Mitch Rapp, I Love You, Sad

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I felt pain hit my stomach and then spread through out my body. I looked up to find a man with a gun and a sick smirk looking straight at me.

I kept looking to him until he fell down as something hit him. My hand moved to my stomach and everything was in slow motion. I felt myself falling backwards and then someone screaming my name. Instead of falling onto the cold, hard floor, I fell into strong, warm arms. Mitch's arms.

Mitch was my partner in the CIA. I always felt something more for him though. I always felt love. "Hey Y/N, come on now. Stay with me. You are going to be alright." "Hey Mitch, it's okay. Calm down. Everything will be amazing." My voice was weak and my eyes started getting droopy but were brought back opening by Mitch talking again. "No! Y/N stay awake! Help is coming, please staying awake...I love you"

A small smile made its way across my face and my body became weak. I lifted my hand and brought it to Mitch's cheek. "I love you too, Mitch Rapp." Tears came towards Mitch's eyes and the same happened to me. "Please don't go. I can't lose you Y/N. I lose everyone, please don't go" "I am sorry Mitch, but promise me this, promise me you will be okay. Promise me you won't go rogue or go crazy. Promise me you will find someone to love and that loves you back. Promise me to be happy" I said with a weak smile.

Mitch nodded as my hand slipped down from his face and onto the ground. "Promise me you will never forget me, and promise me you will always remember that I love you, Mitch Rapp" I said in a whisper as my eyes shut and my breathing stopped.

Dylan O'brien Imagines//Requests are closed for nowTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon