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Ted's POV.

After changing into clothes I went back downstairs to Chan. He was on his phone. He put it down when he saw me. I sat next to him. "Hey." He said awkwardly.

"Hi." I smiled awkwardly. "What are you doing here anyways?"

"I just came to chill." Weird that he chose me to come and chill instead of his other friends. He only knows me  for like a couples of days. We sat in awkward silence for a couple of minutes. "Where's your brother?" He asked trying to break the awkward silence

"In his room."

"Mm okay." We ran out of things to say. It's soooooo awkward. "Okay, I can't take thing anymore." He broke.

"Me too. Let's do something else."

"How about a walk?"

"Sure." I took my phone then we headed out. I didn't tell Ben though. "So, where are we heading?"

"How about the park?"

"Mm okay." Along the way we didn't have anything to talk about. We just talked about school and boring stuff. When we reached the park he asked me about something which put me in an awkward position.

"Can I ask you about something?"

"Sure, what is it?"

"Is there something going on between you and Chang?"

My eyes widened. "Uh- no. Nothing's going on between us. I mean me and him. I'm not gay."



"Alright. He keeps on talking about you though. He also jerks off to your photo."

"Wait what? Where did he get a photo of me?"

"I don't know. That's why I thought about asking you what's going on."

"Well I'm conforming this to you, we are nothing. We are not even a we. He is just a bully at my school."

"Alright, if you say so." I could feel it in his tone that he didn't believe me. I also didn't believe me. I knew for a fact that there is something going on between us but I just don't want to admit it because I don't want people thinking I'm gay or something. I like girls not boys. I guess I am kinda homophobic. Hmm.

"You seem kinda down today. What's up?"

He sighed. "I don't know. I just wanted to see you today. I feel like I've know you for a long time actually."


"Yeah." I could see frustration in his eyes.

"Come on. I can tell you're worried about something."

"It's just, it's Chang. This weekend he didn't come home. I don't even know where he goes sometimes and I'm his brother for crying out loud. He should tell me every time he won't come home, which he doesn't a lot of times."

Wait, he didn't tell him? And he doesn't know his brother has a secret cabin?! "Uh- have you uh tried talking to him?"

"He doesn't want to talk to me. He is avoiding me and I don't know what I did this time. He always does this when he's angry. He avoids me for a very long time."

"It sounds like you guys have some issues to solve. Brothers shouldn't act like that towards each other, unless they have secrets."


"Yeah. Are you uh- hiding something from him?"

He looked like he remembered something but chose to ignore it. "Uh- no. Nothing I can recall of."

I raised my left eyebrow at him. "Mhm?"

He saw that I knew he was hiding something. "Seriously. I'm not hiding anything."

"Then why is he mad at you?"

"Might be because of me not liking that he's gay."

"What? Why do you hate that he's gay?"

"I don't. I just hate that because he's gay people think that I'm also gay."

"And you're not?"

"No. Of course not."

"But you like a guy."

"Well, I guess I'm a little gay. But I just hate the stereotype."

"You should seriously talk to him. Clear things up."

"How can I when he avoids me at all costs?"

"Hmm. I'll try to talk to him."

"Wait, you're friends?"

"Well, something like that." He looked surprise. "No not friends. Just someone I bump into time to time." He still looked suspicious.

We have been chatting for so long I didn't notice the time. "It's 11:45!?"

"Whoa. We've been sitting here for that long?"


"We better get going then." He took my hand and pulled me with him. Which was COMPLETELY weird. COMPLETELY.

When we reached my house he gave me hug and left. That was totally awkward. TOTALLY!

My Not Exactly Bully Boyfriend(bxb)Where stories live. Discover now