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(A/N I wrote this when I was 13 and I can't edit it since it's under a contract now, so you are stuck with this non-edited crap.)

Ted's POV

Ever experience that moment where you wanna turn back the time. This happens to me way too often.

I walked into the school, passing all the others chatting or hitting each other. It's very crowded outside and even inside. I just asked myself how many learners does this school have. Plus its quite big.

As I walked further inside, some guy came to me. He's pretty tall. "You're the new kid right?" He asked with a friendly smile.

"Um- yes." I stuttered. I only made small eye contact. I'm shy so it's hard for me to talk. He looks like one of the 'good guys' of the school. Pretty popular, taller than me. I'm short so everyone sees me as a kid. Saying I'm too small for my age. Which gets very annoying after a little while.

One time, when it was my birthday, mom asked how old I was now. When I told her thirteen she said I look nine. NINE!!! I was so annoyed.

"Cool. So I'm Gumball. The school president."

"Wait, Gumball?" I let out a little giggle.

He smiled and said, "I know. It doesn't suit me 'cause I'm so handsome."

"I'm not laughing because of that."

"You're laughing because my name is like the cartoon The Amazing World Of Gumball. I get that a lot. But it's not taken from the show."

"Okay." I nodded. Speaking to this guy made me feel less nervous. I'm glad he's the first person I talked to.

"So, if you need anything don't hesitate to ask."

"Thanks." He left. Sh*t!!! I should've asked for help with my locker. But I found it easily. What a surprise.

I quickly set up my locker and took the books that I was going to use for the first period. While looking at the schedule a group of boys walked in. Everyone moved out of their way. There was one guy at the front, which I figure is the leader. Or Alpha.

I hid my face in my locker knowing that if they see me they might target me for their brutal pranks. Nerds and new kids are usually in danger in high school.

After they passed right by me I quickly ran to my first class. After a little while of trying to focus I felt myself in need to pee, badly. I always hated going to the toilet in the middle of a lesson because I would miss some important info.

I asked for a pass then quickly ran to the toilets. It took me some minutes to find them. I ran in and relieved myself.

I washed my hands in a hurry then dried them. Before getting out I almost bumped into someone. It was the Alpha of the bullies. I froze right under his nose since I'm so much shorter than him. I could feel him staring at me. It feels as if he can see my soul shaking.

He brought his fingers under my chin and slowly lifted my head up so that I was facing him. I closed my eyes, scared. All of a sudden I felt something soft meeting with my lips. He's kissing me. HE'S KISSING ME?! I felt his tongue enter my mouth and I didn't resist. Why aren't I resisting? He pulled back.

I slowly opened my eyes, meeting with his. The tension in the air became really unbearable. I ran out of the toilets and went back to class with my heart thumping really fast.

What the hell was that?! And why did I kiss back?

During the lesson I kept on spacing out thinking about the kiss. Like, what did it mean? Why did he kiss me? Is he gay? If he is why kiss me out of all the people? A nerd and new kid on top of that.

All morning I kept on thinking about it until lunch.

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