"I'm doing alright I guess. I live on my own now and sometimes it's pretty stressful, although I am glad to be away from my parents", I said and bit my lip.

"Did... Did they still..?", he asked insecurely.
"They did still hit me, yes. It never got better", I said and looked at the ground.
"Y/N, I'm sorry, I really am", Namjoon said.

"There's no reason for you to feel sorry, so don't", I said.
"There is. I shouldn't have left you alone. I should have done more. I should have protected you like I used to do", he said and I shook my head.

"I had to stand up for myself. I always knew you couldn't be around forever. So maybe it wasn't too bad that you left. Don't get me wrong, I really missed you, but I feel like that this was the final push I needed to get more independent."

He nodded and wasn't quite sure what to say.
"But what about you? How have you been?", I asked to change the topic.

"Well, at first it was quite hard for me, living in such a big city, but I quickly met new people, so it was alright I guess."

"I still regret not keeping in touch with you. I missed you so much but at first I ignored you because I was angry that you just left and afterwards I didn't have the guts to text you", I said and looked at him.

"And I thought you hated me so I didn't want to write you either", he said.
"Joonie, I never in my life hated you. Not even for a second", I said.

"Let's stay in touch from now on again, shall we?", he said and smiled.
"Yes, that would be great", I smiled and he took my phone out of my pocket to type his number in.

"You still got our date as your code?", he suddenly asked, looked up to me and smiled.
"Yes... I never changed it I guess", I said and smiled.

"Me neither", he said and smiled.
A few years ago we were incredibly close. We did everything together and he knew everything about me, as well as I knew everything about him.

But since that time we both hadn't been in a relationship, we decided to share our first kiss, just to try how it feels like of course. So since then, we had that date set as our access code to unlock our phones. And how it turned out, neither one of us changed it.

I smiled and watched him as he typed his number into my phone and saved it. He then put it back into my pocket and smiled at me.
"Don't you dare not write to me", he said and smiled.
"How could I not?", I laughed and we made our way into a park.

We sat down at a bench and just watched other people passing by.
"What are you doing back here in Sangdo-Dong anyways? Don't you work in another part of Seoul?", I asked after a while of silence.

"We do, but I wanted to see my parents again, so we came here today", Namjoon explained.
"I see", I said and nodded. Although I really missed him and we were close back in the days the atmosphere between us was a bit uncomfortable. And Namjoon seemed to notice it as well.

"Y/N, I don't want you to feel weird around me", he suddenly said and looked at me.
"I don't!", I immediately said. "It's just... weird to see you after so many years", I said.
"I know what you mean. But somehow I feel like nothing much has changed between us. You're still like you were before", he said.

"I know what you mean", I said and nodded. "But still, everything has changed.."

"Do you... Do you have a boyfriend?", he suddenly asked, leaving me confused and surprised.
"I don't. Why do you ask?"
"I just... never mind, forget it", he said and shook his head.

"Namjoon, what is it?", I asked, softly pulling his head towards me so he had to face me.
"I was... I was just wondering if.. if we can like.. repeat the kiss we had a few years ago", he said, leaving me speechless.
"I don't want you to feel pressured or think wrong about me, I just want to test if it still feels the same you know?", he quickly added.

"Uhm.. alright", I said and nodded after hesitating for a long time.
He smiled and turned towards me, his face was already pretty close to mine.
The tension between us was immense but that just made it more exciting.

It felt like ages before he finally closed the gap between our lips and kissed me softly. I immediately closed my eyes, placed my hand on his cheek and kissed him back.

I didn't know how he felt, but for me, that very moment felt like I was put back in time. In my opinion, the kiss ended way too soon. I looked at Namjoon and blushed a bit.

Luckily, he did blush as well.
"It's nice to see that nothing has changed. Well, for me at least", he said and smiled.
"It felt exactly like the kiss a few years ago", I said and smiled.

"Can I tell you something?", he asked shyly.
I nodded and looked at him.
"Now you own my first and my second kiss."

"Well, good, because I gave you mine as well", I smiled and blushed even more.
He smiled and said: "Let's make sure we stay in touch. Actually, I wouldn't mind sharing my third kiss with you as well."

"Sounds good to me", I said and nodded shyly.
After that, we talked about random things, until it got dark and Namjoon brought me back home. I realized how I missed spending time with him. He has always been special to me and he still was.

After he left I immediately texted him and as promised we stayed in contact. And we did, in fact, share our third kiss, but as time passed, it didn't remain just three kisses, and I was beyond happy to have him back in my life.

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