Chapter Fifty-Two

Start from the beginning

"Sorry what?"

"Are you okay?" Liam asked again.

"Sure yeah just tired."

"You look tired," he noted.

"Yeah, I didn't sleep well."

"Did something happen?"

Yes, but I couldn't explain it right now. I didn't have the strength nor the stamina to do so. I'd be saving all that for Alec. I looked around the kitchen quickly to make sure neither of my parents were around listening. They wouldn't want me telling them even though Mom knew I would.

"No, it's nothing."

"Do you need to stay-

"No I need to go to school today it's fine."

"Are you sure?"

"I'm fine. Let's go."

I stood to my feet grabbing my bookbag and heading for the door. I'd barely had any conversation with either of them this morning but I couldn't even bring myself to feel bad. It was awful of me because I knew they cared about me. Once more this morning I couldn't bring myself to care. When had I become like this? I walked to the car shutting the door.

"Ariel, what's wrong?" Liam demanded upon entering the car.

"I told you it's nothing."

"You don't usually act like this."

"I don't have to act the same way all the time!"

I rarely snapped at him in anger and I'd basically dug an even deeper hole for myself.

"What happened gummy bear?"

With that long term nickname, I softened even with the anger I'd felt coming. Maggie hadn't said a word and I wondered if she realized I didn't want to talk. Perhaps thats why she wasn't saying anything.

"Please, I just don't want to talk about it right now."

"Well, you tell us later?" Maggie asked softly.

"Of course," I nodded my head and tried to smile.

The urge to cry was strong but I held back as we pulled into the parking lot. Actually, I'd held back the entire car ride. How I was able to hold it back I actually had no idea. Opening the door I left them still in the car as I raced up the parking lot. I needed to get to Alec and I needed to do it now.


No, not right now. He was looking at me in concern but I didn't want this right now. Couldn't take it right now.

"Leave me alone."

The hurt on his face was clear but he stepped forward.

"What's wrong?"

"It's not your business. You have a girlfriend."

I pushed past him and headed to the classroom. Later I knew I'd regret him and feel horrible for how I'd treated him. For now, I had one mission in mind. It was like I could feel his eyes on me from behind and I was sure he was still watching. I shouldn't have to hurt him because I was hurt. I'd have to apologize to him later just as I'd have to apologize to Liam and Maggie.

"Alec I need to talk to you," I said as I walked into the classroom.

The shock on his face told me everything and I was shocked as well. I'd called him Alec in one of the most disrespectful tones I could possibly use. I was being disrespectful here and we both knew it. Even if I didn't intend for it to be that way. This wasn't me at all but I was desperate.

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