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Ben's POV.

I didn't waist time in the bathroom. I couldn't stand being away from him any longer than a second. I also couldn't believe what happened today. I never expected it to happen like this. And I never thought he also like me. I guess I should've told him before instead of waisting this much time. Bad thing is that we didn't confirm anything. We didn't agree to date. I should make it official tomorrow when I take him out to Ushaka Marine park. I should make it special. I want to show him how much I love him.

I've never loved anyone before so I got all these feelings and thoughts that I want to share with him. And show him that I really mean it when I say I love him. A lot. Like, a freaking lot. I should also behave in a good way and hold myself. I can't risk hurting him during his vacation then he'd hate me right after I admitted to loving him as more than friends. Hurting him would definitely jeopardize everything. Last thing I want happening.

When I went to the kitchen, I found  him talking to someone on the phone. It sounded suspicious. Like he was talking to Jeremy or something. He was too smiley and laughy and blushy. Making me heat up a bit. I hate that I get so jealous very easily. I hate it!

I slowly walked behind him, like a creep. "Oh come on. I'm not that easily impressed. You'll have to do better than that." I raised an eyebrow. "Nope." He laughed. I glared at him from behind, obviously. "Still nope. I told you." He laughed again. I glared at him even more. "Okay, that one sounds pretty good. As long as there no other people that are gonna be loud." I wonder who I'm gonna have to kill tonight😑.

(A/N What is wrong with these people!!!😨)

"Yeah, I like privacy. I- no, I'm not talking about that! Obviously. You have such a dirty mind." He laughed again. The fuck is that!?! "Uh- I gotta think about it since I'm being kept prisoner where I'm staying." WHAT!? THAT'S NOT TRUE!!! "I'm kidding. I'm not being kept prisoner." He laughed. "Ey, you don't have to know about that. But I will say I'm treated like a king here." He started playing with his fingers. Very suspicious! "Yeah, I am being serious." Ain't this call ending!!!!? "Alright. Talk to you later." Finally!!!!!!! "You're seriously gonna call again later?" What!!!! "I'll probably be asleep. You can call tomorrow though." OH NO HE CAN'T! "Not too early though. Bye." Right after he put the phone down he turned and jumped in surprise. "Oh Jesus Christ!! Ben!"

"Who were you talking to?" I glared at him even more.

"A friend." He smiled then stood up, wanting to leave me in the kitchen.

"Which friend?"

"The one I met today."

"Why did he call you?"

"Just to chat."

"Couldn't he just chat with his other friend?"

"Alright! Spit it out. What's with the questions?"

"You were all lovey dovey with that son of a bitch!"

"Okay, wow. First of all, I was not lovey dovey with that guy. And second, he's not a son of a bitch."

"Yes he is. If he's mom didn't go around opening her legs for some stranger he wouldn't be here."

He sighed then shook his head. "His name is Sfiso."

"I don't care who he is. I don't want you talking to him anymore."

"There's really no need for jealousy here. I just made a friend."

"Just a friend?"

"Yeah, just a friend."

"It didn't seem like it just now."

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