Twenty two

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I took two weeks and convinced Wes to help me train the abilities I already knew I had since he wouldn't teach me something I didn't know. It was explained more in-depth to me that the reason for my training and learning in this way is because if I learn something I'm not really for it could kill me and rip my body to pieces. The mental challenge of being chosen as a god or goddess is more taxing than the use of the abilities as almost most of those chosen to be a god or goddess take their own lives because the tasks for them to reach full power are too difficult.

But now I felt stronger. Physically that is. My mental strength is still low and weak. I still have nightmares about what Lilith did to me. And they are just nightmares, not the veil. That I got the hang of quickly. I still haven't heard from Olivia and I'm hoping it's just because she sent mail to the school and not to my home address. I still haven't been able to reach her by phone either.

Luca wanted to join me back at school this time. He was no longer wary of me and got familiar with my newfound strength. When it comes down to it just because he is a big mythical creature doesn't mean he isn't scared himself. I now understand his level of trauma and the abuse he took before coming into my care. Wes explained that Luca probably felt unsafe because I no longer possessed the power to protect him. And it made sense. If I was him and the one person who made me feel safe and secure suddenly became powerless I wouldn't want to be around them anymore.

Carrying Luca in my arms I used the portal Professor floral taught me and passed back into the school from my home. It was mid-morning and classes would be starting now. I had already arranged to continue the teaching with professor floral so I must be going to my class now. Walking down the halls it felt a little colder than normal. I normally wouldn't notice this slight change. But given Luca had taken a massive notice of the change I was slightly concerned. But it's probably just someone practising magic. There are a few winter fairy's from the girls' school. Similar to my mother but my mother is a forest fairy. And winter fairy's needed colder weather.

Walking into my classroom I saw a massive divide in the room between the students from my school and the girls' school. They kept their distance from each other like each one was contagious.
"Did I miss something?" I spoke placing Luca on the teachers' desk he just sat there looking around. No one answered me. They just looked at me. "Why is there a divide in the classroom? I was told the classes would be working together due to limited staff." I added no one answered me still. My eyes scanned over the classroom and they landed on the half-demon boy I let into the school. He noticed I was looking at him and nudged his girlfriend. She stood up now
"A fight broke out two days ago specifically in this classroom." She told me.
"Why?" I asked looking around.
"They don't agree we should be here," Philip spoke walking in with a bag over his shoulder. Kyle was with him as well. "Well since Ryker got a traineeship job abroad working with creatures after coming here they are under the impression we are being favoured because the girls believe they were way more qualified than Ryker was," Philip explain to me
"I'm aware of the traineeship I got that job for him," I said simply before Philip held his fist out for a fist bump. I gave it to him which he was happy about
"Hopefully you are back for good." He added
"At least until someone else tries to kill me again," I added semi-joking. Hun and Kyle sat down now
"Why did you give Ryker a job working with high-class creatures?!" a girl asked angrily
"Yeah weren't you dating Olivia? Isn't that almost cheating giving him something so priceless?" Another asked
"Yes I am dating Olivia and I got Ryker that job because he works for me. I run an organisation that rescuers and rehomes dangerous and high-class creatures. It's an unpaid traineeship and in the year it's been open not a single person has applied for it."
"You are practically a billionaire why not pay for the traineeship?" The girl asks angrily
"You get travel food accommodations and everything paid for you just don't get your own money. So you will expend no cost to the traineeship but you will also get no money out of it either. If anyone wishes to apply for it you are welcome to. Just note you will be tested in a controlled environment on how you can deal with dangerous unpredictable creatures." I explained to them
"It doesn't explain why they are here!" One girl yelled pointing at Philip and Kyle. "Changing schools is not allowed!"
"It is in certain circumstances like how you are all here. Them two are here because they went against their school's order to protect other people and if not for the headmaster they would have been killed."
"Attempted to kill." Kyle corrected me now being cocky about his immortality.
"In your case eternally tortured," I said sitting on the desk and grabbing the folder that was there.
"What are you the teacher?" One of the girls asked
"Teacher in training," Blake spoke walking in now
"What is this some sort of mixed grade class now?" I asked
"Ranking," Philip said. "The headmaster ate co-running and since the girls' classes are run via rankings and not grades it's repeating or catching up. Very annoying. I have sat through the same class twice now." Philip told me. I nodded slightly before Casey skipped in with a black-tie again. I looked at her and she instantly used Blake as a shield
"I see someone managed to rank back up to black rank," I said turning to the class. "I do things a little differently to Professor floral when it comes to learning about creatures. Since you have two monsterology classes a day morning will be theory on what creature we are discussing. In the evening you will be put to the test to show how you would manage to engage with these creatures in person.
"You can't do that you have no control over them anymore," Blake stated.
"Between the two lessons, you will be asked to write a five hundred word essay on the creature. The essays must include. How to identify the creature and its power level. It's habits and habitat. How to calm and capture. What it eats and how to transport. Now I don't care about words count. It could be more it could be less. I don't care if all you have are dot points on these facts. All I want to know is your understanding of it." I said. Some people were writing down what I was saying others didn't care. "Because I am required to get theory understanding from everyone I do my theory in this manner so there is no testing. It's just you doing your research on the specific creature in the morning and in the evening you will put that research to the test in a controlled and safe environment. But if you do mess up expect to be injured. It's just my job not to let you die." I told them
"That's a bit harsh." I turned to see professor floral at the door but she was amused "the headmaster wishes to see you at lunchtime. Something about the power fluctuations changing drastically when you got back. I don't know he wouldn't tell me anything more." She said before leaving the classroom.
"Someone's in trouble already," Casey said trying to be mean
"I already know what it's about and believe me I am not in trouble," I told her. "Now ladies from what I was told even tho you are black rank you would only study and enacted with the green rank creature. Here is not the case because in the real world you have to make their assessment quickly so you will not know what ranking the creature you face will be until you engage with it because as past of my classes you will be marked on how you assess and handle the creature." I told them.
"So just the same blue ranked crap." One of the girls spoke I laughed a bit
"Blue ranks do that with the creature in a case. You won't. You will be handling either wild untamed creatures or slightly tamed creatures." I explained to her. "Now our first lesson is chimaeras," I said and this made a few people uneasy now.
"But chimaeras are black to white rank creatures and are extremely dangerous and unpredictable!" A girl spoke sounding alarmed
"Did I not just finish explaining that you would be dealing with a wild animal." I asked her slightly annoyed before getting to my feet "alright listen up I'm only saying this once! If you can not face a black rank creature confidently without assistance you will be ranked down to green! Yes, some fear is expected. But if you can not assess and deal with creatures whether it be by capture or taming you are not fit to be a black rank student. Because if it came down to it and you were unable to protect yourself from a black rank creature then why should you be classed as a black ranked student!" No one spoke now. It was just silent in the room and many were uneasy. One guy raised his hand now
"What if we can deal with the most creatures and have a bad day?" He asked me.
"Three points of assessment every day will take place. Research. Assessment and tame or capture. To remain in the black ranking you must complete all 3 tasks a minimum of 3 days a week. If there is something serious is happen and you can't complete said tasks you are to speak with me. If the reason is valid you will be let off." I spoke.
"What if we are non-conflict or combat appropriate?" Cassy spoke
"If you can not deal with creature confocal or combat then you should not be black ranked. Because to be of black ranking you need to be skilled in many aspects. Not just knowledge."
"You were literally in black for your knowledge last year!" Cassy snapped at me
"No, I wasn't I had combat experience. But as a human presenting person trying to explain why I was three times stronger than an alpha was difficult when I didn't even know myself. If I had the knowledge I did back then I wouldn't have been such a coward and I would have embraced my true self long ago." I spoke. "Now are there any more questions before class begins?" I added. No one answered me so I began the lesson.

Supernatural Academy Second YearOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora