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Just a quick note. I am writing and updating when I finish each chapter. I have no proof read anything I'm just writing and posting as I go. Most of you said short chapters were okay as long as there was updates. So they will be short and I'll just keep posting as quickly as I can write. Thank you all for being so patient with me for so long.

Olivia and I spent a short time in the creature room. We didn't stay long because the only creatures there were highly dangerous ones and between Olivia being afraid of them and me being unsure we decided to leave. Olivia suggested we go research Freya in the library. The more we know about her the more we will know about me. So that's what we went to do. We gathered every book that had mentioned Freya in it before going to sit down in the reading corner which had pillows and the ground was extremely soft to sit on. I also had a note book and pen to write down information so we could compare it. Olivia was doing the same. We had already been at it for an hour and she had collected so much information already. I however had nothing. I was reading so much stuff but retaining nothing. I have been on the same page for ages now but I just couldn't focus. I had this itching in the back of my head and I wanted to sleep. I looked at Olivia again. She looked so peaceful and happy doing the research. Turning back to my book I was on a page about the Brísingamen necklace. I haven't read anything about it just been sitting on this page. I normally don't have a problem researching things that I like. This falls into that category. But i just feels like I'm reading gibberish. I rubbed my head and my eyes trying to help myself focus on the task but it didn't help. Just seemed to make it worse.

I jumped and retreated backwards when I was touched. Looking up it was Olivia and she looked worried. Why did I react like that? I knew she was right there. She was the only one who could touch me so why did I just try and run away from her
"What's wrong?" She asked concerned about me.
"I'm sorry you startled me." I told her sitting back where I was
"That looked more like a ptsd response to me." She informed me. I just looked at her "you can't deny the fact you have ptsd love. You literally went to hell and back. I couldn't think of a single person alive who could do that and come back to only have mild ptsd like you." She told me before moving over and sitting beside me.
"It's more then just ptsd." I said looking at her she smiled in the warmest way and it gave me comfort. Olivia brushed some of my hair back off my face and smiled at me.
"I know love. And you can't expect it to just disappear overnight all because you got some powers back." She told me resting her hand on my face. "You have been struggling since leaving the creature room. I don't know what happened but it's getting worse." She added with concern. I sighed now because I didn't know she noticed. I thought I was hiding it so well
"I have had this itching in the back of my mind. Kind of like when Lilith was in my head. But it's not her. I don't know what it is. All I know is the more I ignore it the worse it gets and the sleeper I get." I explained to Olivia.
"Why don't you lay down and sleep then? I don't mind doing the research." She offered. I felt bad now.
"You don't have to. I should be doing my own research." I told her. Olivia kissed me on the lips and smiled
"It's okay. I'm enjoying learning about the gods and goddesses anyway. Why don't you come lay down. If you don't want to sleep you don't have to. But just try and relax." She told me. I nodded giving in because I was just too exhausted to fight. She moved back to her spot with all the books leaning against the wall. I grabbed a pillow going to lay down but Olivia spoke first "come lay over here." She spoke patting her thigh. I crawled over with my pillow laying between her legs my head on her thighs. She ran her finger though my hair as I closed my eyes.
"Thank you." I whispered.
"Anytime love." She whispered back sounding happy. I heard Olivia start humming and it put me to sleep quickly.

The pain I felt I though was real. But a part of me knew it was just a nightmare. I was chained by my wrists and ankles suspended in darkness. The shackles around my wrists and ankles had spikes on the inside and they were so tight I couldn't feel my fingers or toes. I screamed and cried from the pain I was in. My body felt like I was on fire.
"Did you really think you could get ride of me that easily?" I heard Lilith's voice echo in the darkness around me.
"Just leave me alone!" I screamed at her crying.
"Oh darling." She spoke before appearing in front of me "I'm going to make you wish you were dead." She said amuse holding up a knife calved from stone. She held it to my throat
"Just kill me and be done with it!" I screamed at her.
"Oh darling. No matter what I do you won't die. I could carve your heart out of your chest and hold your beating heart in my hand without you dying." She said amused "actually that's the perfect way to start." She spoke before pressing the stone into my chest. I screamed as she cut into my flesh
"Stop!" I cried before pulling the flesh off my chest.
"There. That's one layer." She said holding up the layer of my skin in the shape of a heart. "So pretty." She added.
"Why are you doing this to me?" I cried looking at her. She put the point of her knife to my chin.
"Why not? You drank my blood. You accepted me into your body. No matter how hard you try to get ride of my I will alway be in your blood and as long as I am in your blood I will be in your head." She said before stabbing me in the chest. I screamed again as she began to cut though the next layer on my chest. Lilith tossed that away before she started breaking the ribs away from my chest. Lilith took pleasure in my pain. I could see that. the more I screamed the more she enjoyed herself. Lilith moved back now holding my heart in her hand.
"You're a monster." I sobbed
"Cry all you like." Lilith spoke. "It won't save you" she added. Before biting into. I began to struggle against the restraints
"Leave me alone!" I screamed at her. Everyone around me suddenly changed. I collapsed to the ground tears falling from my eyes. "I just want it to stop." I cried looking at the wounds around my wrist. Blood pooling around me. Looking up I saw death sitting there watching me.
"Heal yourself." She spoke.
"You said she was gone!" I screamed at death "you told me you got ride of her." I screamed crying holding myself. She was supposes to be gone.
"Heal yourself." Death spoke again. I looked at my wounds and they healed immediately all the blood was gone and it was like it never happened. There was no pain it was all gone.
"You said you would get ride of Lilith." I spoke upset.
"You can not blame us. You slipped into the veil. The veil is what you make it gemini. Lilith is not inside you. The trauma in your head created what you just experienced. I did you a favour and pulled you out of it before you killed yourself." Death spoke Looking at me. "This was your own fault gemini. Whenever you go to sleep you'll slip into the veil unless you know how to stop it." She told me.
"Then how do I stop slipping into the veil?" I asked her
"I can not help you. For one I do not know. But for the time being I'll pull you out of that mess until you work it out." She told me. Death made it sound like I was an inconvenience to her. "Go." She added waving her hand at me.

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