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Fred's POV

After eating Jer left. He didn't say anything at all. He just kissed me on the forehead and said he'll see me later.

I sat there the whole day. Ben came. He literally barged into my house. "You're really not gonna knock?" I asked while he jumped onto me.

"Why would I?"

"Because you could barge into something really important and you shouldn't see."

"Like what? You and your boyfriend having sex?"

I slapped him at the back of his head. "You need to stop sticking your nose into my business."

"Your business is my business."

"I'll go get ready." I pushed him off me and ran upstairs. I took a quick shower. Wore my black skinny jeans and a white shirt with a grey pullover. Before wearing shoes I went to ask Ben something. When I reached the stairs I stopped when I heard two voices. Ben and Jeremy talking.

"When is the party starting?" Jer asked. I peaked on them. Ben was playing with my phone. Jer looked awkward. I smiled to myself.

"At 11pm." Ben answered while still playing with my phone.

"So late? And when is it ending?"

"It doesn't. It depends on when people leave."

"So when do you usually leave?"

"Mostly 2 in the morning."

"What? What about school?"

"What about it?"

"You don't get distracted?"


"Oh, alright." I think he ran out of things to say because he started checking if I'm done. I ran back to my room and wore black Converses. Then I ran back downstairs. "You're done." He stood up when he saw me.

"Yeah." I looked at them awkwardly. Ben was still on my phone. "Shall we go?"

"Yeah." I snatched my phone from Ben.

"Hey, come on. I was about to finish the race." He whined like a toddler.

"Let's go you big baby." I pulled him up. After closing the door came a challenge.

"Which car do we take?" Asked Ben. They both came with their cars.

"I don't know." I replied also stuck.

"Uh- just ride with Jeremy. You're gonna come back with me anyways." Ben got into his car and turned on the ignition.

"Alright, let's go." Jeremy smiled then we got into his car. "Wait, I don't know where we're going."

"Just follow Ben. He knows."

"Okay." We drove off. While driving in silence he asked, "What did he mean when he said you're gonna come back with him?"

My eyes widened. "Uh- he was just joking."

"Mm okay. If you say so." His tone was telling me that he doesn't believe me.

After a couple of minutes we arrived at Ani's house. The music was very loud. "Are we at the right house?" Jer asked.

"Yeah. I think so."

We got into the house and it was very crowded. Ani came to us as we walked in. "Ben. So glad you could make it." She gave him a hug.

"Aw stop talking like that. You know I don't miss any parties."

"Stacy told me you didn't come to her party last night."

He looked at me. "Someone didn't let me." He smirked.

She gave me a hug. "Hey Fred. I knew you'd come too."

"Why's that?"

"He always drags you to every party he goes." She pointed at Ben. We both laughed. Then she looked at Jer in a surprised but sexy way. "And who is this?" She smiled.

"Jeremy." Jer held out his hand.

She shook it very slowly feeling Jer's skin. "Ani. Nice to meet you."

"Don't bother." Ben whispered to her. "He's gay."

"What!" She screamed. Very, very loud.

"Alright, let's get this party started!" Ben pulled her into the crowd. They started taking a lot of shots and dancing.

I just sat at the couch with Jer watching everyone dance or do other disgusting things. "Do you usually sit alone?" Jer asked.

"Sometimes. He sometimes pulls me into the dance floor and forces me to dance."

"With him?"


"Okay." After a little while we went to sit outside, near the pool. He kept on looking at me.


"I don't know why I love you so much." He kissed my hand. The smiles on our faces couldn't disappear. Mine almost did when I thought of Ben. I just can't bear to hurt him like this so I dodged his eyes most if the time.

Not after a while Ben came to us, completely drunk. "Hey guys!" He fell onto us. "Why are you seating outside when there is a party going on inside the house?"

"Um- we just wanted to get some fresh air."

"Come on. Let's go." He stood up and started pulling me up.

"Ben, stop. You're acting weird again."

"What do you mean? I'm acting normal. I'm not drunk. I just had one drink. Just one." He fell into my arms again.


"Let's go." He stood up again and tried to make me stand. I stood up trying to shake him to make sense. But he just fell into the pool.

Everyone looked at him and started jumping into the pool. He came out of the pool and took off his shirt. Those abs!!! Then I remembered Jeremy looking at us. "Ben!"

"What! Sheesh! Can't a guy just have fun on a Saturday night." He went back into the house.

Jer was furious. "I don't like your friend. I don't even know how your friends. You are totally different people."

"I'm sorry about him. He usually isn't like this when he is drunk. He just wants to have fun."

"Freddy! Freddy!" Ani came running to me. "Ben passed out."


"Wait, what do you mean again?"

"Look, Jer I'll explain everything later. Come on." I pulled him into the house.

He was laying still on the floor. "Great." I tried picking him up but Jer offered to help. He put him on his back. We took him to his car. Jer placed him in the backseat.

"What do we do now?"

"I'll take him home." I suggested.

"I could go with you."

"No it's fine. Plus you have to go see your mom tomorrow."

"You sure?"

"Yeah. I'll see you next week." He gave me a hug and a kiss on the forehead.

Ben smashed his face on the window. "You done yet lovebirds?"

Jer let me go and left. I got into the car and drove off.

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