"Listen, I have some time off the next two weeks. I'm going to fly to you tomorrow morning and we'll work things out together, alright?", he asked.
I tried to calm down and nodded, knowing that he wasn't able to see it.

"You don't have to-", I started but he interrupted me.
"But I want to. Like that, we can work things out more easily and I get to see you again in person", he said.

"Alright. If you want to you can stay at my place, so you don't have to worry about finding a hotel", I said because I thought that this was the least I could do for him.
"Perfect. Thank you Y/N. I'll see you tomorrow", he said and ended the call.

I sighed and texted him that he should tell me when he's going to be here, so I could pick him up. Then I put my phone aside and thought about what to do.

After a while, I fell asleep and woke up the next morning. I jumped up as I looked at the time and quickly got ready because I had to be at work in 20 minutes.

Namjoon didn't text me back yet so I guessed that he was busy or something. As soon as I was ready I ran out of the house to my work and luckily I made it in time.

I worked the whole morning as usual and drove to the airport in the afternoon to pick up Namjoon.
"There you are", he said relieved as he spotted me and walked towards me.
"Good to see you again", I smiled and we hugged quickly before we got into my car.

I drove back to my apartment and I showed him the guest room, where he unpacked his things while I made coffee for the two of us. As he was done we sat down at my kitchen table and started talking.

I explained the situation to him again and he listened to me carefully.
"Do you want me to publish a statement? I think right now people are rather going to believe me than you and I don't want you to suffer because of me and those pictures of us", Namjoon then asked.

"Would you do that? I mean, I don't want you to get into any trouble because of me", I said and bit my lip.
"That's no problem at all. Come on, let's take a selfie together which I can post and I'm going to clarify the situation, alright?"

I nodded and we both got up. I stood beside him and we quickly took a selfie together, which he posted on Twitter. We thought about a caption together which would clarify that we were not dating or anything and he then posted it all a few minutes later.

"I really hope this will make the situation better again", he said and put his phone aside.
"Me too. I like you, I really do, but I don't need people to ruin my life because they think I hit on you or something. I just hope that my boss will be alright with this", I said.

"Why shouldn't he?", Namjoon asked confused.
"He kind of forbids me to publish a statement, but only related to the questions I asked you I guess. But still, that statement could cause a lot of trouble again... I don't know, I just hope I get to keep my job", I said.

"You will. Or else I'm going to talk to him. He can't fire you because of me", Namjoon said.
"He definitely could, but it wouldn't be fair", I sighed.

"Come on, let's think of something else we can do to light up your mood again", he then said and smiled.
I nodded and asked: "Any suggestions?"

"How about we go get ice cream?", he asked and I nodded happily. So we both got dressed and made our way outside to get ice cream. We talked a lot on our way there and like the times before, I enjoyed talking to him.

Even though we were in public again and new pictures of us were probably about to appear, I couldn't care less at that moment. I knew that I probably should have been more careful, but Namjoon managed to keep me distracted from everything that was dragging me down.

He stayed at my place for the rest of the week and the rumors about us got less, although they didn't vanish completely. But both of us didn't really care because we were able to live our lives normally again.

Well, as normal as before at least, because they weren't really average normal lives. I was happy to have Namjoon around me and he seemed like he enjoyed the time as well.

I was relieved that people finally started believing us after some days that we weren't dating, even though we were out in public quite a lot together. If I had only known that it wouldn't take us too long to publish another statement.

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