Mitch Rapp, Traning, sorta smut🤷‍♀️

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It was 22:21pm and I was still training with Mitch. We had been doing this for hours and I was super hot and sweaty.

My breathing was ragged as Mitch shouted to me. "Y/N! You don't get a rest on the field. Come on! Keep it up!" I released a sigh and rolled my eyes slightly, which didn't go unnoticed by Mitch. "Did you just roll your eyes?" He questioned, clearly not impressed. "Yeah, I did. You wanna know why? I rolled my eyes because we have been doing this for 6 hours! No fight is gonna last that long. My muscles ache, my feet hurt and I am sticky and hot! I get we need to work hard, but a 6 hour fight! Really?"

Mitch's eye were wide from my outburst and I was so shocked on what I just said. I was like I couldn't stop it. The words just flew out of my mouth. 'Nice Y/N, you really fucked up' my brain said making me grow slightly annoyed by my own thoughts.

Mitch slowly walked over to me, making me walk back until my back pressed against the wall and Mitch was 3 feet away. "You know
Y/N, I am your superior. You are under my instructions and you will do as I say. If I say fight for 6 hours, fight for 6 hours!" Mitch said raising his voice at the end making me flinch slightly.

Seeing Mitch so close up made me really look at him. And my god he was hot.

He has just the right muscles, he had nice hair I would love to run my fingers through. And his lips? His lips probably felt like pillows. Small sweat drops were placed over his body, making him look 10x hotter. He had a little scruff coming through making my heart beat a little faster.

"Y/N, you look so hot right now" Mitch said making me stunned. "R-really?" "Oh yeah" Mitch said, nodding and moving closer to me. I felt his minty breath in my face as he placed his hands either side of me, keeping me trapped underneath him. "Y'know Y/N, I have always thought you were so hot and every time I see you fight, it's a real turn on. That's why I always have you fighting for so long" "T-that's why?" I said my heart racing a million miles an hour. "Totally" Mitch said leaning in closer until his lips touched mine.

Our kiss was fast and intense as if we would both vanish if we stopped. Mitch moves his hands down to my hips, to my waist and then to my bum giving it a lightly squeeze. I gasped in surprise giving Mitch the chance to slip his tongue in my mouth and explore it.

Our breathing was heaving and I knew we had to break up soon. Before I could Mitch did by moving his lips down to my neck and kissing and sucking lightly making me now gasp and moan in pleasure. He moved his lips up my neck slightly and found my sweet spot. "Mitch..." I breathed out finding it hard to concentrate.

He moved his lips higher until they got to my ear and he lightly nibbled on my ear lobe. When Mitch did that, a confidence boost appeared inside of me making me turn Mitch so his back was on the wall. Before I did anything, I got a look at Mitch's face and saw a smirk was placed on his lips. This made me smirk lightly before moving to his neck and giving him the same treatment he did for me.

Mitch lightly said my name over and over again, that was until he screamed it and that made me stop.

"Y/N!? Y/N!? Are you even listing?" I snapped out of my thoughts and found Mitch standing 3 feet in front of me, instead of in front of me with his back to the wall. A feeling of sadness came over me as I realised it was all a daydream. "Y/N? Right, we will just stop it for tonight. Come back here tomorrow morning 07:00am so we can do this again. And be better tomorrow" Mitch said turning around and grabbing his stuff before leaving.

"Fucking great" I muttered under my breath before leaving myself.

Hi guys, so I think I will only do smut if it is requested, just letting you all know😊

Dylan O'brien Imagines//Requests are closed for nowOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora