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The bell rang and it didn't take long before everyone was out of the classroom. I was left alone because I was  organizing my stuff.

I watched as people got into their cars, wishing I had one too. I walked out of the school thinking should I walk or take the school bus? I decided to walk. Before I could get out of the school gate an Audi A8 quattro pulled up right in front of me. Wonder who it is. To my surprise, the window rolled down revealing Gumball at the wheel. "Need a lift?" He asked with a smirk.

"Um sure." I got in next to him. Then we drove off. I kept on stealing glances at him.

"Seriously?" He asked in annoyance looking at his phone while we were stopped at a red light.


"It's my brother. He got into trouble again."

"You have a brother?"

"Yeah." He nodded. "Twin brother. But we're not identical. And we're not in the same class because he kept on failing. I think he failed 2 times before. Or is it 3? Now he keeps on getting in trouble and I have to bail him out. Always."

"I feel for you."

"Do you have homework?"

"No, why?"

"Let's go watch a movie."

"I don't have enough money on me."

"I'll pay."

That's weird. "Okay." We drove to the nearest mall. He let me choose the movie even though he paid, which was nice.

After the movie, he insisted on food and paying. I wonder why he's being so nice to me.

He ordered a lot of food. And I mean a lot. He ordered a large Hawaiian burger, chocolate milkshake, traditional Thai plate, chicken sandwich, Thai curry noodles, ice cream cake, blue berry pancakes and Belgian waffles. I just ordered spaghetti.

What kind of restaurant is this to have all these different foods on one menu? No wonder the thing is so thick like a textbook. "Why so much food?" I asked.

"I'm hungry." He whispered to my ear with a flirtatious smile on his face. Causing me to smile too, blushing a little. I'm guessing he whispered so close to my ear because of how loud it is here. While waiting for the food he asked "So tell me something about yourself."

"Like what?"

"Like where're you from."

"Well. I lived in South Africa my whole life. I came to the States last year December."

"Wait, you're South African?"


"How come I never saw that?"

"Well obviously because it's not a visible thing."

"Right." We both chuckled. The food came and took like 3 waiters to bring all of it at once. It filled the whole table. I was shocked looking at how much food they brought. He was smiling looking at how surprised I am.

"This is a lot of food. How are you gonna finish it all?"

"I'll ask them to bag it for me then I'll eat some at home. Let's dig in shall we."

The spaghetti was so delicious I wanted more. But didn't ask for it because my stomach is very sensitive. If I eat too much I won't be able to sleep at night because of the pains I'll get. He almost finished all of his food. He also fed me some of it. It was delicious and I couldn't stop eating with him.

While eating he kept on telling me jokes and I couldn't stops laughing, almost choking. Then two girls passed by us, stopped, took a photo of us then left while giggling. That was very weird and an invasion of privacy. Who does that?! He chuckled to himself again while looking down. "What?" I asked confused.

"Oh nothing. Shall we get going then?" He said still smiling. He asked the waiter to bag the leftovers for him then we left.

He drove me home. "Thanks for the movie, food and bringing me home."

"Sure. It helped with my bad mood." We exchanged smiles then I got off. Before I left he stopped me "Wait."


"Uh can I get your number, just in case I wanna hang again?"

"Um sure." I gave him my number then he left. I got inside and there wasn't anyone in the house. I went to my room, took a quick shower then went to bed. Before I fell asleep I got a text from an unknown number. "Goodnight." It said. Maybe it's from Gumball. I thought to myself. I can't get used to his name.

My Not Exactly Bully Boyfriend(bxb)Where stories live. Discover now