Dylan O'brien, Break up, Sad

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It was 00:45am and Dylan still wasn't back. This was the sixth time this month and I don't like it.

At first I let it slide knowing his schedule was tight. But when it happened a 4th time and he started saying he would be back at 10:00pm and then come home at 2:00am, it hurt a little. And worst of all, he would always come home drunk.

I got my book from the bed side table and read for a bit longer. After a while I looked to my clock and saw the time 01:22am. 'Where the hell is he?' I started getting slightly worried.

I tried to ring him but it just went on until the annoying lady came and said he was unavailable. I rung him again and it still went to the annoying lady after 8 or so rings, I tried one more time but this time, it did even ring, just went straight to the lady. This made my heartache a little as he obviously turned his phone off.

I decided to do something about this. All this month Dylan has been breaking my heart. Turning up home late and then going straight to bed. Forgetting our dates or missing all my calls and texts. We hardly talk because he is either not here, asleep or drunk.

I didn't want to do this anymore. I let this go on for a month and it isn't getting better, only worse.

I started packing my bags and little things I owned. I was leaving Dylan for a bit so he could get sorted. I didn't want to do this and my heart was telling me to stop, but I needed to. He need to get straight and I needed to think.

After packing my essentials I wrote Dylan a letter.

I love you so much, but during this past month I hardly see you and when I do we hardly talk because you are either too tired or too drunk.
I tried to stay and trust me, I really want to stay with you, but you need to get sorted out.
I don't want you to be gone for hours getting drunk and leaving me alone. I don't want you out really late at night leaving me to worry if you are hurt or even cheating on me.
It's breaking my heart Dyl and I don't want that anymore.
I am moving away for this week. I will be back soon and when I do comeback you can either stop me from getting the rest of my stuff or let me go. Your choice Dyl.
I want to see you more and I don't want you coming home super drunk and not even noticing me.
I love you
-Y/N xxx

I placed the letter on our bed and went down stairs. I grabbed my car keys and suite case and drove off to my parents house before Dylan got home.

Dylan's POV

I shakily put the keys into the lock and turned the door. My mind was buzzing and I was dizzy. I definitely drank way to much tonight. Once I got in the house I noticed it was fairly empty and my girlfriend was no where to be seen on the couch. The lights were all off and I checked the time on my phone. It came up with the out of charge signal making me groan in frustration. I went into the kitchen to look at the clock there, 02:54am. Shit! I really stayed out late tonight.

"Bbbaaabbbeee?" I called out, to drunk to talk properly. I stayed silent for a few seconds only to hear no response. I walked up the stairs trying to be careful. I opened up our bedroom door and tumbled in but thankfully didn't fall over.

I looked around and noticed it was slightly messy. Then I saw a note on the bed and no
Y/N. I slowly walked over and picked the note up as if it was a bomb.

I started reading it and as I read each word my heart-ached and tears made there way to my eyes.

After I finished reading it my hands shook and quite sobs came from my mouth. 'She's gone...she is actually gone. She left because of me and everything I did. I don't have her anymore. I lost the person I loved more than anything. I lost my will to live. I lost the reason I get up every morning. I lost the love of my life and it's all my fault...'

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