Chapter 22 📍

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Brett's pov
Liam's cute little head is laying on my chest.His hair was messed badly, but is fucking adorable. I missed this. I missed him.

I wake up to see Brett looking down at me. I smile and lay my head back down on his chest. I wrap my arms around him .He makes me feel different., but almost as something only to feel a void.It almost never felt this way before, but now it does. I can only think of Theo right now. I want life not to be complicated for once. Which I know won't happen nor it ever since we live in Beacon Hills.

I finally get up and go to Bretts's bathroom and find my toothbrush that he always had for me. I brush my hair out and I go back into his room placing a kiss on his lips. The problem when I kiss him it feels warm for a second but immediately goes away, but then I think of  Theo and the way I feel with I kiss him. I don't want to think of him right now, so I push that away.He grabs my hand and brings me back. I don't know if I'm going to be able to control myself I thought. I'm like a druggie going in for hits only to keep me high or for my case to feel warm and loved. Our lips collide.
His beautiful light blue eyes start to turn bright yellow.His eyes glow together as we continue to kiss.

We break apart after a while. We are gasping for breath. I watch him get up and takes his shirt off and grabs a towel and throws it over his shoulder. He smirks at me.

"Are you coming?" He asks smiling like a little kid.

I jump up fast. We undress and he turns the shower on. His shower is huge and tiled with grey stone. His lightly blurred door opens. He eyes me down. We stepped in the shower. We let the hot water hit us. Before I could get my hair wet he is pressing me up against the cold wall of the shower. Chills sent down my spine. He looks at me with his beautiful eyes. I feel something flutter in my stomach and it goes away fast leaving me disappointed.
We get out and get towel around us. We just fall onto bed and end of falling asleep in nothing but our towel, which end up on the ground. Our bodies tangled up in each other as we sleep. Brett's hand wrapped around my shoulders, pulling my in. Our feet touching. With every tingle our toes his each other feet sending shivers up each other's body, but still something was missing from my life right now.
Bahahahaha so sorry for this trash or pornish chapter. And sorry it was Brett and Liam not Theo and Liam. I promise I have a story line leading up to somewhere. HEHEHEHHE . But damn I ship Briam way more then I thought. Also we hit 1k words and plz vote. I need votes badly. Also I'm too lazy to go back and edit stuff so deal lol. It's 5 am and I have to be up at 8ish so r.i.p.....

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