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Ted's POV.

After Ben left dad went to his room where Timmy was crying. Obviously I eavesdropped on them.😁 The door was a little open.

"I'm sorry about this. It's all my fault. I've broken your family apart." Cried Tim with tears in his eyes.

Dad pulled him in for a hug "What are you talking about. You didn't break this family. It was already broken before you came. Plus, don't worry about Ben. He has always been stubborn. He'll come around one day."

"I should go. I don't want to cause any more problems."

"No. You're not going anywhere. You're my love and I won't let you leave. You know that I could never live without you." He kissed him. Blag! "I love you, okay?"

"I love you too. But maybe we should spend the weekend apart so you can speak to Ben."

"No. Don't do that. You are not going anywhere."


He cut him off with a kiss. "No buts. Let's sleep." He wiped the tears off his face then they got into bed and slept.

Wow. Dad really loves him. Wow!

I went to my room and got ready to take a shower. I just love staying clean. I threw my clothes in the laundry basket then got into the shower. As I was showering I couldn't help but think of Chang. The way he kissed me is....makes me feel.... Agh! Why am I thinking like this?

I shook the thoughts out of my head and got out of the shower. I sat on my bed still thinking about him. For some reason I felt lonely, like I'm missing something or someone. Ridiculous, right?

*Beep beep*
A call from an unknown number.
"Hello?" I said as I answered the call.

"Please come outside." The person said from the other end.


"Just come. Please." Then he hung up. Suspicious.

Who the hell was that?! He wants me outside. What if it's a kidnapper. But maybe it's Chan. I'll just check it out. I slowly walked downstairs and opened the door. There was a car outside with the door opened. I decided to go in. Such a bad idea.

After closing the car it locked. Now I regret getting in. Maybe I'm being kidnapped. The person drove off. He turned on  the lights, revealing his face. It's Chang. I seriously regret getting into his car. "Where are you taking me?" I nervously asked. He stayed quiet while driving. "Chang?" He still stayed quiet.

What the heck?!

We arrived at cabin. He got out, I didn't know if I should stay or follow so I followed. He opened the door and gave me the "Get in" look. I got in. He got in after me and locked the door. The cabin looks very warm and comfy. "Why did you bring me here?"

"I want to explain something."

"What is it?"

"I love you and I want you to be mine."


He came closer to me. I backed away from him. "What?"

"Teddy."he came closer.

"What do you mean you love me?" I backed up even more.

"I mean I love you. Since the first time I saw you. You've always been on my mind. I can't think straight because of you. I want you to be mine." He backed me to the wooden wall. He closed my way with his arm. His face came closer to mine.

"I'm not gay."

"I'm not gay too." He smirked.

"Then what do you call a guy who likes another guy."

"Love." He pressed his lips onto mine. I tried to push him back and it worked.

"No, stop." He smiled again looking at my lips. "I don't love you, let alone like you. You have to stop forcing me into something I don't want."

"If you don't want this then just stop me." He slowly leaned into my face. He stopped before our lips touched. "You definitely want this." Then he kissed me.

I couldn't help it, I stood on my toes deepening the kiss. Why am I doing this! He took off my shirt and his while setting me down on the two person sofa.

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