Twenty five

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After taking the chimera to the creature room I went back out to the area and called out another chimera. With my other classes they aren't required to engage with the actual creature but I thought it would help them with their studies. Sitting down in the shade with the chimera beside me I looked at my students who approached and began to sit on the ground in front of me with their books. It was the blue class and they were a lot more relaxed with the chimera present then the black class was. This jus proves to me that people with strength can be nothing but cowards. These people are the weakest of the weak mostly humans but they didn't have a problem with the chimera.
"Miss." I looked at the student
"Gem or gemini is fine. I don't like formalities." I said looking at him.
"Of course. Anyway That chimera. Is it dangerous to us?" He asked now leaning forward slightly placing his book down waiting to write.
"Only if you are dangerous to him." I said patting the chimeras mane as the last of the students sat down. "As I said this morning you have the opportunity to meet the creature in person. I won't do this with all creatures. As most aren't as calm as this chimera is. But you guys have shown interest in these creatures. And outside the academy you probably never will get a chance to come face to face with them again. That's just the reality of most people lower then a green rank." I told them
"It's exciting to see them in person." A girls spoke smiling at me.
"At the end of the lesson if any off your wish to approach the chimera we can arrange that. But there will be rules when you approach." I said looking at them. They all nodded slightly

I spent the lesson explaining different detailed of a chimera. And not all chimeras would look like the perfect traditional chimera that was beside me. The lesson was coming to an end so I decided to change over to the opportunity to approach the chimera.
"Alright. So let's address some rules before i let anyone come close. First only one person is to approach at a time. Second everyone must remain in view of the chimera otherwise it can be seen as a threat. No sudden loud noises. If for some reason you get the urge to sneeze or couch raise your hand so I can make sure everyone is clear of the chimera." I spoke
"That's it?" I looked at the eldest guy in the class who normally remains quiet.
"Also follow my exact direction." I said as I got to my feet the chimera followed me getting up. I placed my hand on its head before looking at the class "Okay who's first?" I asked them with a smile.
"May I go first?" A girl asked raising her hand now. I nodded slightly waving my hand to invite her over
"Stand up and approach slowly. Stop just five feet from me." I told her in a calm tone she did as I instructed before I walked the chimera over to her. I took her hand and placed it on the chimeras head. She looked so excited.
"He's beautiful." She whispered patting his mane now. I saw the snake head coming to investigate. I put my free hand up and snapped my fingers. The snake looked at me and changed its direction coming over to my hand now. She looked at the snake head then at me. "Is that one safe?" She asked me
"Yes. The snake head is always the most curious. This particular chimera likes females. I don't know entirely why but he loves the scent of woman. So if you are comfortable I'll allow the snake to approach you." I said
"I guess so." She said smiling.
"Understand that if I think you are in danger at any point I'll intervene otherwise you are safe." I told her. She nodded again trusting me and I took a step back. The snake turned its attention towards the girl before approaching her. I watched as the snakes tongue flicked against her cheek. "Gentle." I spoke in a low tone before the snake wrapped it's body around her and pulled her up onto the back of the chimera. She squealed a bit and was scared for a moment. But when I didn't react she realised she could trust the chimera.
"Is this normal behaviour?" She asked me now
"It is for this chimera. If the snake head gets a taste of a woman's flesh he likes to think he can keep the woman. And every time he is disappointed when I make him give her back." I said laughing a bit.
"He's so cute." She spoke cuddling bro the lion head now and I gave a small laugh.
"Okay. Down now. We are studying chimeras all week there is plenty of time to meet with him more." I said smiling. The snake hissed at me now "don't pull that attitude with me I said down. Now put her down you big baby." I said with a bit of attitude speaking to the chimera. The snake hiss again but bit the girl down.
"You are beautiful." She said kissing the snakes head now. The snake nuzzled her neck and she giggled now.
"I could just keep him." She said looking at me and I smiled
"As obedient as he is. He is still a wild creature unlike domestic animals these creatures do resort back to their aggressive ways when's frightened." I told her. "Even towards the people who care for them." I added she gave a slight nod now giving the chimera another pat
"Can we meet him tomorrow?" She asked me now
"We will see how everyone else goes." I told her before she walked away now "who's next?" I asked turning to the class looking around the girls seemed more comfortable now with the chimera and were willing to approach now.

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