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While waiting for the food he kept on starring at me. Which was VERY awkward. "What?" I asked after what felt like an hour of being stared at.

"Nothing." He smiled. Okay, what is it with Americans? It was the same with my class this morning.

"Can I ask you something?"


"So I um, accidentally read your diary." I grinned and shrugged embarrassed.

"I knew it." He smirked subtly.

"Wait, you're not mad?"

"Nah." He shook his head. "I didn't even write any big secrets anyways."

"So, who's this love of your life." I smirked expectingly.

"Wait, I wrote that?" His eyes widened. I'm guessing he's surprised.

"Yup. Didn't you notice?"


"So who is he?"

"Well, " he paused.

"Come on. Spit it out."

"I'm not gonna tell you."


"Yet. I'll tell you after some time once I'm sure."

"At least a clue about his name?"

"Nope." He smirked.

"Fine. You better not forget to tell me."

"I won't."


"I promise."

The food came. So fancy. AND DELICIOUS! But also expensive. Yet again he paid for the meal. "That was delicious."

"I knew you would like it. So, shall we get going?"


I didn't realize how much time we spent in there, it's now dark outside. Sheesh. We went back to his car. "You like a boy. Doesn't that make you gay?" I asked. That is a stupid question. Why did I even ask that!

"Well, I guess it kinda does." He said it so confidently. Such attitude. He took me home.

"Thanks for dinner."

"No problem."

Then he drove off. I got inside, remembering that dad said he is bringing someone over. I can't eat dinner with them, I just ate with Gumball.

I quickly got inside and saw Ben over in the kitchen. Cooking dinner. I always loved it when he cooked. I don't know where he learnt how to cook but his meals are always delicious. Very delicious.

"Is dad home yet?" I asked after walking into the kitchen.

He turned around from the stove "Nah. I'm just getting started on dinner."

"What are you cooking?"

"It's a surprise."

"I knew you wouldn't tell me."

"Hey, I'm done." Someone said, coming downstairs. He didn't seem familiar.

"Who's this?" I asked.

"Ted, this is Freddy. My classmate. Fred this is Ted, my little bro."

"Hi." He smiled.

I smiled back "Hi." He went to help Ben. Hmm? "So, boyfriend?"

"Ha, ha. Very funny. You know I'm not gay."

"Right." I rolled my eyes.

"I'm serious. Can you pass me that knife over there?"

"Uh why?" I raised one brow.

"So I can cut your throat."

"Alright. I'm going to take a shower now." I quickly ran out of the kitchen and to my room. I threw my bag onto the bed then ran into the bathroom.

I took a quick shower. When I got out I found a text massage. From Gumball. "Hey."

"Hi. You home yet?"

"Just got home. What are you doing?"

"I just finished showering and I'm gonna have dinner with my family."

"You're gonna eat again?"

"No. I'm just gonna sit with them while eating something small like a salad. But not that much."


"How about you?"

"I'm about to go on my night jog for about 2 and a half hours."

"You jog for that long?"


No wonder he is in such good shape. "Okay. We'll talk later."

"Okay. Wait, I forgot to tell you something."

"What is it?"

"Gumball isn't my real name. My real name is Chan."

"What?!" What the what right now?!



He didn't reply back. He already left. Why did he lie about his name in the first place? What game is he playing here? I put the phone back on the bed and wore my best clothes.

Ugh, what am I saying? My nerdiest clothes. I took my glasses and phone and went downstairs. Ben and Fred were done with dinner and had already prepared the table for five people.

Ben looked at me and said "I'm so embarrassed to call you my little brother."


"You are such a dork." He ruffled my hair. I slapped his hand away from my head.

"At least he is nice." Fred said from behind.

"So I'm not nice?" He looked at Fred with a devious smile.


Ben poked Fred and said "Hey! I am nice. Way nicer than you."

"Nope. You are not nice."

"Oh really?"

"Yup. You are the opposite of nice. You are bad."

"Bad is not the opposite of nice."

"But you are bad." They both chuckled. They look so cute together.

"This doesn't look like just friends to me." I said with a smirk.

"Shut up!" Ben yelled at me.

The door opened. Dad walked in with some cute guy. A really cute guy with slightly chubby and pink cheeks and curled hair, with also a small nose. I MEAN HE IS FREAKING CUTE. "Guys. I want you to meet Timmy."

(A/N Everyone here is like Timmy Turner😂😂😂)

We all froze.


(A/N I want to clarify right now. Chang, Alpha, Ben and Fred are 19. Ted is 18)

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