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It didn't work. I spent hours being tortured in my dreams. By the time death had helped me out I had been skinned of all my flesh and all my organs remove. Even tho I knew It was just in my head but no matter what I tried I couldn't get out it just got worse. Death didn't even speak to me just made me wake up.

When I woke up I heard Olivia arguing with Casey and Blake. I sat up looking at them.
"Can you keep it down." I spoke annoyed I noticed the string that was placed between us was gone a slight burn mark around my wrist.
"You were out of line at lunch. You scared cassy half to death and you need to apologise." Blake snapped at me as Casey pretended to be scared.
"You have five second to get out of my room before one of you gets hurt." I said bluntly and angry.
"Apologise!" Blake snapped again
"Get out!" I screamed before the windows exploded. Blake shielded Casey from the glass.
"When the hell did you powers back?"
"None of your fucking business! Now get out of my room!" I yelled at him. He grabbed Casey and left my room Olivia closed the door but by the looks of it I'm guessing Blake kicked it in.
"Are you okay?" Olivia asked
"No." I answered her rubbing my head.
"I tried to wake you up before. As soon as you feel asleep the string burned off from around your wrist severing the tether." Olivia explained to me "but as I expected once's your in the veil you can't be reached." She added
"Did Blake seriously kick in the door?" I asked her
"Yeah he didn't even knock just kicked it in a few minutes ago. Started yelling about how it's my fault you treated Casey and how if I wasn't around you wouldn't have even attempted to harm Casey. And they originally thought it was me giving you power." She explained to me. I nodded slightly before rubbing my neck. "Torture again?" She asked me
"It always will be." I whispered before a gentle knock came to the door. I looked up before professor floral walked in
"I heard you got your abilities back." She said looking between Olivia and me.
"Sort of." I whispered hanging my head forward Professor floral fixed up my room and put a magic layer over it to avoid ease dropping Everyone knee Casey was outside the door listening too.
"Care to inform me what happened?" She asked me standing at the foot of my bed.
"Victor tried to kill me." I told her as I looked up "my eyes of Freya aren't just a compliment they are actually Freya's eyes. They were gifted to me when I was born and because of Lilith locking away my abilities it allowed me to access my goddess abilities. Which at the moment seems to be explosive." I added
"I can see that." She said looking at the broken glass around the room
"It doesn't help that Casey keeps having a go at me for every little thing trying to get a rise out of me." I added.
"Normally you are in much better control of your emotions tho." I just looked at professor floral with no emotion. I didn't even know how to answer her
"After what happened Lilith was meant to be remove from Geminis body. But I believe Lilith is still there making it harder for gem to control her emotions. With my spirit magic I can sense more then one soul inside her." Olivia explained.
"When she was a vampire wolf and Angel she had them souls in her too. Gemini has always had multiple souls inside her before Lilith. So maybe one was left behind. And if so it's probably her wolf soul it's always been the most aggressive." Professor floral suggested. "Have you thought about doing a soul extraction to see?" She asked how
"Because of the dangers of that spell gemini wanted to think on it." Olivia informed professor floral.
"Are you concerned about Olivia's safety?" I was asked. I just nodded now "it does make me lean more towards her wolf soul. Her wolf is extremely protective of the people she loves and both times her powers have become explosive is when you have been under threat." Professor floral pointed out. Olivia looked at me now. She put her arm around my back and her hand rested on my waist. I took that as an invitation to cuddle closer to her
"She has been slipping into the veil when sleeping and while there is being tortured by Lilith." Olivia told professor floral.
"Lilith would have her own access to the veil. If she isn't in Geminis body and is back in hell the connection they had before would be enough for Lilith to know when gemini slips into the veil and take control of what's happening."
"I didn't think of that given she's in hell I assumed she couldn't assess the veil." Olivia said sounding like this was thinking
"The dead can access the veil whenever they like because they are dead. It's the living that can't. Only few can and for someone like you and me if we accessed the veil one wrong move would end up killing us. But for gemini the veil is a pathway to Freya's afterlife where she keeps her warriors."
"You know of Freya's afterlife?" Olivia asked
"I have been researching Freya since I found out about gemini'S eyes. With her chimera blood o expected her to adopt goddess abilities. I didn't realise she was actually a demigod." I felt exhausted all I wanted to do was sleep but I was too scared to go back to sleep.
"I tried to tether Geminis soul to mine so she wouldn't slip into the veil but it didn't work." Olivia spoke now stroking my hair. Professor floral made a few noises to express her frustration and confusion.
"I don't mean to be rude but maybe the connection between you two isn't strong enough yet." Professor floral suggested. "I might summon Wes. Gemini has a strong connection to that dragon as well as he is old enough to know about demigods."
"He won't help." I spoke "I believe he knew already and refused to help me." I added
"I don't know if luca would work tho to tether souls together both must possess complex emotions and strong feeling's towards each other." Professor floral spoke grabbing a chair from my desk and sitting down. "I suggest we first start with finding out who the second soul is then we work out how to keep you out of the veil." Professor floral spoke as a book appeared in her lap.
"I would rather be human then suffer though another venture into the veil." I whispered a few tears escaped my eyes now
"We will find answers." Olivia whispered back kissing my head. I had the worst headache alive and it made me want to sleep but I couldn't sleep. I needed to stay awake until answers were found.

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