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He drove to his house where Chang was in his room. "Stay here." He told me as I sat on the couch. He went upstairs and came back after a couple of minutes with Chang. "I want you to apologise to him right now."

Chang looked at me and froze again. Why does he keep on doing this? "No. There's no reason for apologising." I said.

"No reason? He tried to rape you for crying out loud. And he is gonna apologise right now. Chang!"

"I am not gonna apologise for not doing anything." He protested.

"You tried to rape him!"

"I wasn't gonna rape him. I didn't force him."

"Would you stop with this old story."

"If you don't believe me ask him. I didn't force him."

"Teddy, is this true?"

"Uh-well. I didn't want it. He-uh...."

"I told you. He didn't want it. You were gonna rape him. If mom finds out-"

"You said you weren't gonna tell them."

"When it was Freddy, this is a new situation. I just gotta tell them."

(Different Freddy, not Ben's Freddy)


"No. Teddy, let's go." He pulled me with him. But before we could exit the room Chang held my hand stopping me. Chan heated up even more.

"He's not going anywhere."

"Chang, stop it."

"No. He's mine."

"I told you to stop with this dreaming of yours. This is life, you have to wake up someday and things don't always work out in life. So deal with it." He pulled me out with him. He drove me home.

He got in with me. Ben was sitting on the couch, with a six bottles of beer next to him and he was holding one full one on him. He must've been drinking. I wonder where Freddy is. "Just go up to my room, I'll be there." I said as I directed him. He left.

I walked over to him, "Ben, have you been drinking all day?" I asked.

He was lying still on the couch. I shook him to wake him. "Huh- what? What happened?"

He is so drunk. "Why did you drink so much? What happened and where's Freddy?"

"Life, is fucked up." He slowly spit out.

"What happened?"

"Why am I like this? I don't know. He was here and now his gone. He's such a potato butt."

"A what?"

"An elephant's rump."

"What is that?"

"A snake's buttock."

"You're not making any sense. Where's Freddy?"

"He left me, with his stupid boyfriend. Jeremy." He said that in despite. Like he was jealous or something.

"What do you mean he left you?"

"I...." He stopped then fell asleep again. What the fuck!

"Alright. Come on buddy." I picked him up and took him to his room. Which took a lot of effort because of my lack of upper body strength. I went to Chan who was in my room.

He was busy on the phone. When I walked in he quickly put it in his pocket. Suspicion🤔.

"Sorry about that. He is in his room." I said as I set on the bed next to him.

"That's okay. I feel like getting drunk too. I still can't believe he did this again."

"It's not a huge problem. Really. Let's just forget about it."

"I can't just forget about it. It's.....I....." Sigh.

"Just calm down and don't think about it. If you do you'll only get even more angrier. So just think of nothing and no one." He slowly calmed down then laid back on the bed. "Why don't you sleep over tonight? It seems like you want to kill him."

"I won't kill him. But thanks for the offer. Maybe next time, plus I have to study for the weekly test."

"Okay. Wanna get something to eat?"

"Sure." We went to the kitchen. He sat down while I made us sandwiches. Even though Ben is the Great Chef in the house my sandwiches are the best. And I don't even know why😅.

"Mmm, this is so delicious." He said after biting into the sandwich.

"I know. I'm a sandwich expert."

"Definitely." After finishing eating we watched a movie. I felt myself fading in sleep after a couple of minutes watching the movie. I fell asleep. On his shoulder.

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