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I kept a close eye on Cassy and just to make sure she wasn't passing on anymore information about me to that mystery man I started hanging around her more. Being nice and encouraging her to talk about herself. Somehow she always twisted it back to me or about Rachel. I even dragged her into the training with a bit of help from Blake. Convinced him that it would be a good idea she learned self defence moves. I did this so I could keep an eye on her every move. Philip caught on to what I was doing after the first day. And I quote 'you didn't argue all day so what are you planing'. He just stayed out of it and let me do what I wanted and didn't tell anyone else. As much as I did hate her tho. I was concerned still about what I saw. Her laying over blake dead with that knife sticking out of her back. Blake looking more scared then I had ever seen him before.  That image haunted my dreams more then what my own death did. Every night it was the same thing. I see victor kill me. I feel the pain. Then Kyle is walking me down the isle  of a church towards this unknown man. Finally I'm staring at Cassy leaning over Blake.  I never see any thing else when victor kills me. I just see him and this knife. It wasn't a fancy knife just a standard kitchen knife. The area around us is white and I can see the satisfaction in his eyes like he was accomplishing something. The fang filled grin that chilled me to my bones. There was even some blood on the corner of his mouth. Not much. But evidence that he had just feed.
In the church tho there was so much going on around me I couldn't see the guy. It was an old church made of stone. Stain glass windows lit the room up with colours. White tulle sashes lines they isle with bundles of white flowers that danced with colours from the windows. A white carpet lined the isle and artificial red rose petals scattered across it. I carried a small bunch of white peony flowers with a couple black dahlia arranged though them. There was no guests in the seats. Just Kyle walking me down the isle in a tuxedo. I couldn't see the dress I was in. It's like it had been blurred out of my vision. And no matter how many steps I took. I never reached the man.
Then the image of Cassy dead was just an image. Both her and Blake were frozen in time. No matter the angle I looked at it from it always showed the same thing her dead with a terrified look frozen on her face and Blake looking frightened. This old relic of a knife stuck out of her back. It looked like it was made from bone. Blake had a little blood splatter on him from cassy. Less then half an inch of the blade was sticking out of her chest and by the angle they were on a few drops of blood landed on him. I didn't know if she was dead from the attack or if she would die. I didn't know who attacked her. I didn't know when or where this would happen but I was worried because I didn't know the context of the situation.

It was the holidays now. The people in the blue classes were going to start preparing for the blue games when they come back from the holidays. I was worried because I had no way to keep an eye on cassy since she is going home with Blake. He invited her. She didn't ask him he invited her to go home with him. Racheal is going home with Ian and I promised Ryker that he could go see the originals. Kyle lives with me so he is going home and because both Kyle and Ryker will be at my house over the holidays Kyle invited Philip. I was really considering staying at the academy just to have some peace and quiet. But when I mentioned that Philip said he would stay with me to keep me company. So I just went home rather then being alone with Philip for two weeks I decided to go home.

Sitting on the train I tried so hard to get a room to myself but philip joined me and so did Kyle. And Ryker joined because he couldn't stand seeing Ian and Rachel so close together. And an hour into the trip Blake and Cassy joined too filling the room. According to them Ian and Rachel wouldn't stop kissing so they left. I Kyle was sitting next to me and Philip was sitting across from me. Ryker was sitting next to Kyle and Blake was beside Philip and Cassy beside Blake. For a while the room was this awkward silence. No one talked they just looked at each other waiting for something to happen. Looking around the room at them all I felt pathetic. The realisation that anyone in this room could kill me right now and I wouldn't be able to put up much of a fight was brining on a panic attack. I got up from my seat and all eyes were on me Instantly
"I'm going to get something to eat." I said and left the room after weaving thought the tangle of legs. Exiting the room I closed the door behind me before taking a few steps down the hallways. I paused to take a breath and calm myself down. The fact I am completely human again is starting to settle in. The realisation of no matter how much I train or how far I push my body I will never be enough. I will never be able to be who I was again. I looked at my hand and my fingertip where there was the small hole for the magic gun. I had it installed to only use for emergencies. In life or death situations. It could kill someone if I wasn't careful with the blast. So I can't use it for training. And I don't want anyone to know about it because if too many people knew they could immobilise my only defence.
"The others can sense your growing fear." I looked up and my eyes landed on philip. His concerns was visible. "Learning to be human isn't an easy task. Especially after you have had a taste for the power you can possess." He told me Expressing sympathy. I didn't want sympathy. I wanted my powers back. I would take just one of them.
"I don't want to be weak Philip. And all you guys do is make me feel weak all the time. Reminding me that I am human. That I need someone to follow me around to make sure I don't get hurt. All of it hurts because all I can think is what if one of you gets angry at me or someone gets pushed too far and they lose control. I'll be left defenceless and will most likely die at the hands of the people who are try to help me." I whispered before I started walking down the hallway. Philip followed me he was quiet for a moment but eventually spoke again
"You mentioned when you die Kyle will lose his immortality. Is that true?" Philip asked
"Yes." I told him uninterested in the conversation.
"Your heart stopped beating because of Lilith." He reminded me his voice was always full of concern and worry. "Twice actually. Would that have made Kyle mortal?" He asked. I stopped walking now. Would it? Does my heart stopping count at me dying? Would that be all it took to make Kyle mortal?
"I-I don't know." I whispered my voice caught in my throat. If it did make Kyle mortal he would have to be more cautious because currently he throws himself into deadly situations just for the fun of it. Because he knows he can't die. But I don't even know if that counts. My heart was stopped yes but I was still semi conscious. I was aware what was happening to me so does that mean I didn't die? What is classes as death in this situation?
"Is there anyway To find out?" Philip asked moving closer to me. He placed his hand on my shoulder in a way that brought comfort to me. His presence was comforting and what I needed right now. A friend who wanted to help and not make me feel weak. Because he was asking the right questions. He always has. Philip knows what needs to be discussed and he brings it up.
"Wes might know. I can talk to him when we reach my home." I told him "but for now can you not tell Kyle. I don't want to worry my brother anymore then he currently is." I added as I looked up at Philip. He gave me a small understanding nod.
"As long as he doesn't do anything stupid that could kill him I won't say anything. Not until you know for certain if he should worry about his own life or not." Philip told me I nodded now. "What else is bothering you Gemini. The past couple weeks you have been following Cassy around the way Luca follows you around." Philip pointed out and I turned sour at the mention of her name my worry and fear turned into hatred and anger quickly and I shrugged Phillips hand off my shoulder.
"I don't want to talk about Cassy. Unless you have information about her i don't want to hear it." I told him as I marched down the rest of the hallway towards the dining cart.
"I am aware but I want to know what you are up to now. You two haven't had an argument in a week. And you always have something to talk about now." He pointed out. "Dare i say you two became friends." He added in this excited girlish tone. I stopped and glared at him which he just responded with this stupid happy grin on his face. Why did he look so adorable when he looked stupid? My the softened at the slight of that stupid grin but I quickly composed myself.
"Cassy and I are not friends. We will never be friends." I snapped trying to hold my rage but that stupid grin of his was weakening me. I caved. My shoulders dropped and I let out a defeated sigh. "I over heard Cassy telling someone who doesn't attend the school that I lost my powers. This happened a couple weeks ago now. But I heard her telling this guy information about me that she was sworn to secrecy with and she broke it. I fell betrayed by her and I hate her for it. I don't want to confront her because i don't know how dangerous she is. And I can't really tell anyone because most of you stopped believing what I said if it involved Cassy being mean." I explained to Philip. He looked shocked
"Why didn't you tell me?" He asked me sounding kind of hurt. I looked at Philip confused for a second
"Because I was worried you would tell Ryker and he would tell blake and I would be called a lier." I told him. He laughed at me lightly
"You can make silly assumptions when you want to Gem." He said amused. Now I was confused.
"Don't you tell Ryker everything?" I asked him
"That's Kyle not me. If you didn't want me to tell anyone I wouldn't." He told me. I gave him a relieving smile
"I'm sorry. I'm not use to people actually keeping my secrets." I told him. He laughed at me again and put his arm around my shoulders
"Let's go get something to eat." He told me. Philip smelt nice. Reminded me of a camp fire. Not them really smoky ones. The ones that are warm and make you want to snuggle up with someone and tell stories. Like what I did as a kid. My mum and dad use to take me camping. It was for training but at night we would sit around the fire and I would snuggle up in a sleeping bag and they would tell me stories of their travels before having me. Philips smell reminded me of a time where everything was ok.
"So you always smell like a fire?" I asked looking up at Philip
"Agh I think so. No ones ever said that or even mentioned it before. So I assume that would be the case with my fire style abilities." He told me I saw his cheeks tint red slightly and I laughed a bit. Heading into the lunch cart i moved away from him and went to the counter. I smiled at the lady that looked like a monkey. I could see her tail behind her holding a jug of milk. Patches of her skin were covered with brown fur. I couldn't see her hands or anything below her chest to know how far the money traits went.
"Hello can I get a toasted sandwich please." I asked her.
"Of course anything else?" She asked me.
"Ummm maybe a milkshake." I asked her unsure "do you have banana flavour?" I asked her
"Sorry no we only have chocolate strawberries or vanilla." She told me.
"Ok well I'll just get a chocolate one please." I said with a smile. She nodded slightly taking the order everything on the train is free so I didn't have to pay. "What do you want philip?" I asked him.
"I'll just get the same thing." He said the lady nodded again.
"They will be ready in a few minutes just take a seat." She told us. We nodded and went to sat down at a table.
"Hey I have a question." Philip spoke as we sat down. I looked at him waiting for him to continue. "I don't want to pry or anything but how are you doing with cassy and Blake being together?" He asked me. How was I doing? I was surprised by his questions because I didn't know the answer
"I try and not think about it" I told him looking at the table "Cassy gives me an uneasy feeling but Blake's happy with her as well. So I don't know. I want him to be happy but I don't want it to be with her. And I don't even know her. Everyone keeps saying I'm just jealousy and they are probably right. But still something really bothers me about her." I explained to him he nodded slightly and looked like he was thinking.
"She is extremely secretive about her past. Whenever someone asks about her she's changes the subject. Or she excuses herself from the conversation." He told me "it is suspicious the way she acts." He continued his eyebrows knotting together as he thought.
"How about a last name? I have some connections I could try and use to see who she is." I told him.
"You might have to ask her." He suggested looking at me. I sighed hanging my head why is this so difficult.
"It would probably be easier to corner Ian and bully the answers out of him since it's obvious he knows her." I told philip looking out the window that was beside me. The landscape had blurred into this mix of green colours and a little blue here and there because the train was moving so fast you couldn't see anything.
"I can try and do that if you like. I'm more intimidating then you right now." Philip said. I glared at him now "I don't mean offence but Ian in your current situation do you really think Ian would succumb to your bullying?" Philip asked me. I groaned now dropping my head on the table.
"Stupid bitch. What do you hope to gain from torturing me." I mutter to myself talking to Lilith unsure if she could actually hear me. Philip chuckled lightly and placed his hand on the back of my head rubbing it slightly.
"There are ways around it. It will just take time." He told me I raised my head slightly looking at him forcing him to remove his hand from my head. "What if you continue to be friends with Cassy? There are two weeks holidays maybe you could invite her around her her drunk and see if she will spill some secrets." He suggested and I perked up now.
"You know that's a great idea." I said grinning at him. "Oh but everyone knows I'm not a party person so they would get suspicious if I suggested that. Maybe I can convince Kyle to throw a party and invite everyone" I said thinking out loud
"Or I can just implant the idea in his head." Philip said casually I looked at him confused now "and you call yourself intelligent. My third eye had more then just the ability to predict the next five seconds of a fight. I can also implant ideas into someone mind making them think it's their own. It doesn't work on cassy or Ryker. I can't do it to you or Rachel either" he explained to me
"And what ideas have you been trying to put into my head?" I said harshly not liking that he tried that.
"Oh umm professor floral asked me to try and alter your Umm." He paused looking around at the people "after what happened to you they asked for me to try and help you with it all." He said trying not to say too much Incase someone was listening
"You mean my ptsd and the nightmares?" I asked him he nodded slightly.
"Since you returned I had tried on several occasions to help lessen the trauma on you." He told me ashamed. "But kyles easy I do it to him all the time. To get my own way" he added with a grin masking his shame. I just gave him a small smile before we were given our food and drinks. We just made small talk after that remaining in the lunch cart for the remainder of the train ride home.

I am so sorry for how long this has taken I have only been able to write short sections here and there because I am drawing blank on ideas right now. I have no idea when the next chapter will come out so bare with me I'll do my best. Now a few questions for you
Who would like a detailed sex scene between Gemini and Blake? Or Gemini and Philip? Or if you want it with someone else comment below.
If you have any questions that you would like answered in the next chapter drop them below as well. A friend of might brought up how kyles immortality is linked to Gemini and raised that question. So if you feel there are other things I need to clear up let me know in the comment on the chapter and I'll do my best to incorporate every question into the next chapter.

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