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In the morning I headed downstairs to meet with the headmaster. The others would have received their glamours and be waiting at the train now. The headmaster handed me a thick bracelet that looked like it would suit a male. A set of angel wings rested on the cuff. There were two of them.
"You will be heading to Russia. One of these will assist you with the language barrier. The other will make you appear as a male to the others and you will sound like one." He said
"The angel wings?" I asked him
"You were register as a half angel. So wings on display please." He added as I took the cuffs. He handed me a uniform as well. "Go change and head down to the train" he added. I nodded and headed off to change. Getting undressed from my clothes I pulled on the boys uniform which was surprisingly warm. After that I put the cuffs on. Looking in the mirror I could see though my own glamour but I could see it on me. I looked a little like Dante. Less demon like and more of a love angel tho. Black short hair. Tone body. Not muscular just tone. Maybe more on the scrawny side. damn why did I have to be short. I thought letting my wings out with easy. Heading out of the changing room the headmaster handed me a glasses case
"What's this?" I asked him my voice sounded deeper and more like a male.  I opened it up seeing some basically nerd reading glasses
"Your ghost eyes come though your glamour. These will hide them from the others." He said. I nodded putting them on.
"Anything else?" I asked
"No." He said before walking away. I rolled my eyes At his care free attitude and headed off to the train. Everyone looked at me as I arrived. I was handed a folder by Professor Floral.
"Study it. That is your persona." She said. I nodded slightly "Are you not taking Luca?" She asked
"Luca is afraid of the school. So Rachel is looking after him." I said it's going to take a bit to get use to the sound of my new voice.
"You were registered with a companion." She stated
"What kind?" I asked her glancing at the folder
"Didn't specify." I placed my fingers to my mouth and whistled before this black smoke came speeding though the air and stopped beside me taking the shape of a wolf dog. A grim dog. Solid black with red eyes. Their bodies are made of smoke. And they can't died. They are ghosts of sorts.
"Good enough?" I asked
"Perfect." She said I nodded slightly before heading to the train with Grim beside me. Grim has helped me on a few cases over the holidays. For those harder to track down. Sitting down on the train by myself Grim jumped onto the chair beside me and laid his head down on my lap as I put my feet up across from me. I yawned opening the file in my hand. Tyler. They gave me the name Tyler Gardiner. I shook my head before looking at the information. Only child. Half angel of death. Has not taken a soul so still in purest form. An angel of death slowly become more and more skin and bone until their body waists away and they are just a skeleton taking souls to heaven or hell. I sighed patting Grim's head. Nothing else really. Age unknown. Family unknown.
"Why did it have to be the guys school?" I whispered.
"It's only a week." Grim responded his voice within my head. When Grim dogs take a liking to a person and they leave the church they had been protecting they can communicate with the person they selected via telepathy.
"That's still seven days I have to deal with disrespectful males." I said with an annoyed whisper tone to my male voice
"I'll bite them." He said and I laughed at him but that gave me chills from the sound of it. "It's still a long time to the school. Sleep while you can. You may not be able to around these males." He added Expressing concern for me
"You are right." I said in a hush tone as I grabbed my headphone and put them on. Pressing play on my music I laid my head back and closed my eyes falling asleep with ease.

Arriving at the school the following morning because of a malfunction with the train. Well actually the tracks were blown up because of a witch coven in the area practicing explosive magic with younger witches. It took a while to repair the tracked before we could go on. So after the delay we arrived at the school. The others were hesitant about going anywhere near the school especially the girls. But I strongly started walking to the pathway that was covered in snow. My wings dragged across the ground behind me as I walked. Reaching the school four males stood there feet apart arms behind there back looking stiff as a board. One of them was Kyle. The only way to identify their classes were by the curved daggers on their belts. The daggers has tassels hanging off the handle with the appropriate colour for their class. Because the class ranking is actually a global ranking it makes it easy between schools these are the basic rankings tho as I found out. Getting back into the STA I began to notice things like each time I was given a folder the writing was in a different colour in some places. When I question my mum about it because she knew more then I did she explained to me that each person who is registered is broken down into colours. Their skills and knowledge ranked them the rank is assigned A colour. She said anyone can have up to five colours in their file. But she knew mine was all Black. I asked her what the fifth colour was and she said white. For those who are in the white ranking are more then 10 thousand in power level.
"Welcome!" Kyle yelled out getting everyone's attention "we were aware of the delay because of a witch's damaging the tracks it's actually a pretty common occurrence. As most of the students have been ranked we will make this a quick as possible so you can get on to classes. Single file!" Kyle yelled. Everyone moved quickly. Behind me too. I looked at Kyle before seeing his shade searching me and sniffing me
"Black." The shade snarled before Kyle held out a dagger with black tassel I took it
"Secure it to your belt and do not go anywhere without it! This school was built upon a demon portal. These daggers are instant kill. But you would know that as an angel." He said looking at me
"Half angel. I have been on earth all my life and have never meet any other angel." I said to him as I tied the dagger to my belt.
"We warn you all. If you see a demon you are to kill it on sight or risk being killed yourself." Kyle yelled out before i snapped my fingers and Grim came to my side. Kyle glanced at Grim before I headed inside out of the cold. The explains why the headmaster keeps the area around the school below freezing. Demons struggle to get around because they come out naked. It wouldn't take long before they are slowed down because of the cold. Making my way towards the classroom I was directed to by a teacher I walked in with a few others behind me. Everyone stopped and looked at us
"First years are next door." The teacher said looking at us. I glanced at the board. They were disgusting how to close the portal to stop the demons from coming in. These were all black students. And there were so many of them.
"Is this portal the reason there had been an influx in demons on earth?" I blurted our. The teacher glared at me
"That's none of your business boy!" He snapped at me. Right. Boy. Can not act like myself. I though adjusting my stance slightly
"It kinda is." I snapped back "I was enjoying my none working life until angels shipped me off here to fix a demon problem." I added. I'm not suppose to draw attention but like hell do I wanna do first years class again.
"He is an angel." A guy spoke up standing up "maybe he will have some insight in why the demons come out immune to the cold." He added. Immune to the cold? Does that mean that some have gotten out?
"Why are you at this school?" The teacher asked Curiously as he shifted his whole body to face me
"I personally don't give two fucks about anyone especially creatures lower ranked then me. I was just asked to do a job and that job requires me to shut the portal or minimise the demons come out of it. I have no care for your education." I said my tone bitter and harsh. And I was really trying to act like I couldn't care less. And hell if it's true. Two birds with one stone as they say. Grim started barking and when I looked at what he was barking at. It was a demon. A very ugly demon who looks like he was melting I turned to look at the demon. Shifting my glasses down to the end of my nose I looked at the demon before it started screaming in agony. It wasn't something I was doing either. The demon exploded into flames before turning to ash. Behind him I saw Ryker had stabbed his danger into the demon. I moved my glasses back up to cover my eyes before Ryker looked at me.
"You are meant to kill them not look at them." He said bluntly very annoyed with me
"I was studying it." I said matching his tone as best I could. I don't know much about demons. All I do know is how to kill them. But there was something different about that one.
"You need to move onto your class." The teacher said harshly I looked back at the tall scrawny warlock who most definitely practiced dark magic. It had begun to fester on his skin. I simply turned and walked to the next room to sit though an hour long monsterology class that had incorrect facts and useless information

Supernatural Academy Second YearWhere stories live. Discover now