"Can you go on ahead of me?" asked Levi, "I have cleaning duty."

That question really killed me. I didn't want to separated from Levi.

"I can wait." I said nervously thinking of how he would respond.

"Okay just wait about thirty minutes."

I didn't know What to do in those twenty minutes, so I decided to take a tour around school.

I saw these 2 guys making out in the back of the school. I couldn't help but stare. Watching them got me depressed. It reminded me of Armin, Even though We never did any of that.

What am I doing? Why am I Even here? Transferring schools just Because of a little break up? I don't wanna cause Levi any problems, maybe I should just leave.

I didn't want to disturb Levi so I just left without telling him.

I left through the front gates of the school and headed to my house. I really need to stop playing the role of a sensitive little bastard.

I was heading to my house.

By the time I got there, I didn't remember where I put my key. I had to get in through the window. It made me feel bad, I felt like a I was braking into a House.

By the time I got in everything was just as I left it. It was horrible, it felt so empty. I feel so empty.

Have you ever felt so empty, so empty you can't feel anything at all anymore? That's how I felt. I felt weird not having Levi my my side.

I went to my room and sat on my bed. Maybe I should go back.

No, I really shouldn't.

I felt my phone vibrate.


Oi brat. Where are you?

Was that Levi? How does he have my number? I texted him back.



About thirty seconds later my phone vibrated again.


Yeah It's me. Where are you?

It was Levi! i saved his contact as 'Levi' completely ignoring his question.


How do you have my number?

How did he have it?


Does that Matter? No. Where are you?

Actually it did matter.


I'm at my House. I didn't want to disturb you from your cleaning, so I went without telling you. Sorry.

I didn't know What to say, so I just told him the truth. But I'm not saying why.



Really? I am not telling him!


Because I wanted to. Is there a problem with that?

I think I may have sounded a little too harsh there. It wasn't my intention. it just came out that way.

Levi X Eren (Attack on Titan)Where stories live. Discover now