Forty three

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The whole train ride to the boys school Casey had talked about all the fun times she was having with Blake now that I'm no longer a 'problem' in his life. I didn't pay all that much attention to her, I wasn't interested in her and Blake's life. If they were all happy without me around who am i to ruin that.

When we arrived at the boys school we were greeted by much more clean cut men then what the school normally produces. Looking around at the few who where here to escort us they seemed more relaxed and content not so aggressive. I remained quiet as everyone changed to more appropriate clothing for the cold weather. Despite the demons being dealt with they keep the winter spell over the area to keep the school hidden amongst the mountains were as my school is hidden amongst the forest and Olivia's school. Is hidden in the side of a cliff on the ocean edge.

As we approached the school it was a lot more calmer. The aggression that normally comes with a large number of these men can be overwhelming but there was none of it this time which helped me remain calm and my anxiety was under control. My shoulder was tapped and i turned my head to be treated by victor. He gave me a half smile as he looked at me
"Im surprised you are still kicking." He informed me.
"Im surprised you aren't in jail." I retorted turning away from him going o follow my group. Victor followed beside me now
"So i hear Kyle Ryker and Philip are all moving on with their life and finished up with their education following into work." Victor spoke trying to strike up a conversation with me. But i didn't answer him trying to ignore him. "I need help Gemini's and i think you are the only one who can help me." Victor spoke as he stopped walking. I stopped to look at him.

My group continued on leaving me alone out the front of the school with victor. When i looked at victor i saw the defeat in his eye as he looked at me. He obviously doesn't actually want my help but by the look on his face he has no one else left to ask. Considering he is asking after everything that's happened between us. The nerve.
"What is it?" I asked him already regretting my words but his eyes lit up when i spoke.
"Well my brothers disappeared." He told me sounding anxious.
"Not surprising honestly." I pointed out crossing my arms
"He is six years old." Victor said with a bitter tone but corrected himself immediately and i felt guilty for what i said now.
"My apologise but with you behaviour going after your family as revenge would not be surprising." I explained to him before hearing a bell sound. Most likely to get everyone to report to the main hall. "What would you like from me regarding your brother?" I asked Victor, knowing its only a child in danger i want to help. Will probably be a good distraction right now.
"I just want to know if you can tell me if he is alive or something. I know you are connected with death." Victor spoke as he looked at me "rumours spread after you went to save Olivia from some coven.' He added
"I was actually closing another daemon gate when i found her i didnt know she was there.' I informed him he just looked at me uncertain now. "What's your brothers name?" I asked him calling for death with my mind.
"Nate Simmons." Victor told me anxious as death appeared beside me.
"Different last name to yours." I pointed out.
"Different father." He answered wanting to avoid the subject.
"How long has he been missing?" I asked to get some more information from victor.
"Two weeks. I have tried the bounty hunters the sta everyone possible to help my brother you are my last option." Victor became stressed and it was obvious.
"The boy is alive. I wouldn't recommend you intervening he is capable of the rescues himself and the boys father has kidnapped him." Death informed me before leaving
"I can't really explaining to you of all people how i know this but your bother is Alive his father kidnapped him, im sure you are capable of handling it from her." I informed victor, he starred at me with a blank expression.
"Yeah i can manage that." He told me straightening out "can we keep this issue between us. I dont want people knowing i had to ask you for help." Victors tone tuned bitter as he spoke to me like he hated me again.
"I guess i mean what can be said anyway. You asked me where your missing brother was i gave you an answer almost immediately. If anyone should be worried it should be me being able to give you that information without explaining how i got it." I told Victor he looked at me again realising what just actually happened.
"You didnt have anything to do with it right?" He asked me
"I didnt even know you had a brother until now victor," i pointed out annoyed "also im too busy with my own problems to go messing with peoples lives like that." I added and turned away from him as i made my way the rest of the way up the path to the main entrance.

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