Dylan O'brien, Break Up, Part 2

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A full week had passed and now it was time to go back home to see Dylan, and to see if he wants me back. On the car ride there my hands were shaking and my heart was racing. 'What if he's glad I left? What if he's happy and doing fine? What if he has another girl over?'

The thoughts consumed my mind and before I knew it I was back at my house, well mine and Dylan's house.

I got out the car and slowly went over to the door. I used my key and stepped inside. I noticed the house was super clean and smelled amazing. I could here mumbling coming from the kitchen and then I heard a crash.

I went over as quickly as I could and noticed Dylan picking up a pan from the floor. I could now make out the mumbling. "Come one Dyl, Y/N is gonna be here soon and you have to impress her. You need her back." Dylan said standing up and turning around only to see me leaning on the doorframe.

"Y/N?" I nodded and Dylan came up to me and engulfed me in massive hug. "I am so sorry for everything I did. I am so sorry for coming home drunk every night. I am so sorry I didn't talk to you a lot and I am so sorry I didn't tell you I loved you all the time like I should. I love you Y/N and I never want to lose you. This past week has been a nightmare and I need you in my life. You set me straight and you complete me. Please never leave again Y/N and I will never act like I did again" Dylan let me go from the hug and looked me straight in the eyes. "...I will never leave you again" I whispered leaning into kiss him with him following.

Our lips touched and I felt I was finally home. My heart warm and I melted into Dylan's touch. Our lips moved in sync and the kiss was filled with so much love and passion. I knew I never wanted to leave Dylan again. Never, ever.

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