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He slid his arm around my waist. "Ben let go."

"But why?" He made a baby voice.

"Agh, seriously. Let go."

"Nope. I don't wanno."



"Why won't you let go."

"Because I don't won't to."


"Well, I want to snuggle with you."

"That's weird."

"Nothing's weird about best friends cuddling."

"It is. I'm gay remember."


"This might mean I'm cheating."

"On who?"



"Jeremy for crying out loud."

"But you're not cheating. You're snuggling with your best friend."

"Don't say it like that. You're making it sound weird."

"Okay. Not snuggling but cuddling."

"Still weird."

"How should I say it then?"

"Just let go of me."



Author's Note

Hey guys, sorry this chapter's so small. I had a couple of troubles with the app keep on deleting my chapters. But I promise to keep on updating almost everyday.

Thanks to everyone who read and vote on the story, I also read it too. I really love it and I hope you guys love it too.


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