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I decided to take a nap and ignore everything that's happening.

I kept on dreaming about Chang busy bothering me at school. I kept on refusing him but he didn't stop. He kept on pushing and pushing and pushing.

Ben ended up finding out and hated me for being gay. I ended up waking up.

I heard voices while walking down the stairs.

"How's she doing?" Dad asked someone.

"She's still sick." Answered Tim.

"Well, I hope she gets better."

"She will." Dad kissed him on the forehead.

"Hey guys." I said walking in.

"Hey Ted. So where were you all weekend?"

"I told you dad, I was with a friend."

"Are you sure with a friend and not a boyfriend?"


"Ow Frank. Just because you're gay doesn't mean they all are gay too." Laughed Tim.

"I know Ted is hiding something."

"Whatever. Where's Ben?"

"I don't know. We gotta go somewhere and I'm saying this again, don't wait up."

"Alright I won't."

"Bye." They left. What do I do now?

I just watched TV. I had nothing to do. After a while Ben came in. He sat next to me. "Hey." He greeted me.

"Where were you?"

"I don't know."


"What are you watching."

"I don't know."

"Touché. Where's dad and his boy?"

"You mean boyfriend."


"They went somewhere. He didn't tell me where to though. He said not to wait up, again." He chuckled to himself. "So what's up with you and Freddy?"

"What do you mean?"

"You've been acting kinda weird lately. Mostly you."

"To be honest, I didn't know he was gay."

"Wait what?"

He smiled awkwardly. "Yeah sorry."

"What the fuck! Why'd you say you knew?"

"I didn't want him to feel un-comfortable near me."

"Oh, so you do care about him."

"What, no. No I don't care about anyone but my little bro. Only."

"Aw, that's cute."

"Ugh, whatever. Who told you I care about Fred?"

"You did."

"Me? When?"

"You talk in your sleep."

"What! I do?!"

"Yup. And actually you should consider to stop eating broccoli."


"You said it makes you gassy during classes."

"Ugh!" He covered his face in embarrassment.

"I'm kidding." I laughed. "You didn't say that."

"I don't believe you."

"I knew you'd say that."

"Then why'd you tell me that?"

"I wanted to see what you would do."

"You dork!" He pushed me in anger. I kept on laughing. "Very funny." We sat in comfortable silence for a little while. "I can't take this anymore!"

"Yeah me too. Let's do something less boring."

"How about swimming?"


We went out and swam for a couple of hours. Then we just chilled in the pool looking at the clear skies. "It's a beautiful night tonight." I started.


"You're kinda quiet today. What's up?"


"It doesn't seem like nothing to me."

"Have you ever had this feeling you've never had towards someone before and you don't know what it is?"

"Um-" I guess I do feel like that towards Chang. "Well, yeah."

"What did you do to stop this feeling?"

"I didn't do anything. You shouldn't try to stop that feeling or you'll end up getting hurt or hurting that person."

"But I don't like this feeling. I want to get rid of it."

"You can't. Unless you avoid contact with that person."

"But I don't want to loose his friendship."

"Fred is a good friend don't hurt him."

"I won't. I...wait. How'd you know it's Fred?"

"It's pretty obvious."

"Look. Let me clear things up for you." He swam towards me. "I don't like Fred. I will never like Fred. I'm not gay."

"Alright, sheesh. I know."

"I'm serious Ted. I'm not gay."

"Dude I know. Why are you getting so mad?"

"I'm not getting mad." He got out of the pool and went into the house.

I relaxed alone in the pool. But wait, DANG IT!!! He took my swimming trunks. "DANG IT BEN!!" I heard him laugh inside the house. He always does this. I don't even know how he does this without me noticing.

I looked around and saw my towel inside the house. Great. I don't like walking around naked. This is a huge challenge for me. It's pretty dark right now so no one should be outside. I slowly got out the pool as quiet as I can. Then I heard a woman, "Teddy, is that you?" I turned around and saw Mrs Potter. The woman next door. She is a very nosy person. I quickly jumped back into the pool. "What are you doing?"

"Uh- swimming."

"Are you naked?"


"Oh, okay. I thought you were naked for a second there. Well take care."

"You too Mrs Potter." She got into the house.

That was way too close. But how am I gonna get out of here. I heard footsteps. Just hoping it's dad or Ben. "Ted?" I heard Chan's voice.

I turned back. He was coming towards me. "Chan? What are you doing here?"

"I came to check on you. Are you naked?" I smiled awkwardly. "I never thought you could skinny dip."

"No I'm not skinny dipping. My brother took my trunks."

"Well, you need help?"


He went into the house and got the towel for me. "Here you go, I guess." He handed me the towel.

"Thanks." I took the towel. He closed his eyes while I got out of the pool. I wrapped the towel around my waist then we got inside the house. Ben was in his room, I think. He waited in the dining room while I went to my room to get something to wear.

It was kinda awkward that he found me naked. Thank God Ben didn't take out the water this time, Chan would have seen my pee pee.

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