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And we are back up again. I'm sorry for how long this took I apologise. There has obviously been a lot going on this year for everyone and I fell into a really bad way and couldn't write. But I'm back I'm better and I'll be working on this over the next couple of week and hopefully 🙏 the book will be completed before the year is out. I am also working on a side book with all the creatures mentioned previously. And when that is up I'll let you know.
Weekly updates I know they are the worst. But I'll do my best to keep them coming

I stood atop a sky rise building looking down at New York's busy streets. After school finished last year the STA contacted me again learning of my new skill. They demanded I rejoin them as a field agent and I would never be allowed within the facility walls. After they ran multiple tests on me they began to push my abilities to the point the pain no longer bothered me. They turned me into one of their soldiers. I kept my morals but I do what I'm told. While in New York i made one big mistake. I exposed myself to so many humans and ended up getting caught on camera. Now images of me are plaster all over New York with an 'angels exist' tag. Since my wings were out and I was flying. I didn't really care. Because after that I made several more appearances doing my job and no longer caring if I was seen. The only reason I agreed to work for the STA again is if they paid for my schooling. They agreed as long as I protect a girl who starts there this year. She is only sixteen but a princess and no one is to know. No boys in her room that she will share with me. I must take her to every class as well as make sure she studies. She isn't allowed to date anyone. No parties. No slacking off. Basically I'm there to keep her focused and safe. She's a werewolf princess. But since she has never made a public appearance no one knows who she is. Actually no one knows who any of the royal children are. Just that there are 5 of them.

I let out a deep breath before pulling the black bandana up over my nose and mouth jumping off the roof of the sky rise falling thought the air. This is such a rush. But I'm so use to it that is no longer does anything for me. The bandana is the only reason my identity hasn't been publicly displayed. My wings spread out stopping my fall as I redirected myself down the street people pulled out their phones to capture videos of me as I flew past. I had finished my jobs and it was early morning. I had to make it to the first stop train station in the next hour or I would be flying all the way to school. The reason I'm getting on at the first stop is because the princess gets on at the second and no one else is allowed in the cabin with her unless there is no other choice. I have seen a picture of her and she reminds me a bit of the Disney Princess Jasmin. She's got long black hair always wearing headbands has olive tan skin And brown eyes. And she was short. Obviously too young short. But since she is royal they can start earlier because they have to graduate before they are 18 so they can commence their royal duties and make their first public appearance. I personally wasn't looking forward to any of it.

After I reached the train station I got on board and picked put a cabin. Talia was going to have my thinks and Luca -my Cerberus wolf companion- brought onto the train for me. Wes  -an original dragon who is the keeper of fire and heat- was to remain at the house and help the other original creatures supervise and control their respective species creatures and assist my mother in feeding them all. Ivory -my hippocampus o rescued from being eaten- and Thurso -my kelpie that was already at the academy when I meet him- were also at the house along with ivory's babies who are getting so big already. This year was going to be a clean slate for me now. Well except I still have to face Blake and Ian and Jason We did not leave last year on good terms. I never once spoke to them over the holidays. I was anxious about what would happen now. Dante couldn't continue with school. He came to see me over the brake the angels had ordered him back to heaven so he wasn't able to continue coming to school. I was really bummed about that because Dante was like my only friend left. Jewels and Crystal still haven't spoken to me since the whole 'I like girls too' thing. I stuck a blood tablet in my mouth and started chewing it up when the train began to move. Over the brake mum perfected the recipe. Now it's sustainable for long periods of time. The tablets can last me a week before I need real blood. They last a regular vampire longer. But since they were perfected and the moment they hit the market they have been on high demand. With such demand and my funding we got a factory going to pump these bad boys out like they are sugar pills. Mums fairy friends all turned around and helped out at the factory. They even started bringing in humans for blood donations but then erasing their memories of the whole things so no one questions where the blood goes. Last I check we are getting about a hundred blood bags a day. Each bag can make 30 tablets. And one tablet is a daily supply of blood for a normal vampire. So we manage to serve 700 vampires a week which is every vampire in America. The other tablets get shipped to the other countries. And since the tablets can keep as long as they seal isn't broken on the packaging they last forever whilst stored. All the ordering is thought a private website where the vampire must enter in their registration number which can be obtained from their local council. They order their own tablets and pay for them themselves. Each order is shipped directly to council offices where the council then distributed the tablets simply because we don't want postal services to accidentally lose them. The train came to a stop at the second station and I got to my feet opening the door standing in the doorway watching as people got onboard the train. Only a few. This was a small stop. The first stop was a large one where 30 people got onboard. But this one was only five people. One of them five was the girl I would be protecting. Rachel. She looked at me as she got into the train. She looked so uncomfortable in the jeans and tee shirt she wore. Her designer handbag rested on her arm and I'm pretty sure that handbag is worth more then the club Talia and I co own. It's a large well know underground supernatural club. Exclusive entry most nights.
"You must be Gemini." She said as she looked up at me. I moved to allowed her into the room. She looked irritated with me as she walked inside. I closed the door and locked it turning to speak to her but she looked disgusted. "You seriously don't expect me to sit on them grubby chairs." She said her voice high and she was offended. I question why they sent her to my school. She would do better at the girls academy.
"Look sweetheart. I'm here to make sure you don't get hurt. Complete your school work and aren't distracted by boys. You are not allowed to go to parties and you most definitely will not be acting like a snobby princess. If you wish to complain do so to your father Or mother because i don't care." I said sitting down on the chair putting my feet up resting them on the chair across from me and so I was blocking the door. "I'm not your friend. So don't expect me to act like it. I'm here to keep you inline. if you don't want to sit down you can stand for the next 12 hours for all I care." I said pulling the hoodie up on my jacket to cover my eyes
"I am a princess don't you dare -"
"Sit down." I said bluntly and she dropped into the seat. "Now I am going to sleep. Do not try and leave the room and do not open the door for anyone." I added
"Yes ma'am." She whispered embarrassed I have a slight nod before closing my eyes going to sleep.

Supernatural Academy Second YearWhere stories live. Discover now