt my mind become clouded...." no......let me.....le-T ME SEE THEM!!"I screamed as I felt a rage inside burst out, it was as if my body had taken a couple of steroids.....but I could feel a dark presence near was close....very was a familiar feeling but, I couldn't put my finger on it as it was like a blurred image."LET ME SEE MY FRIENDS!!"I shouted as I pulled my arm free of the restraints shocking the officers as they held me down even harder and with much greater force."Alright, I'm sorry Natsuki!"The doctor said as he got a needle with a darker liquid and injected me with it.

It traveled fast throughout my veins as it traveled to my heart and began to pump faster throughout my body as I struggled and shouted until I began to feel light headed as I slowed down."L-let....let me......Y/N......"I said before I succumbed to the heavy medication that now coursed throughout my entire body as I fell to the darkness that swallowed me whole.

I then opened my eyes and saw someone sitting on my bed, I then blinked a couple of times as my vision was blurry.Once my vision was clear my eyes widen as the man who sat on my bed was none other but my father......."Hello Natsuki...."He with a ghostly haze around him....

Hey guys, sorry that this wasn't uploaded sooner as I was out all day today!But yeah, managed to get this chapter out today and the next chapter I will  get out by Tuesday!(I'll try)Also this book will possibly be 27-28 chapters long so we still have a few chapters left which is what is needed as there's 2 more small arcs that will be explored!

"Life is beautiful......and so is the human well as the human heart.......but all three can be easily corrupted and twisted to a awful creation......"

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