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We went to the field during lunch. Ted was sitting with the school president. It looked like they were talking about something serious while Ted was busy munching on Lays.

Ben was just eating MY sandwich. Which he made for me. He left half of the sandwich, as always. "When are you gonna stop eating my food?" I asked before taking one bite. I always love his sandwiches. They are so good and still yet so healthy.

"I just can't."

"And also stop hugging me at night."

"I can't control that. It just happens. Ted did say when we were young I'd wake up hugging him. It's just the way I am."

"That's weird. You should get some help for that."

"Why? I'm not hurting anyone."

"You're hurting me. You tend to squeeze too tight." He smirked. "Stop getting dirty thoughts." I smacked the back of his head.

"Ow, I wasn't."

"Yeah right." I raised my left eyebrow.

"It's fine, it's fine. Let's just eat." I shook my head then continued eating. I kept on staring at him though. He didn't care at all since he was too focused on the sandwich. So dumb and cute at the same time.

After lunch we went back to our classes.

After school we went to his favourite place in the whole city. On a cliff, up onto a mountain. It is peaceful and quiet there. A great place to think or clear one's head. We sat down on a blanket. He placed his head on my lap and took a photo of us.

"Please don't post that."


"If Jeremy sees that he'll think of something wrong."

"Something wrong?"

"You know."

"No I don't. Tell me." He lifted his head. He looked confused yet angry at the same time.

"You know. He'll think we're up to something."

"Something like?

"Ugh. Do I really have to say it?"

"Yes Fred, yes. Say it."

"He'll think we're dating or something." I face palmed.

"Oh, that's the wrong thing." He put his phone down and stared into clear space. We stayed in silence for a little while. Then he said, "Do you think I'm a homo?"


"When you look at me, do you think I'm...like...you?"

Wow. That's....wow. I never thought he could insult me like this. LIKE YOU?!?!!! "I uh- don't know."

"I don't mean it like a bad thing though. Sorry if I insulted you by saying....that." He stared into clear space again.

He looks stressed out. Like he has a lot on his shoulder but doesn't want to let it out. "Ben, what's on your mind?" He sighed then laid back on my lap.

"I don't know." We sat in comfortable silence. He took my hands and put them on his face, then closed his eyes. I played with hair. He took my right hand and put it on his mouth.

We sat like this until it was dark. He took me home then went to his. Mom had brought pizza. "Hey sweety."

"Hey mom. You didn't go to work today?"

"I was given a day off since I came home late yesterday. Want some pizza?"


"Were you with Ben?"

I nodded. "I feel like he is stressing about something."

"Did he tell you that?" I shook my head no. "Well, did you try talking to him?"

"I didn't. I feel like he won't tell me."

"Then you'll just have to wait for him to tell you. Or force him to talk you." She smiled.

"Nah mom. You know I can't forced a person to tell me something if they don't want to." I smiled back. She gave me the plate. We sat in the dining room and watched some TV. "Mom."

"Yes sweety?"

"I think you're right. I think Ben likes me."

Her eyes widened right before she jumped up in joy. "YES!!!!" Was all she yelled out.

"Mom." I looked at her like 'What the heck?!'

She sat down. "Oh, right. Sorry. What about Jeremy?"

"I love them both."

"Did Ben say that he likes you?"

"He didn't. I could easily tell."

"But you can't be too sure. Just don't have high hopes before he breaks your heart."

"I won't. I've already told myself that."

"But try to find out if he does or not."


She smiled evilly. "Why don't you try kissing him?"

"What! Mom! That's basically cheating on Jeremy."

"Oh, come on. It's just one little kiss and after that you'll see his reaction to it."

I'm starting to see why my father left her. "I'm not doing that. I'll just figure out a way that won't get me in trouble."

"Well fine if you wanna be boring about it." She took a bite of her pizza. "Oh, by the way. I want you to meet someone Friday."


"You'll see." She smirked. Last time she smiled like that was when she met my father. I wasn't born year but I can tell. She met someone. Finally!!!

Thank you God for finally answering my prayers to help find my mom someone!🙏🙏🙏 She's been single for too long.

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