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I didn't want to do this. I was still content with laying in bed crying. My body hurt all over even tho I was completely healed. I think it's memory pain. Or I'm just stiff from laying on a hard surface for so long when I was in and out of consciousness for the four days after closing the gates. Sitting at the table I looked at my breakfast and all the bright colours in the bowl. I think it was one of the trendy smoothie bowl things. As colourful as it was it didn't look appealing. I think mum used fairy fruits in the smoothie part of the meal because it was an iridescent pink colour. Strawberries, blueberries, bananas and poppy seeds decorated the top of the bowl. But still, this iridescent pink colour of the smoothie was really putting me off. I would have rather it be a pink dragon fruit colour. At least then I would have known what I was eating and get past the colour. But now I really don't know because I can't even think of any fairy fruits that produce this colour. Maybe it's a combination of the different kinds of fruit. I thought.
"It's not going to fly into your mouth." My eyes moved to my mother standing across the table looking at me. I must have given her a confused stupid looked expression because she laughed at me. "Your food won't magically fly into your mouth if you keep staring at it." She spoke gently with a smile. But so much worry was in her eyes. She was afraid.
"What's in its?" I asked her my tone was still weak and I sounded defeated.
"Oh it is dragon fruit sweetheart but I think the roots of the plant found their way into the magic garden and that's what happened when I blended it. It was pink when I cut it open but as soon as I added it to the blender with the coconut milk and strawberries and blueberries and it changed colour. I still can't work out how it got so light in colour let along how it ended up so shimmery." She explained tapping her finger against the bench. I just gave her a slight nod looking back at the bowl. Here goes nothing I thought as I picked up the spoon. Taking a spoonful of the thick pink liquid I swallowed every ounce of hesitation just before I placed the spoon full into my mouth. I don't know what I expected but I definitely didn't expect it to be sour. I couldn't stop my facial expression as it contoured from how sour the taste was. This was worse than a sour lemon.
"It's sour." I gasped reaching for my coffee to wash the sour away and replace it with the bitterness of my coffee.
"Really?" Mum asked confused her brows knitting together as she moved over to me and took the bowl. Without any hesitation, she took a mouthful of the thick pink liquid. Her face screwed up and so did her body from the reaction to the smoothie bowl. Then she started gagging. I couldn't help the small giggle that escaped my lips at the way she reacted. Last time I saw someone react with their whole body about something sour was in primary school where extreme sour warheads were all the rage. From memory, I remember watching one boy put five of them in his mouth all at once and ended up a drooling messy because he couldn't spit them out from how sour they were.
"I'm sorry mum I know I should laugh," I said still giggling trying to control myself but it was only making it worse.
"You are right that's very sour." She gasped as she gaged a bit trying so hard to get relief from her water as I laugh away like a little girl. "It's good you are feeling better." She said with a smile before moving to the fridge. I looked at her and she grabbed a few things from the fridge.
"What are you doing?" I asked her Curious because I didn't see what she grabbed. And I was still hungry. I would settle for a bowl of cereal right now but as I found out earlier when I was looking for some there is no cereal in this house. Like seriously? She knows I love my cereal. Where did it all go? I sighed at my own thoughts. I'm a grown fucking adult. A multimillion-dollar adult. Buy your own stupid cereal you jerk. I told myself as I rested my head on my hand annoyed at myself now.
"Bacon and eggs sweetheart," Mum said with a cheerful tone her back to me as she started cooking on the stovetop. "Did you want anything else?" She asked turning to face me now. I looked at her.
"No thanks, mum," I said getting to my feet. "I'm going to sit outside I need to think about a few things and work out what I'm going to do from now on," I explained and she nodded slightly turning away from me but I saw how upset and worried she was. I wanted to reassure her that everything would be ok but I didn't want to make that promise so I just left the kitchen.

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