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I awoke in the morning a little before sunrise. I was sweating and shaking. My skin felt clammy and my breathing was rapid. The way my body felt it was like I had been running for hours. My adrenaline was heightened and I could feel my instincts in fight or flight mode.
"Are you ok?" I was startled by the voice and my body went into flight mode as i leaped away from the voice to put the bed between me and it. After I had taken a second to gather my surroundings I knew I was in my room and I saw Cassy standing there looking concerned now. "Gemini are you ok? Are you having another panic attack?" She asked expressing concern and it sounded genuine.
"I-" I couldn't speak my breathing was so rapid I couldn't catch my breath to speak. She was right I was having a panic attack. I could feel my chest tightening up making it even harder to breath. It felt like my throat was closing up as well. I couldn't breath I was gasping for air now. Tears were falling from my eyes
"Gem? Gemini you need to breath?!" Cassy yelled becoming frightened now "your face it's swelling up what's happening?" She was panicked now and had run to my side to help me but was ultimately clueless as me. Wait my face is swelling? This isn't a panic attack it's anaphylaxis. I have gone into anaphylactic shock. I need my EpiPen to stop this before I pass out. But how did this happen? The only thing I'm allergic to is roses and- I saw some roses on Rachel's beside table and they weren't there when I went to sleep which means they could have been there for hours and I can't be in the same room as roses for more then four hours without going into anaphylactic shock.
"D-draw-" I gasped pointing to my side table on the opposite side of the bed to where I was. Cassy looking confused and scared but she ran to the draw. There was only one thing in that draw and it was my EpiPen.
"What do I do with it?!" She asked alarmed and scared as she came back to me. I snatched it from her removing the blue cap and stabbing the orange tip into my thigh. Almost immediately I could breath again. It was still hard but I could take a breath. "W-what happened? Your face went red and your lips were going blue." Cassy spoke sounding extremely shaken up. I turned my head slightly looking at her as I was taking long deep breaths to get oxygen back into my system.
"It's called anaphylactic shock." I told her flatly. I suspected she was the one to bring the roses into the room. "I am highly allergic to roses and you would have been made very aware of that when you were told you would be rooming with me." I told her. She just looked at me so clueless now.
"Roses?" She asked before looking around seeing the bunch of roses on Rachel's bedside table.
"Almost everyone in this tower knows of my deadly allergies and keep that in mind to avoid my wrath. So I know for certain Ian did not send them to Rachel. Or anyone in this tower for that fact." I told her my tone was bitter and cold "anyone expect you. I wouldn't put it past you to try and do something so petty to try and kill me." I added before I started coughing
"Me? Why would I?-" Cassy paused looking at the roses again "I am mildly allergic to roses. Not enough to harm me but enough that if I come in contact with the flowers or even the stems I would brake out in serious rashes." She told me
"You could have had someone deliver them." I pointed out
"We aren't allowed people in the tower other then teachers and the students and you said it yourself everyone in this tower wouldn't have don't that and I would assume teachers would know of your deadly allergies." She told me. "Besides. That's Rachel's personal vase meaning someone had unwrapped and arranged them and if I did that I would have to go to the infirmary to be treated for the severity of the rashes caused my roses." I looked at Cassy not believing a word she said but she still had a point if she was allergic to the roses then her arms would be covered in rashes. But it doesn't change that someone had put them there. And I strongly believe she organised it to make herself look innocent.
"I need to go to the infirmary." I spoke getting up holding my chest because it hurt.
"Do you need some help?" Cassy asked as she went to assist me into standing up. I swatted her hands away from me
"I don't need help from you." I spoke before walking out of the bedroom to go and get medical attention.

Supernatural Academy Second YearWhere stories live. Discover now