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After taking a shower I went back downstairs. He had fallen asleep. He looked so peaceful. I kneeled down to get closer to his face. I tried stopping myself from leaning in closer, I couldn't. I "accidentally" pecked his lips. He didn't wake up though. I stepped away from him before he wakes. I got a massage, from mom:

Happy Birthday sweety. Sorry I couldn't send this massage earlier. There was no reception. And also sorry I couldn't make it. My heart is crying right now, also my face too. But I'll be there soon. Love you. Be safe.

I replied back: Thanks mom. Love you too.

She replied: Also be safe sweety.

Me: Mom enough already. I'm not a baby anymore.

Mom: You're still a baby to me.😘😚

Me: Bye mom. See you later.

Mom: Okay, bye. BE SAFE!!!

Me: Alright. I got it.

She always treats me like a little child. It's sweet but it tends to get really annoying. Ben woke up. "Oh, you're done." He yawned.

"Why don't you go to bed. I'll come later."

"Nah, I'm good. I was just taking a nap." He sat next to me in the kitchen. He suddenly laid his head on my shoulder.

"Are you sure you're not tired?"

"Yeah." He hugged me around the waist.



"Let go."


I tried removing him, he held me too tight. "Ben!"

"Come on. Why can't I just hug you?"

"Because it's weird when two guys hug."

"But you hug Jeremy all the time."

"Because he's my boyfriend and gay."

"What the difference?"

"Gay!" I tried pushing him away again. I almost triumphed. I kept on pushing his face but his arms were too tight on me. He accidentally kissed me when I let go. Both our eyes widened then he let me go.

"Sorry." He whispered.

It took a while for me to answer him. "It's fine." All of a sudden, mom barged in looking like a psychopath because of her messed up hair.

"I'm here! I made it!" She ran into the kitchen. She placed a cake on the counter and tried lighting the candles. I could easily tell she was running. "Come on!" She fought with the matches because they wouldn't light the candles.

"Mom, mom. Calm down. It's already past 12."

"Wait, you mean....I'm late? I missed it?"

"It's okay mom. At least you tried." She calmed down.

"I'm so sorry sweety." She gave me a hug.

"It's fine mom. I appreciate that you tried."

"Whoo! Now I can finally calm down. I'm so tired." She sat down. "Oh, hey Ben."

"Hi Ms Hart."

"I keep on telling you to stop calling me Ms Hart. Just call Stacy."

"Mom, that would be inappropriate." I complained.

"But I don't like being called Ms Hart. It makes me feel old." She made a frowny face like a toddler.

"But that's appropriate."

"I agree Ms Hart." Ben smiled. He does say Ms Hart too much though so I get why she doesn't want to be called that even at home.

"I'm gonna go lie down then." She stood up. "Goodnight." She gave me a kiss on the cheek.

"Goodnight mom."

"Goodnight Ms Hart." She left.

"Okay, you have to stop saying Ms Hart. It's getting annoying now."

"But it's respect."

"Whatever. You're not going to sleep?"

"I'll go when you go."

"You're too childish. Let's go." I pulled him with me. We acted like the kiss didn't happen and fell asleep peacefully. He hugged me again in his sleep.

I woke him up in the middle of the night. "Mm. What?" He mumbled out while still in his sleep.

"Would you let go of me?"

"I can't. You're too soft." He placed his head on my chest, like a baby. I just let him be and placed my arm around him. Sometimes I forget that it's Jeremy my boyfriend and not Ben.


When I woke up Ben wasn't in the bed. He was downstairs, making breakfast. "Morning." I said while sitting down.

"Morning. I'm almost finished. Your mom left already."

"Okay. I'll go get ready."

"Alright. Don't take long."

"You know I don't." I ran upstairs, took a quick shower, wore my uniform and ran back down.

"Okay, that was too fast. I'm not done."

"I told you I don't take long." I smirked. He frowned and continued working. After a while we were on the road. We went to our separate classes.

My Not Exactly Bully Boyfriend(bxb)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant