Going Out

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Eren's POV

After the whole "I cut myself" episode, Levi started checking my wrists regularly. Almost every morning.

But that still didn't get me to stop. Well...I stopped doing damage on my wrists.

I started cutting on my thighs. That way Levi could never tell. Don't get me wrong, I feel bad about lying, but I just can't stop.

* * *

The Ackerman household tended to get up early. I awoke to Levi shaking me saying something about watering the plants.

After about 10 minutes - of what consisted of putting on a shirt, jeans, and brushing my teeth - I finally went to meet Levi.

The sun was on the border of the horizon, wavering over it as if by a magical force. A new day was beginning.

Levi already had the hoes in his hand, "Roll the trash bin to the front and get the mail, please."

I did as I was told and began walking towards Levi, who was too busy watering the plants to notice me.

"Who do I give this too?" I asked.

Levi turned to look at me and gave me a smirk. I knew then what he was about to do. I started to turn around, getting ready to make a run for it, but it was already too late. He sprayed me with the hoes, my back soaking wet.

I snatched the hoes away from him and then sprayed him.

"Why would you do that?!" I kinda sorta yelled at him.

"Because, I was trying to fix your bed hair," he responded, half chuckling. "Is the little baby sad?" He asked teasingly, whipping imaginary tears from his face.

I looked down at his white shirt, which clung to his body now. It was quite a sight, actually.

He took his shirt off and threw it at me. I yelped and threw it on the ground.

He started to laugh and begun to walk towards the porch. I quickly caught up to him and grunted with annoyment.

"You wanted to see me shirtless, Eren. Admit it," he said in a seductive voice, but you can't forget about the smirk that spread across his face, "If you wanted me to strip, you could've just asked."

"You know, you've got more dick in your personality than you have in your pants," I replied.

"Er-en! Tsk tsk. Shame on you for being rude!" Exclaimed a girl with dark brown hair that she had in a ponytail. She had hazel eyes and a wide smile. It was Sasha.

Behind her was horse-face (Jean) and Marco.

She put her arm around my shoulder, "Good Morning!" She said in a over exaggerated excited voice.

"What are you doing here?" Levi asked, sounding exhausted.

She started, "We have come together as one, on this very important place, on this very important day, on this very important hour, on this very important minute, on this very important second, on this very important milliseco-"

"Whats your point?" Levi interrupted.

"My point is, we have come to take you guys out for breakfast, what do you say?" She starts up again.

"Is horse face and freckled jesus coming, as well?" Questioned Levi.

She nods and Levi lets out a long sigh, "What do you want to do?" He asks me.

"I mean...I dont mind-"

She interrupts me, "Great! Get in the car."

"Thats something a rapist would say." Levi exclaims while we both get pushed towards the car.

Levi and I get placed in the backseat, Sasha in the middle seat (shes not in between Eren and Levi), Marco in the drivers and Jean in the passengers.

"Alright, buckle up!" Marco says, looking through the rear view mirror.

Levi leaned over to me once Marco started driving, "Isn't it funny that you wanted to see me shirtless, but now that I have a shirt on, you look so uninterested on this 'adventure'"

"Hilarious," I say with a straight face.

"Please don't start kissing in my backseat, I don't want an Ereri kid created in my car," says Marco, practically turning around.

"Ereri?" Levi and I ask simultaneously.

"Its a ship name. You mash the names when you want 2 people to be together. You ship them," explains Sasha.

"Ship them where?" Asks Levi. Leave it to Levi to ask a stupid question because of his lack of humor.

The ride was short. You know what they say, time flies by when your having fun. But Marco and Sasha mostly argued of which cd to play. Finally, they settled with All Time Low.

For breakfasts we went to this place that sold pancakes, mostly. I may or may not have squirted Levi with syrup, but thats not important right now.

After breakfast they decided to head out to the mall and hang out. It was pretty cool. But of course, the first store we headed to was Hot Topic.

Jean had been acting like a total dick that day, especially towards me. Making smart remarks or just looking at me as if I weren't supposed to exist.

When Jean and Marco are further ahead, I ask Levi. "Why do you think Jean hates me so much?"

"Because you turn him on and it kills him that he doesn't turn you on," he replies, looking at me.

"How do you know?" I grin. "That he doesn't turn me on, that is?"

"Just a gut feeling."

After a couple more hours, it was dark and we decided to head out to the parking lot to go to the car.

Marco, Jean and Sasha leading the way. And if Levi's hand had happened to slip into Eren's, and if Eren's heart happened to beat a little faster at this, then well...that's their business.

[Author's Note]

Gahh!! Im tired of writing all this fluff. They should just fuck and go on with their day.

I tried to make this chapter longer, I don't know if i succeeded though...

Im hungary.

Dont forget to vote!! ^^


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