Chapter 13 The haunting thoughts

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Alright, now this is the point where I need to say that this is where the story is going to take a dark turn and is going to get sad....especially about what will happen later...

About a month and a half later

Natsuki's POV

I sat there in my bed, thinking about what has happened recently.How this is all my fault and how Yuri dead, her funeral took place about a week ago, we were all able to go...well expect Y/N as he didn't know who she is and not to mention the fact that undergoed another surgery which was successful in fixing the bones in his arm which he's slowly starting to move his arm as if it was fine.He still hasn't showed any signs of regaining his memories though which has been eating away at me as he'll never remember me or his child and which I was starting to get a little baby bump now.

I'm physically ok, I've been eating and most of my injuries are done.But the wounds that were inflicted on the inside of my mind, feelings, and heart haven't healed once as they still sting and with each day they bleed more and more as my feelings and thoughts get the better of me....thoughts that I thought were gone for good...

Sayori is alive and is doing well, but she's still hurting mentally which she's seeing a therapist for her mind in her hospital room as her leg is still broken, her ribs have healed almost completely but not quite done and are still delicate.Her leg is just about halfway done and she's expected to be out of here within the next 2 weeks but will still need to do weekly check ups as her internal bleeding could start up again and especially with her broken mind.

Monika is now fully healed and has been visiting us whenever she can, she's actually working right now.Shes currently living with Jones as most girlfriends do, she's still grieving over the death of Yuri though which is understandable since she was much closer to Yuri then any of us.Shes doing fairly well.

Alex has already been released from the hospital as he didn't suffer from the type of injuries that we suffered from.Hes trying to get some rest and relax and trying not to worry about Sayori as he's looking for a job currently.Hes finally ok and is ready to enter the world, but not in a pure body and mind as that was already taken away...

And as for Y/ sign of him regaining his memory as he's usually alssep as he needs to rest as much as he can if he wants to get out of here as fast as he can.His mom is overall fine, she's still worried and shaken up a bit still but not as much as when she first found out.Hes going to undergo surgery again for the final time and if everything goes smoothly as planned then he'll be out of here sometime in the next 2 weeks.

Everything's been going pretty fast and I have to say...I wasn't expecting to start summer like this at all....with Yuri dead, Sayori on the brink of death along with Y/N forgetting who I am...

"Your no good, that's why he didn't remember you!" Said a voice, I quickly scanned the room to check if anyone was here but there wasn't anyone.Just me..."Your useless...your a pile of shit and you know it.If you hadn't suggested that y'all go celebrate then none of this would've's your fault that yuri's dead....and there's nothing that you can do about it..." Said a voice in my head as I looked around the room but there was no one else but me in the room..."You'd be doing everyone a favor you know....if you kill your self..." I heard the voice tell me as my eye widened at the words. N-no....get out of my head....GET OUT OF MY HEAD!! I thought as I tried to push whatever was in my head away into the dark depths of my mind.

"Alright win this round...but just remember something'll alway be a mistake..." Said the voice, but this was said in my dads sent chills down my spine as I suddenly felt cold.Almost as if a cold breeze had gone through me. I-I'm not a mistake...I'm not.....but.....then again...the voice is right about something, it is my fault.I was the one who caused the death of Yuri...her blood is on my hands....I said as I looked down at my hands and saw them covered in hair...and a book...I instantly threw up onto the side of my hospital bed and I immediately rang the bell beside my bed.The bell would signal someone that I was in danger....but not mentally...

"I will always be a part of will forever be a mistake..." The voice said as the Nurse came an dbegan to clean me up.But when I looked up at the nurse, all I saw was a bloody Yuri...I then then screamed and yelled for her to go away. "IM SORRY!!" I screamed as two more nurses came in and began to strap me down as another nurse came and stabbed my leg with a weird looking needle.I began to feel dizzy and sleepy.""I mumbled as I began to fall to the drugs that were inflicted into my blood..."I'm so sorry Yuri..."

Ok,  so I'm really sorry about the wait for the next so chapter so another chapter will be posted today or tonight as a apology.Im finally done with driving school so I'll have more time to work on chapters and especially with spring break coming up.So yeah, also remember.This is the point of the story where it's gonna start getting dark...


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