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I didn't get to speak to death. They were busy and I wasn't going to push them. But I couldn't sleep. When I try to sleep I could hear the cry's and the screams of those who were in pain. About 3am I gave up and got out of bed. Opening the door I saw the nun was gone so I left the room. Walking down the hallway it was freezing. There was moisture on the stone walls and the only light coming from the flame torches that were on the walls. Getting to the main hall I saw the pledges still there. They were sobbing and in pain. It sounded like they were being muffled though. Walking down further I reached the girl that was calling to me the most. I looked at her for a moment debating if I what I was doing was the right thing. Moving closer I reached up to move the veil off the girls face. I got it far enough to see a gage tied around her mouth before my arm was snatched away from her and I saw the mother superior. She looked pissed off.
"What are you doing?! You were specifically told to not interact with the pledges." She scolded me.
"It's hard not to when you can feel them screaming for help." I told her pulling my arm away from her. "If they choose to do this willing it's none of my business but this girl here. This one is not here willingly she she's been crying for help so let her go." I snapped I have never felt small before but this woman new how to make me feel small with just her gaze
"She was sent here by her family for disobeying her path. The goodness Hecate will help her back to her right path where she belongs." She spoke in a harsh tone
"You are dishonouring the goddesses name! She was the companion of the goddess Persephone. A friend and an ally. The goddess Hecate is a goddess of magic and witchcraft. A protector of your species and you are dishonouring her name by torturing her people." I spoke.
"You do not know of our goddess to speak of her in such a way!" She scolded me.
"You do not know me to know otherwise!" I told her angry.
"You are just a filthy mix-breed. Nothing but a mutt!" She told me angry.
"You should not disrespect dogs. They are Hecate's creatures. Her companions." I snapped
"Do not tell me about my religion! I was born in this Coven and raised by the religion." She told me
"Your religion is corrupted!" I said turning to try and help the girl again but I got slammed against the stone wall. That hurt I turned to mother superior again
"Last chance girl. Do your job you were called her to do or leave!" She snapped at me. I went to yell at her but I felt the presents of death on my shoulder.
"Hecate wishes to speak with you." I heard death speak to me. I straightened myself out and looked at mother superior now. She looked uneasy now. Witches can sense death when they are nearby.
"I'm sure you just felt the presents of death. So if you excuse me I have been called to the gate." I said turning to walk away
"You can speak with death?" She asked me now. I looked at her but I didn't answer as I walked away.

Getting to the room with the gate I went inside. When the door closed the full glow from the crack got brighter before a woman appeared. The glow disappeared and there stood the goddess Hecate with a key and torch in hand. She had a Cerberus with her as well.
"Gemini." She spoke looking at me. Her voice was elegant. She wore traditionally Greek robes but in black. Her hair was brown and behind held back by a snake.
"You must be goddess Hecate." I spoke bowing my head to her
"Do not bow your head to me. You are a goddess yourself." She spoke.
"I apologise I haven't spoken to another goddess before." I said looking at her. "May I ask why you summoned me here?" I asked her
"As you are aware this is a gate to the underworld. It's how Persephone travels to this world for spring. So I can not allow you to close this gate." She told me.
"Then why does it call to me?" I asked her.
"It doesn't. The gate of the Christian god is one level below us. That is what's calling to you. I will not deny this coven is corrupted. I tried to fix them long ago but they did not believe I was the goddess so I abandoned them." Hecate spoke looking at me. "The witches wish to use the demons coming out of hell and are offering with pledges as hosts for these demons. In order for you to close the gate you must sacrifice your love." She told me. There it is again. I had to give up my love to save the world.
"I don't know if I can." I told her truthfully. She went to speak but hesitated now
"Go to the gate. Make your choice there." She spoke before she disappeared. I sighed now leaving the room. I saw some stairs to the right and I went towards them going down. Walking down I saw another room with a brighter glow. Opening the door I saw multiple demons trying to get out of the crack but we're stuck. Entering the room I didn't hesitate to kill them. I was undecided. I didn't even know what would happen if I sacrificed my love. Would I loose my ability to love? Would it kill Olivia? What does it mean.

I examined the gate but got nothing further from the information. Falling to my knees just looking at the gate I was still confused. Why couldn't someone give me answers? Death do you have answers for me? What would I be loosing.
"What do you love the most?" I looked up and saw that man who shows me alternative lives.
"You? Who are you?" I asked him
"What do you love the most?" He asked me.
"Olivia." I told him.
"Are you sure?" He asked me. "Would you die for her?" He asked me
"Yes." I said angry he didn't believe me
"Would you kill for her?" He asked me. I hesitated now. Would I kill for her? I still hesitated killing Victor after he hurt her.
"I don't kill people." I told him.
"If you had to kill for something or someone who would you kill for?" He asked me. Who would I kill for? No one. Killing is unnecessary.
"No one. I don't have to kill anyone. I can save them. I can keep them safe. I am strong enough I shouldn't have to kill someone." I told him getting to my feet.
"Would you kill to save yourself?" He asked me.
"I don't have to!" I yelled at him because he wasn't listening now. He grabbed me by the throat and lifted me up off the ground
"Would you kill to save yourself?!" He yelled at me. No. I wouldn't
"N-no." I chocked out. He dropped me now I coughed a bit looking up at the guy. Why did he do that.
"Close the gate." He told me.
"What? No. I don't know what the price I am paying." I told him
"If you will not kill to save someone then the price shouldn't matter. After all. No love is stronger then the love a wolf would have for you." He told me before disappearing What?
"I lost my wolf. She is gone. You asshole what is the price!" I yelled out. I didn't know what to do. What did he mean? No love is stronger then the love a wolf has for me? What's that got to do with the sacrifice of love? I don't have my wolf. I can't sacrifice her love. That doesn't make sense. I need to think about this. Leaving the room I went back up the stairs. A nun meet me halfway back to my room. She escorted me the rest of the way.

My mum was waiting for me and she was worried now. When the door opened we were locked in and I sighed now.
"What happened?" Mum asked me
"A lot. This place is bad news. Them pledges are just sacrifices for the demons. They are trying to build a demon army on earth." I told mum
"How do you know this?" She asked me worried
"I spoke to the goddess Hecate. She abandoned the church when they abandoned their ways." I told mum. She looked horrified now. "I found the demon gate. I can close it. But I don't know what price I have to pay." I told her
"What do you mean price?" She asked me
"The first gate I closed I had to give up my body to Lilith. The second gate I gave up the souls of the species that lived inside me. And this one. I have to give up love. But I don't understand what that means." I told mum upset. "The best clue I have is 'there is nothing stronger then the love a wolf has for me'. But it doesn't make any sense. I don't have my wolf spirit anymore. And I don't want to loose the love I have for Olivia." I told her.
"It's alright. Just calm down we will work this out." Mum told me and hugged me again. I hugged her back and started sobbing. I felt so weak right now. So powerless and useless.
"I just wanted to have a normal life." I cried.
"I know honey. And I'm sorry this is your burden to carry. But if you chose not to we will go find Olivia and we will go find somewhere far away from the gates and live as long as we can." Mum told me. I nodded slightly before she took me over to the bed and I laid down sobbing into the pillow because the emotions of the girls were too much for me to handle along with my own. I needed to let it out and I needed to cry.

Just a quick edit.
I'll be updating on the weekends because that's when I have the most time to write.

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