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"Then we'll just sit here in silence." He laid his head down on the bed.

"Won't that be awkward?"

"As long as the silence is comfortable then it won't be awkward. Unless you feel awkward, cause I don't."

"No I don't." I laid next to him. After a couple of awkward seconds, for me, he turned and suddenly pressed his lips onto mine. I was frozen. Eyes wide open. He stopped and stood up. "What the fuck!" I also stood.

"I'm so sorry. I just had to do it."


"You're my crush." I face palmed myself to collapse onto the bed. "I'm sorry, okay? I know you already have someone but I can't stop this feeling. It really hurts to see you everyday yet I can't hold myself from wanting to see you."

"Chan. You're not making any sense. Did you just say you like me?" I stood back up.

"Yes. Ever since I saw you on the first day. That's why I chose you to assist. I didn't care about the others at all."


"You don't have to say anything." He put his finger on my lips. "I'm  not asking you to love me back but I'm just asking you to let me love you and try to win your heart."

"That's just too much. I already told him that I'm not gay."


"Ch-....." I stopped myself.

"Who? Your boyfriend?"

"He's not my boyfriend. I'm not gay."

"But you said you're not typically single. Which refers to him."

"I know. I'm just confused." I sat back down. He sat next to me.

"Me too. I just thought it was right to tell you. I've never like a guy before."

"Me too." We laid back onto the bed.

"What do we do?"

"Mi-rou na." (I don't know.) We sat like this for a very long time I ended up falling asleep.


When I woke up, he was gone. He left me a text message on paper. I believe it's called a note.😁

'Text me when you wake up. Please.'

Should I? Nah, I don't think so. I went downstairs and found dad and Tim, busy. "Ahem!" They stopped.

"Oh, Ted. I thought you were sleeping." Dad said awkwardly.

"Yeah. Where's Ben?"

"In the pool."

"I'll go check on him. Uh- have fun with whatever you were doing." I went out. Right after closing the sliding door I heard Tim's laughs. I smiled to myself. "Hey Ben!"

He was floating on the water he didn't hear me. I could easily tell he was clearing his mind. I sat on the pave near the pool. After what felt like an hour of us clearing both our minds he saw me. "Oh, Ted. How long have you been sitting there?"

"A while."

"Why didn't you call me?" He swam towards me.

"I thought you needed some time to clear your head."

He smiled. "You always know what's best for me." He got out of the pool and sat next to me. "Can I get a hug?"

"Not happening." I blocked his hug. I have to say, I have a shredded brother. Woo! That physique tho! He squeezed me into his wet big muscly arms. "Ben! Let go!"

"Come on." He laughed. "Can't I hug my little brother?"

"Not when you're all wet!" He smirked. I smacked the back of his head. "Not that kind of 'wet' idiot." He let me go with a frown. "So, what's up?"

"Nothing much"

"You left early this morning. What's up with that?"

"Oh, I went to go check on Freddy."

"Why, what wrong?'

"He sprained his ankle yesterday."

"I'm sure it's your fault."

"What? Me? Why me?"

"Cause I'm pretty sure you were the only one who was there with him and it's pretty obvious that he was chasing you because you were holding his something."

"Wow, good guess. How'd you know?"

"I was watching you."

"What?! Are you nuts?!"

"I'm kidding. Duh." I laughed.

"Why you gotta trick me like this all the time?" He frowned again.

"I don't know." I shrugged with a smile. "So what's really going on between you and Freddy?" I raised my left eyebrow.

"What do you mean?"

"It's pretty obvious that you're not just friends."

"Yes we are."

"No you're not."

"Yes we-"


He bit his lower lip. "Look, I don't know what your talking about."

"Why are you dodging your feelings?"

"I'm not dodging anything. I don't know these feelings you're talking about."

"Ben, come on."

"Just shut up okay!" He furiously stood. He calmed down. "Shut up." He went back into the house. It's been a while since he's snapped at me. I don't even remember when was the last time he did.

I'm such a hypocrite. I'm asking Ben about why he's dodging his feelings while I'm also doing the same thing. The same freaking thing.

I sighed then also went inside, taking along Ben's towel. Which he left when he stormed inside. Dad and Tim were upstairs.

I went to my room and laid on my bed, listening to Travis Scott, Rodeo. I know it's old but very dope. Also stuck in my thoughts. I'm liked by twin brothers.

How did I even get here?!

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