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The warmth I felt was different. It wasn't warmth from being in a bed. Or being embarrassed by someone. This warmth came from within my own body. It was like a slow burn a flame had been ignited inside me. I felt like a delicate flame floating in the middle of nothing. I saw nothing and felt nothing but warmth from my inner flame. Is this what death feels like? It feels strange. I don't know what I expected death to feel like but it wasn't this. Because this is lonely. I couldn't spend eternity like this.
"Opened your eyes." A voice echoed around me. I couldn't tell if the voice was male or female. Opening my eyes it was bright but it didn't hurt my eyes. I sat up slightly and saw a woman standing over me.
"I wasn't expecting you to cross over." She said looking at me
"You can't predict death." I said looking at her
"You aren't dead," she told me. I was shocked
"But I was stabbed and a building stone landed on my head."
"And you have possession of a goods item." She told me.
"What?" I asked her
"The eyes of Freya aren't just a coming thing gemini. They make you part god. Well in this case a demigod. Plus with the Christian's demon Lilith in your body it will keep you alive for a while long." She said before I sat up.
"Where am I?" I asked
"You in the vail. The moment between life and death. In here time passes differently. At the moment that stone hasn't crushed you head. You still have time to save yourself but first." She said and picked up a knife. We need to put Lilith back where she belongs." She added.
"You can do that?" I asked.
"Yes. But if we remove her we will be forced to take away everything she holds captive from you." The woman spoke.
"So to get ride of Lilith I have to give up everything about myself?" I asked her.
"No sweetheart. You won't give up everything about yourself.  You will be opening yourself up to your true self. Your goddess abilities will grow stronger and more power without them other useless things holding you back." She said waving it off like it was obvious.
"I'm sorry what?" I asked confused shocked and not understanding anything she was saying
"How much do you know about Freya?" The woman asked me
"Not much honestly." I said looking at her.
"Well basically she's quite a powerful goddess. Actually very fitting for you. She's is the goddess of love fertility battle and death. This would be your first encounter with your death abilities. Coming to the vail that is. In times of desperation you will retreat to the vail until you can work out how to get yourself out of the situation. You are kind of immortal. Most injuries and wounds won't be harmful to you. That knife wound should heal up pretty quickly. But first Lilith." She said coming towards me with a knife
"Wait what will happen to her?" I asked worried that she would be let loose in the world
"We would put her back in hell obviously." She said like it was obvious
"I'm confused." I said
"For now let's just remove Lilith and get your body to safety before you do die. I'll summon you back here when you go to sleep." She said. I just nodded slightly. What do I have to loose? Literally nothing. She stuck the knife into my chest before I could do anything. I felt no pain. I looked down and saw a black ooze coming from my chest. The knife was pulled back out and then my eyes clouded over.

I inhaled deeply as my eyes opened. I saw the stone falling towards me and I got out of the way quickly. My body felt stronger then before then it's ever been before. I looked down and saw A knife still in my stomach. I pulled it out and the wound healed over quickly. I had so many questions about what just happened. But all I could think about was Olivia. Running out of the building outside I saw everyone crowding around I ran over to everyone and Casey looked at me
"Thank god you are alive!" She said hugging me. I instantly pushed her off me.
"Where is Olivia?" I asked her.
"Over at the make shift infirmary." Casey said. I headed over to where there was a white tent and saw her laying on a sheet on the ground her head was patched up but she was still unconscious. I knelt down beside her holding her hand. I'll kill Victor. I thought as I looked at the blood soaked patch on her head. I wish I could heal her injuries. I brought her hand up to my mouth kissing her hand and feeling the warmth of it on my face. I heard a loud noise looking up I saw the school completely crumble and collapse in on itself. I heard a scream looking over it was the headmaster. She was on her knees crying looking at the school
"Nooo!" She screamed like it cause her physical pain. I don't understand what happened. I looked at Olivia. I'll come back but I need to know what happened. Getting up I headed over to the headmaster kneeling behind here
"What happened?" I asked her. She looked at me tears in her eyes.
"The spirit of the school died. Someone would have had to kill it." She sobbed. Why attack the school? And them spirits can't be killed easily.
"Tend to your students and the injured I'll see what I can find out." I told her. She just nodded and I headed back to the school. Walking over the rubble towards where the gate was I saw no damage. It was mended. But I saw something I hadn't seen in a long time. The school spirit. I use to see it when I had my ghost eyes. It was just another thing that I saw every day that wasn't unusual to me. Only this one was weak. Kneeling down I picked it up off the ground. These spirits are like little flames. And they live inside the walls of the school. It needs time to recover. I thought before heading back to the headmaster. They are headmasters for a reason. They can give life back to them by keeping them inside their bodies. That's where the spirits are born from.
I found the headmaster. She looked broken. I knelt down in front of her. She raised her eyes to me.
"The spirits not dead just weak. You need to restore its strength. It might take some time." I told her. She took the spirit into her body without question.
"Get off me!" I heard Olivia yell. "Where is that asshole! I'll kill him!" She screamed.
"Who?!" one of the teachers asked
"Victor. He killed gemini!" Olivia screamed I got up and headed over to her
"Liv." I spoke she looked at me now. "It takes more then a small knife to kill me." I said. She looked like she was going to cry. Immediately she hugged me.
"I don't understand." She whispered to me.
"I'll explain later." I told her looking at her "how's your head?" I asked touching her head softly. She flinched a bit.
"Should heal soon." She whispered to me. I gave her a reassuring smile now.
"What happened?" A professor asked. Olivia and I turned to face her
"Victor attacked us. He caused Olivia's injuries and stabbed me leaving me to be killed by the crumbling school." I explained holding Olivia's hand.
"Attacking another student is forbidden." The professor said 
"I believe there are more pressing matters at the moment." I spoke "Victor will be dealt with accordingly but these students are injured and need medical attention immediately. I think it's wise a portal is opened up to teleport the injured to help." I added. The professor nodded now. Olivia squeezed my hand. I looked at her. She looked scared.
"I thought you were dead." She said looking at me.
"For a moment so did I." I told her. "But so much happened in that little time and I don't even understand it myself." I told her.
"What can you tell me?" She asked me looking worried.
"I'll tell you it all. When there is no one around." I told her. She nodded slightly taking comfort in that. I saw her body relax before she collapsed. I coughed Olivia and eased her to the ground laying her head on my lap. The adrenaline must have worn off. I thought before taking her hair out so she could lay comfortably.

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