Chapter 20📍

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I try to get home as fast as possible. When I park my car I shut the door gently. I try to sneak in the house as quickly and quietly as possible, but of course Theo is sitting there. He has dark circles under his eyes. He looks from having his face in his hands. I look down at my feet as I walk upstairs.
"Liam get down here." He says irritated.
"I'm tired Theo."
"Just tell me one thing, what were you actually doing?" He asks sternly.
"I already told you this before, I was with Mason." I said getting annoyed.
"You have no right to get a attitude with me Liam, I have been waiting for you for hours and I just want to make sure your okay!" He snapped.

I look at him is shock since I haven't heard him snap since the ghost riders.
"Well I'm fine, so goodnight." I say ignorantly.
I walk up the stairs and get into a pair of sweatpants and I crawl in bed looking at the celling. I finally turn over and bring my knee's to my chest, and I close my eyes but all I can think about is Brett. I shouldn't be thinking about him. I love Theo now. I hear Theo walk in and lay down in bed.  I feel his eyes on me and I feel  very uncomfortable. I start to feel this feeling growing inside of me. The pain runs up my chest and a jump up, and I run to the bathroom and I can barley make it to the toliet before I puke. Theo runs up to me.
"Oh my god Liam."
  I can't respond because of all the puke coming out of my body. I can't even catch a breathe. I start coughing and I fall off my knees to me back. I stay there looking at the celling. Theo helps me back to the bed but it hurts to lay down or sit or breathe. It doesn't feel right. Why am I feeling like this?
Hey babes I need votes and I'm #15 on thiam!! Holy crap. Thank you. Almost 1k views too.

I'm not dying for you. [Completed and in editing]Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz