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By the time Eren woke up and walked downstairs into the kitchen, Mikasa - feeling generous - was making toast.

Levi was already sitting at the table, his eyes on his phone.

Eren took the seat opposite to him, and Levi looked up. Eren smiled.

Levi smiled back, and was about to say something, until he noticed.

Eren's forearms were covered in bracelets. Which he was fiddling with, exposing some of the skin he was trying to hide. Had they always been there? Yes, they have. But Levi never really thought anything about it until now.

Oh god no... Levi thought.

"E-Eren, can I talk to you, Privately?" Asked Levi, in a almost whisper voice.

Eren of course, nodded, a little confused, got on his feet and walked out to the hallway, following Levi.

"Eren, could you show me your arms?" Asked Levi softly.

Eren's face began to turn pale. The younger kid shook his head wildly.

"It's okay, I just want to see," Levi said, once again, calmly.

Eren still shook his head, clutching his bracelets with the other hand. He didn't understand how Levi had found out, he'd been so careful to hide it.

"We all have our scars, the trouble is that they don't do anything but remind us of our pain. And making more won't help. So if you could just..." Levi said, glancing down at his his bracelets.

Slowly, Eren began to pull off his bracelets one by one, showing his cuts, all the while he pouted. Which made him look adorable, but now wasn't the time for that.

After he took most of his bracelets off, Levi had noted that none of the marks were brand new. Thank Bajesus.

All of them were still in the process of healing. Some of them were just a few days old. But that did not do much to settle the pain he felt.

Some peoples scars or cuts were because of cruel words and a sense of being trapped. But Eren's were different.

His were of grief from the loss of his family, his friends - his entire life. Eren's whole world as he knew it, ended, imploding right before his eyes.

But the scars of his arms wouldn't bring any of that back. Eren knew that...

"Please promise me your going to try to stop, please," said Levi, shocking himself at how...angry he sounded.

Oh, but Levi wasn't angry at Eren. No, he was angry at the world that had done this to him, made him what he was: A beautiful yet broken creature standing infront of him, silent.

What kind of world would do that to a person, to a boy so young?

Eren looked up, seeming hurt by Levi's tone. But nodded, hastily pulling his bracelets back on.

"Okay. I'll try," Eren said quietly.

"Eren, I mean it," He said, putting his hand on the other boy's shoulder. "I know it'll be hard, but please, you have to try."

Eren smiled sadly, and nodded.

* * *

Eren did try, he really did.

He tried to stop thinking of it, tried to ignore the itch for a blade. But that never meant he could stop himself from wanting to.

By the next morning after breakfast, he found himself in new bedroom. After a while Levi had agreed to give him the guest room, even though they both wanted and needed each other.

Having been clean for nearly a week, (which is really good progress for someone who cuts, trust me) he sat on the bedroom floor, staring longingly at the razor that was perched on the floor right infront of him.

Eren found the razor repulsive, but it was one of the few things he kept most dear to him.

Even though a part of him, the part that knew it wouldn't help him wanted to throw it away. He could just never bring himself to do it.

He didn't do this over the rude and hateful comments that came his way. It wasn't out of hate for himself so much that he did this, but to block out the cruelty of this world.

The pain of his skin being cut open would block out - if only momentarily - the life he was forced to live. But he couldn't do that...he promised Levi.

But he wanted to so badly...

[Author's Note]

Im so lazy.

Don't forget to vote! c:

[End of Author's Note]

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