Twenty nine

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I woke up in the morning to mum waking me up. She had ordered breakfast to the room and I got up going to sit with her and eat.
"Did you call the fae?" I asked her
"I did. But first how do you plan on finding Olivia? Do you know where her family is?" Mum asked me. I didn't. I knew nothing
"No." I whispered now
"Then can we go to the fae until you have some kind of lead on Olivia?" She asked me now.
"I guess." I whispered eating the eggs and bacon.
"I know you are desperate to go see Olivia gemini. But unless you have some kind of lead honey you will just be running around in circles. And Australia is a big place. She could be anywhere." Mum told me and I sighed now.
"I know mum. I know you are right but I also know something is wrong. I don't know if my dreams are real but I also know It's a part of Olivia's powers to reach out in a dream state." I told her Mum took my hand now.
"I know honey. But without a lead you will drive yourself insane." She told me. I nodded slightly
"Okay." I whispered. "We will go to the fea." I told her.
"Good. They will meet us downstairs after we check out. Then we will be portal to the convent." She told me
"A convent? You mean witches?" I asked her
"No. Nuns." She said laughing a bit
"Nuns? You are telling me there is a demon gate in a nunnery?" I asked her laughing now.
"They are witches but they are also nuns. Not in the way of Christianity but they refrain from sexual activities and are all women. They try and keep their magic as pure as possible." Mum told me.
"I'm not going to judge them. Just find it a little stupid in my opinion." I said and finished eating. "I'm going to shower and then we can go." I said. Mum nodded now before I got up going to shower.

I washed my hair this time before I ended up just sitting in the shower crying because I just needed to cry. I needed to let out my build up emotions again and it felt like no one else was listening when I said I needed Olivia back. It just gets brushed off like it's just a missing someone you love and they act like one more day won't hurt. But it hurts. I want to scream I want to cry. It felt like my heart was being ripped out of my chest and I couldn't breathe. But I have to grin and bear it because no one else understands. After a few minutes of crying I got out of the shower and got dressed in some blue jeans and a button down top. I fixed my hair before leaving the bathroom. I packed my things up.
"Are you ready?" Mum asked me.
"Yeah." I told her but it was obvious that I had been crying. I grabbed my bags and mum grabbed hers before we headed downstairs to leave.

After checking out we went outside the hotel and waited. After a moment we were approached by a woman wearing a habit. It was white in colour and covered her completely the only thing that was visible was her face but that looked tight fitting as well.
"Please come with me." She spoke in a whisper before turning to walk away. We followed her without luggage. I didn't see the portal. I just know we were walking and next we were approached a old church. I felt sick. Moving thought what I'm assuming was a spacial rift made my stomach churn something horrid and I couldn't help vomiting
"Gemini!" Mum said alarmed now.
"I'm fine. Spacial rifts are the worst for me to pass though. I just need a minute." I told her. Leaning against the wall closing my eyes waiting for my head to stop spinning and my stomach to settle. "I apologise for the mess." I added
"It's not a problem." I looked at the nun and she waved her hand and just like that the vomit was gone. "When you are ready we need to be moving." She added not expressing any empathy at all. This woman came across as bitter and cold. It gave me an uneasy feeling. Straightening out mum helped me
"Are you sure you are okay?" Mum asked
"I'm fine." I said smiling at her.
"You can leave your luggage there." The nun spoke before she started walking. Heading inside the church I saw the wall lined with nuns with veils covering their faces their arms filled extended out in front of them with their palms up and grimoires on their hands. Some had one others had up to five. "These are out pledges. We teach strict discipline so please do not interact with anyone who has a face veils. They are not allowed to speak." The nun spoke. I went to say something but mum pinched me I looked at her and she shook her head no. Saying something would probably be a bad idea.

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