Dave Hodgman, My Little Sister, Happy 🙃~

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I was driving from my house to pick up my little sister from her school. She was only little so she wasn't in middle school yet.

When I got there I noticed her talking to another little girl which made me smile. "Hey Elizabeth!" I said walking over to her. She ran over to me and gave me a big hug. "Y/N can we stay here until my friend Stella's brother gets here" I looked over to the other little girl and smiled. "Of course" "Great! Lets go play until he comes" Elizabeth said running off on to the school field with me not far behind. "Hey, Elizabeth's sister?" "Yeah? Oh and Stella, you can call me Y/N" "Okay Y/N...can you chase us?" Stella asked politely while Elizabeth nodded excitedly. "Okay, I will give you 5 seconds to run, 1...2...3...4...5!" I yelled as I began chasing them.

After a few minutes we all grew tired so I grabbed ahold of Elizabeth and then I got Stella and they both let out cute little giggles. "Ha, got you both" I said as I tickled their tummy's making them let out even more giggles. "That was so fun! Y/N can you be my new best friend with Elizabeth?" Stella said jumping up with Elizabeth as they held hands. "Of course I will!" I yelled and they both giggled.

"Stella?" A manly voice said from behind me. I turned around and saw a cute looking boy who looked around my age.

"Dave!" Stella shouted as she ran up to him. "Hey, how are you?" "I'm super duper great. Come meet my two new best friends Elizabeth and her older sister Y/N" Dave looked at Elizabeth with a smile and then to me. His eyes slightly widened and his mouth slightly came open. "H-hey" He said nervously. "Hi" I said smiling sweetly making Dave return it. "Hey Elizabeth, I think Dave likes your sister" Stella tried to whisper but failed considering we all heard and Dave's cheeks turned a light pink. "So...Y/N how old are you?" Dave asked as he lifted Stella up to carry her. "I am 18, a senior but me and my family just moved and I start school next week. Elizabeth started this week" "Ah, you are in the same year as me" "I guess I am. Who knows, maybe we will have some classes together" I suggested. "Anyways, me and Elizabeth should get going. We have a family dinner later. I will see you later my new best friend" I said looking to Stella as she put her fist out for a fist bump, which I gladly accepted.

Elizabeth said bye and just as me and her started walking off Dave called us back. "Hey Y/N, can I get your number?" I turned back and looked to Dave with a smile. "I thought you'd never ask"

Dave gave me his phone and I placed in my number. "Text me later, don't be a stranger" I said as I lifted up Elizabeth and started walking off.

"You totally have a crush on him" Elizabeth said when we were out of ear distance. "I totally do" I nodded in agreement as we reached the car making Elizabeth laugh which made me smile.

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