Chapter XLIII: Home Early.

Start from the beginning

"I tried to run away, but you're running up on me faster."

Then the thoughts hit me.

Senior year; High school.

Violet tried everything in her power to get me to leave her because she was afraid of losing me.

But I never gave up.

"I could barely breathe, I couldn't even turn around."

She knew I wouldn't let up but still tried to deny the fact that I cared about her. 

She understood how much I was dedicated to loving her but didn't want to face it. 

"I only hoped we'd make it home safe and sound."

In her time of pushing me away, all she wanted was for me to be close...

She hoped and prayed that she wouldn't ever lose me and that we'd be happy...

Despite her actions and intentions which were to push me rather than to pull me closer.

"If I had a dime... for every time I tried to unwind... just sitting on the steps... I'd buy a star in your name like I heard on the radio." 

Every time we have our little disagreements, she comes out on the back porch and sits on the steps to calm herself down.

It doesn't work though.

She winds up coming back to me, with a long hug and we apologize at the same time.

"I'd buy a brand new house... where we could go."

Her voice cracked.

She's still disappointed about the fact that Lee helped us get our house when we graduated from college and got our first jobs.

I already had a trust fund... Lee had money saved... She had nothing and she feels like shit for it.

"Safe and sound... Safe and sound... Safe and Sound."

All she ever wanted was a life where she never had to worry about anything like death, depression, violence, alcoholism, poverty... 

Basically, everything she went through as a kid, she wanted to protect her and I from it as much as she could from here on out.

She knows she can't control the way life goes but down to her last breath, she'll make sure I'm okay...

That I'm safe and sound

"Vi?" I stepped out the door teary-eyed.

"SHIT! You scared me. You're home early." She wiped her tears quickly and tried to act casual.

"Slow day today. Are you... are you okay?" I sat down on the concrete step next to her.

"Yeah... Shit... Did you... uh, hear me?" Her heart was profoundly beating out of her chest.

"Yeah. Your voice is beautiful... How come you don't sing?" I took her hand and held it, waiting for a response.

"Because... I didn't think you'd like it." She hesitantly admitted.

"Well... I don't..." I watched her face get even sadder.

"I love it." I corrected her, kissing her cheek.

"You do?" She seemed surprised.

"Uh, yeah. I've never heard anything like it... It's like... the voice you'll hear at the heaven gates or something of that nature." I couldn't even describe how angelic it was.

"It's not like we'll be going there. Since 'bEIng GAy Is A SIn' or whatever the homophobes made up." She chuckled, clearly feeling a little better after making a joke.

Sounds about Louis. 

"Other than me loving females, I'm a fucking angel. So, therefore, I should be allowed in heaven." I stated my opinion proudly.

"And to ever think I'd wind up with you... man oh man did I get lucky." She shook her head with a smile, looking at me happily.

"And to ever think my soulmate plays the ukulele and sings but never does either when I'm around. Man oh man is this a shocker." I mocked her and chuckled.

"Oh, yeah, sorry about that... Stagefright." She shrugged and attempted to make an excuse but ended up sounding a lot like her best friend.

"It's okay. I' not mad or anything, clearly."

"Only because you want something." She narrowed her eyes, already knowing my plan.

"Can you sing to me more often?" I gave her puppy dog eyes and smiled, knowing I would get my way.

"Clem... why?"

"Because your voice is... like... Jesus kissing me on my forehead." 

"I don't want to."

"Please babe? It'll help me sleep at night." I continued to plead.


"Don't you love me? Why do you wanna see me suffer?" 

"I don't. I'm not singing to you."

"You don't love me?"

"Wait- No- I... I love you, I don't wanna see you suffer is what I meant."

"You said you don't love me."

"How can I not love you?"

"Answer these questions. Just yes and no. Nothing else. They'll prove how much you love me." An idea popped into my head. 

"Clem, I love you. What the fuck."

"Just answer the questions." I squinted my eyes at her, showing I mean business.

"Fine." She gave in, not willing to protest anymore.

"Do you love me?"


"Do you love me to the moon and back?"


"Would you do anything for me?"


"Do you promise to sing to me every day?"





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